Chapter 15

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Hey," We greeted while stepping into the room where we saw Niall fast asleep in his bed and Louis was sitting right next to him with his head in his hands. He looked up as soon as he heard us. "How's he doing?"

"Didn't wake up yet." He replied silently.

"What do you think might've happened?" Zayn asked while sitting down on one of the visitors chairs on the far end of the room.

"Sleepwalking?" Liam guessed. I silently looked over at Louis. He looked tired and troubled at the same time. His skin has lost it's colour and he's getting thinner by the day. I walked up to him and put my hand in his shoulder, lightly squeezing it.

"I saw him" He said lightly and I literally had to bend down a little to hear him speak up. "I saw him getting hurt in my dream. I saw that thing throwing the scissors at him." He muttered in an even tone. "God I should've taken the hint." He exhaled leaning to the front. His eyes were shimmering form the dim light of the night stand.

"Hey, hey. You didn't know that okay? It's not your fault." I said comfortingly. He let out a sigh of defeat before getting up from the chair and I quickly put a steady arm around him as he stumbled a step back before grabbing on to the chair with his head held down. A slight moan escaped his lips as he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment.

"Woah- you alright?" I asked holding on to him by his waist as he blinked a couple of times to the floor before opening his eyes wide.

"Yeah I'm- fine" He stood up straight and walked over to the table to pour himself a glass of water.

"Have you eaten anything Louis?" I asked watching his light walk.

"Yeah" He said taking a sip of water.

"When's the last time you ate?" I asked and he kept circling the water in his cup, seemingly distracted by something. I know he hasn't eaten in quite a while. As soon as Rose got admitted I barely saw him putting anything in his mouth. And that was two days ago. "Louis?"

"Yesterday." He said taking another sip. He wasn't good at lying. At least not around me. I'm the closest friend he has within the band. There's probably nothing I don't know about him. The same went for me.

"Don't lie to me." I said crossing my eyebrows and he let out a deep sigh holding on to the table and hanging his head low and I wasn't sure if he was doing that to stop himself from fainting or cause he was clearly annoyed by my questions.

"Couple of days ago." He murmured closing his eyes.

"Louis?!" Liam exclaimed from behind me.

"Right. Let's go and eat something." I suggested and he quickly stood up straight.

"I'm not hungry"

"You haven't eaten in two days! Are you gonna starve to death?! C'mon now." I yelled as I walked over to the door.

"I'm not eating hospital food."

"Then let's go home. Have a shower and change your clothes. You stink." I said holding the door for him.

"Niall-" He turned to the bed.

"Will be fine. We're here with him. Go." Zayn said taking the visitors chair that Louis was sitting on. Liam nodded in his seat. So we were soon driving back home.


"For real? Is he alright?" I almost yelled into my phone as Liam told me the greatest news we could hope for at that very moment. That Niall has woken up and doing fine.

"Yeah. He doesn't seem to remember much so I guess the sleep walking thing maybe." Liam said.

"Okay great. We'll be there. Louis just went upstairs to take a shower." I said before hanging up. Not wanting to wait for him to come out of his room I ran upstairs. Thank god I did. Cause I opened my door and fell almost speechless over what I was seeing.

"I just got off the phone w- What- What are you doing?" I asked looking through the bathroom mirror as I watched him standing in front of it, trying to open a blade from it's covering. I stepped inside to get a more clearer view as I was not sure if my mind was playing tricks on me or not. "Louis?"

"Stay back" He muttered as the tip of the blade appeared through the paper cover.

"Louis" I repeated while walking closer and he took few steps to the front before banging the bathroom door in my face. I was quick to put my shoe in the small gap to prevent him from locking it.

"Stay the fucking hell away from me Harry" He yelled pushing the door from inside when I pushed it from the outside. It's my strength against his and for him to not have eaten anything or got a decent rest in two days definitely served me an advantage.

"Are you sleepwalking again?" I yelled giving a strong blow against the door pushing it wide open. Louis stumbled back a few steps yet he didn't waste time on what he had his mind set towards. "Louis- STOP! What are you- HEY! STOP!!" I yelled jumping on his back and grabbing his hand that was holding the blade. Without letting him cut himself I managed to get the blade off of his grip.

"Get off me- Give me that" He spoke through his teeth and I quickly ran out of the bathroom and into his bedroom.

"No. What the fuck is going on?" I turned around. He didn't answer. He just pushed me down and reached out for the blade on my hand. "Calm down for just two seconds and just TALK! Okay? JUST TALK!" I shouted pushing him away from me. He finally backed up breathlessly and I was feeling the same way.

"Now." I said swallowing deeply. "What is going on?"

"She wants me dead Harry. But apparently I didn't die. So she's hurting everyone around me. This whole thing, would be over. If it weren't for me. All of it-" It was a pretty clear picture but still this is way too extream.

"You Don't Know That. You don't know what she's after. You don't know if she wants you, Rose or Niall or anybody dead-"

"Give me the fucking blade" He yelled coming closer to me and I wrapped my fingers around the sharp edges bowling the piece of metal in my hand without even caring whether I'd cut myself.

"No. Fuck! Snap out of it before I shoot you between the eyes." I screamed at him and I could clearly see tears running down his face by now.

"I can't take this. Haz, I'm not- I can't take this anymore. I don't wanna just stand back when I have a chance to change something-"

"Killing yourself doesn't change anything!" I yelled and he fell down to his knees helplessly resting his back against the wall. I kneeled down next to him. "Louis, we have a choice okay. We know the shit you're going through. If we find you a threat, we have a choice to leave you. We have a choice to abandon you. Why do you think we didn't?"

"Cause you can't. She'll pull you back in-"

"No! Fucking listen to me when I say this okay?" I yelled throwing the blade to the side and cupping the side of his neck so he was paying attention. "We didn't leave because, the thought of getting killed by being around you is so much smaller compared to the feeling of greatfulness we feel to have you around okay? You are gonna end your fucking life over one person. One person wants you dead. Ever thought about who wants you alive? Louis, you're a great friend. A son, a brother, an idol. Did you ever think about all of that?"

"I can't live like this-" He said scrunching his eye brows and leaning his head against the wall.

"Then we'll find a way." I sat down on the floor. "There's a way out of everything. We'll find it. We can do this. You can do this. You're the strongest person I know. Don't let this get to you."

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