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Changbin groaned as his alarm randomly went off. He didn't remember turning it on.

He reached over and tried to turn it off. He growled and sat up, picking up the alarm and turning it off. He placed the alarm down and laid back down.

He sighs and covers his face with his arms, the sun now hiding his arms and not his face.

His phone rang and he reached out and picked it up. He answered it and placed it against his ear.

"Hello?" Changbin says. "Hey, Binnie! Did I wake you up?" Felix asked. Changbin chuckles. "No, Lixie, you didn't wake me up."

"Did the alarm I set for you wake you up?" Felix asks. "You set that alarm?" Changbin whines as he sits up. "Yeah," Felix replies with a giggle, "You sleep all day, you need to do things." Changbin rolls his eyes. "Do you need anything?" Changbin asks.

"I forgot to get my coffee from Astronaut café. Can you get me it?" Felix asks. "Minho's working today, right?" Changbin asks. "Hold up."

After a few seconds, Felix spoke back with, "Yeah. He's working today." Changbin hums and yawns. "Alright, bye," Changbin says. "Bye, sleeping beauty."

Changbin ends the call and stretches upwards. He gets out of bed and goes to his dresser. He held the handle and pulled it, the handle coming off.

"The heck?"

He placed the broken handle on top of the dresser and slowly started to get dressed. He grabbed his phone and slipped it into his back pocket.

He walked over to the door and grabbed the handle, only having it pulled off. "Felix is gonna murder me," Changbin sighs as he glances over to the window.

He placed the handle onto the dresser top as he walked over. He opened the window and poked his head out. He looked over to see Felix's window open, like usual.

He's done this before since he would be too lazy to walk to the door and walk to Felix's room during college to wake him up.

He climbed out the window and climbed over to Felix's open window. He climbed inside the younger's room and sighs as he walked to the door.

He gently pulled it open after twisting the handle and he sighed with relief. He walked over to the front door and slipped on his shoes.

He grabbed his lanyard and left the apartment.


He entered the café and went over to the register.

"Hey, Changbin, what can I get you?" Minho asks. "Felix's usual," Changbin says. Minho chuckles and enters it in. "I was wondering where he was, is he alright?" Minho asks as Changbin hands him the money. "Yeah. Probably was in a rush to get to work," Changnin answers waving and going to a table.

Changbin walked into the news station, Felix instantly coming up to him. "Thanks," Felix says hugging the male quickly. "No problem," Changbin says.

"Can you bring me and Jisung food? We're really busy today," Felix asks. "Yeah. Chinese?" Changbin asks. "Yeah. Normal for me and I'll text you what Jisung wants," Felix explains. "Alright."

"Go home or go on a run. You don't need more muscle," Felix says. "You love them," Changbin says with a wink before leaving.

Felix rolls his eyes and walks back over to his desk.


Changbin was walking home, his mind racing with thoughts.

Did he magically become hulk or is he just sleeping?

Changbin winced and rubbed the spot on his arm where he pinched himself. "Okay, not sleeping," Changbin says with a sigh.

He stuffed his hands into his sweatshirt pocket as he stared ahead.

His course quickly changed when he was pulled into an alleyway. He groaned when he fell onto the ground.

"Seriously dude?"

Changbin glares at the man as he finished his sentence. The man held up a gun towards Changbin. "Woah, let's think about this," Changbin says as he slowly stands up.

The man only stares at Changbin with a smirk. 

A shiver went up Changbin's spin and he spun around and punched the man coming behind him, hard.

Changbin ducked and stepped back, kicking the man on the back which caused the man to stumble forward. The main guy stood back up and stalked towards Changbin. "You asked for it kid," The man says raising his fist to punch Changbin.

Changbin caught the fist and shoved the man against the wall. He twisted the man's arm back, a scream of pain coming from the man. Changbin held it for a couple of seconds before letting go of the man and ducking the punch that he felt was coming behind him.

Changbin winced when his back came in contact with a brick wall. He slides down the wall and extended his arm, his eyes shooting open. His eyes widen as he saw a web-connected to the trash can. He looked up and quickly yanked the string, it flying towards the man.

The man fell to the ground and Changbin stood up. He shot a couple of webs, it causing the man to stay on the ground.

Changbin looked over to the other man who quickly ran off, probably not wanting to get the same fate as his friend.

Changbin exhales slowly and squats down, running his fingers through his hair. An idea popped into his head and he slowly glanced at the brick wall.

Would this be a bad idea? Yes

Changbin stood up and stepped back a tiny bit. He ran and jumped at the wall, closing his eyes. He opened his eyes and his hands were sticking to the wall. He slowly started to climb and a small smile came to his lips.

He climbed to the roof and his feet his the ground with a small thud. He walked towards the ledge and looked out.

"So...if I can pull a garbage can by shooting webs...can I swing from building to building?" Changbin thought out loud. He glanced around the city, the tall buildings catching his eyes.

He pulled his phone out and clicked on Felix's contacts. Felix answered after the 3rd ring.

"Hey, Bokie," Changbin says. "What do you need?" Felix asks, the nickname only coming from Changbin when he needs something. "I just wanted to tell you I love you and you will always be my best friend."

That sentence shot right through Changbin's heart.

"Uh..sir, what're you doing?" Felix asks though Changbin ignored the question. "If I survive this, your lunch might be coming later."

"My lunch will come on time! What is your dumb ass doing!"

"I will bring your lunch if I don't die. Okay, bye-bye, see you later."

"Seo Chan-"

Changbin ended the call and slipped his phone into his back pocket. "Fuck. This is a bad idea," Changbin mumbles to himself. Yet, Changbin being Changbin, ignored his thoughts and jumped off the building.


Changbin shoots a web at a building and swinging away. "Holy fuck!" He yelled as he swung from web to web.

He landed on a building and does it again, a smile on his face. At this point in time, he was glad that people looked at their phones and not the sky cause this would probably look weird.

Changbin landed on top of a building and laughs quietly to himself as he placed his hands on his knees. He might've just found his new favorite thing to do.

He took out his phone to call Felix but stopped.

He knew to keep this a secret from his best friend was a bad idea but he knew it was only for his safety. Changbin put his phone away and sighs deeply.

Secret number 3 is now locked away in his brain with his other secrets.

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