보너스 장

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Felix didn't feel like getting out of bed, which Changbin was completely fine with.

"I will make you breakfast and do whatever you want, honey," Changbin says as he places a kiss on Felix's forehead who smiles. "Awe, thank you," Felix says. Changbin smiles and quickly gets out of bed to make his fiance food.

Felix sat up and adjusted the blanket, placing his hand on the bump and rubbing it. "You two are causing me so much torture. Daddy has to make your room now all by himself," Felix mumbles. He felt a soft kick and he giggles.

Changbin walked into the room with a plate of food and coffee. "It's been really quiet," Felix says as Changbin walked over. "That's good. I don't want to leave you alone while you're pregnant," Changbin says as he places the plate on Felix's lap.

"I'm due anytime-either this week or next," Felix says as Changbin kissed his head. "I know. I'll continue with the cribs," Changbin says. Felix smiles and nods his head. Changbin left the room and Felix started eating.

His phone rang and he grabbed it, answering it.

"Yes, Jisung?" Felix asks. "How are you feeling?" Jisung asks. "Fine. I'm just not getting out of bed so Changbin's finishing all the furniture," Felix says, smiling at how lucky he was. "Cute. Minho can come over to help if he wants," Jisung says.

"I'm sure Changbin would like to do it by himself. If we were still painting, I'm sure he would want help but he has instructions so he's good," Felix replies. "Okay. I forgot you two moved out into a house," Jisung says.

Felix chuckles. "It's a small neighborhood but the people are extremely nice so hopefully the babies will have friends," Felix says with another smile. "Ooh...sweet cause we're moving there as well."


"Yeah! We should be there around the time the kids are born, hopefully," Jisung says, the kids meaning Felix and Changbin's babies. "Yay!" Jisung giggles on the other line. "Well, I have to go. I have a job interview," Jisung says.

"Have fun~ Bye," Felix says. "Bye! Talk to you later," Jisung says before ending the call. Felix smiles and sets his phone down, continuing to eat his food.

*Time skip where the babies are born*

Felix was asleep in the hospital bed, Changbin holding Michi while Minho held Ryu, Jisung asleep as well. "My god they're beautiful," Changbin says with a smile. Minho nods his head in agreement. "I want a kid but I don't know if Jisung is ready. We held the wedding so you and Felix can have the babies," Minho explains letting the little baby hold his finger. "Ryu looks more like you."

Changbin smiles and nods his head. "I can already tell Michi is going to be a daddy's boy," Minho says with a chuckle. A nurse came in and she smiles. "I'll take the babies. They should be able to come home tomorrow evening," She says as she and another nurse took the babies. Changbin nodded his head and the nurses left.

"Well. I'm heading home with Jisung," Minho says as he picks up his fiance. "Alright. I'll stay here with Lix," Changbin says as he glances at his fiance who was facing him, still asleep. Minho nodded his head and he left with Jisung in his arms.

Changbin turned to face Felix, smiling. "Can you get in bed with me?" Felix mumbles as he opens his eyes. "Yeah." Felix scots over and Changbin slips off his shoes, slipping under the covers. "My lower back is going to hurt," Felix whines softly. "I'll take care of you," Changbin says as he kisses his head.

Felix smiles and looks up at him. "I love you," Felix whispers. "I love you, too. Now sleep, honey." Felix rests his head on Changbin's lap, closing his eyes and falling asleep slowly.  

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