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Please read at your own risk


Changbin left his room and saw Felix sitting on the couch with a glare. "Uh...you okay, Lixie?" Changbin asks. "Don't Lixie me," Felix snaps back. "W-What?"

"You know. I could've been manhandled yesterday if I didn't call the police," Felix says as he stands up. Changbin stared at him confusingly. "Did you not read my messages?" Felix asks. "I was busy," Changbin answers as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"You're busy every day," Felix mumbles as he rubs his arm. "You usually are too," Changbin says back. "Yeah. When the fucking news station wasn't being rebuilt," Felix snaps back. "Watch your language," Changbin says as he walks closer to Felix. "What're you gonna do? Nothing! Because in 5 minutes, your watch will beep and you're gonna have to leave like always."

"No, I won't!" Changbin shouts back. "Really now! Cause last night during dinner you had to leave for a work emergency!" Felix walked closer to Changbin and poked his chest. "Why the hell didn't you answer my calls!" Changbin clenched his fist. "My phone died," Changbin says causing Felix to raise his brow. "You always have your phone charged. You never let it die," Felix says.

"Maybe I did this time. You never know, Felix," Changbin says. Felix rolls his eyes and tried to walk past Changbin but the older pinned him against the wall.

Felix pushed him away and tries to walk off but Changbin spun him around and smashed their lips together. Felix kissed back immediately despite what his mind was telling him. Changbin pushed him against the wall with Felix hands gripping onto the older's hair, tugging it every so often. Felix pulled away to catch his breath as he looked at the older who was breathing heavily as well.

"I really think we shouldn't," Felix says. Changbin raises a brow but Felix brought him back into the kiss, missing the older's lips against his already.

The kiss was nowhere close to being soft and gentle. It was rough and hard, their tongues fighting for dominance.

Changbin squeezed Felix's ass, the younger moaning and brought Changbin closer.

Changbin moved his lips from Felix's swollen lips down to his neck, abusing it with bits and sucks. "H-Hyung," Felix moans out as Changbin found his sweet spot. Changbin smirked against his neck and sucked on the spot, creating a dark and more visible hickey than the others. 

Changbin picked Felix up by the thighs, the younger wrapping his legs around Changbin's waist. Changbin walked to his room and laid Felix down on the bed. He looked at the younger who was already a mess. His cheeks were flushed, his lips were glossy and swollen, and he was panting.

"So pretty," Changbin mumbles as he placed soft and gentle kisses along his neck. Felix hums at the action and slowly moved his hands up Changbin's back.

But their moment was rudely interrupted by Changbin's watch. Felix rolls Changbin onto the bed and holds Changbin's hands next to his head. "No." Changbin chuckles and rolls Felix back onto the bed. He takes off his watch and places it on the side table.

"It's just you and me, baby," Changbin whispers. Felix bits his bottom lip and nods his head. Changbin smirks and places a kiss on Felix's jawline before trailing the kisses down his neck. Felix closes his eyes and runs his fingers through the older's hair.

Felix pushed the older away to look at him but he lets the older kiss him again, his hands finding their way under his shirt. He pulled down the short a tiny bit where they rested at his hips to feel the skin but felt something else. He ran his finger against the pattern and smirks. He pulled away and looked at the younger. "Lace, mhm?"

Felix bit his bottom lip as he looked away. "No, no," Changbin says as he turns Felix's head to face him, "that's my job to ruin your pretty lips." Despite it being dark, Changbin could still make out the blush in Felix's cheek.

"Where'd you find them? I don't remember you having these," Changbin whispers into Felix's ear and kissing behind his ear. "I-In my closet," Felix stutters out. "Really now? Were they in a box?" Changbin asks, Felix quickly nodding his head. "What'd it say?"

"F-For my pretty baby," Felix moans out as Changbin created yet another hickey. "That's right," Changbin says as he pulls his lips away from Felix's neck and slipped the shirt off, "Just for my pretty baby."

Felix pushes Changbin to lay on the bed and he straddles his waist. He slips off the older's shirt, running his hands down his chest in a praising manner. Changbin laid there with a smirk on his lips as his hands rested on Felix's thighs.

The rest of the night is up to your imagination.

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