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Jisung walked into work, coming to an abrupt stop. "Uh...hi?" Jisung says giving an awkward wave to everyone who was looking at him.

One of his co-workers came over to him. "Where's Felix?" She asks, worried about their boss. "He got kidnapped. What's wrong?" He asks. "Office. Where have you been?" She asks. "Had to help his boyfriend. He's a mess right now," Jisung says.

"What's in the-"

"Hello everyone!"

Jisung snapped his head towards the voice and he raises a brow. "Uh...who are you?" Jisung asks. "I'm the new boss! My father, who was before whoever was in that office before me, put in his wile that I would take over the station," he says, a proud smile.

Jisung raises a brow. "Uh...I don't think so. Felix-"

"This Felix kid is not here right now."

"This kid is my friend who is somewhere right now. Our old boss told his boyfriend-"


Jisung raises a brow at him. "What? You homophobic?" Jisung asks walking closer. "Don't talk back to me. I'm your boss," he says, crossing his arms over his chest. "What're you going to do? Fire me? I would love that," Jisung says.

The man stared at him, hesitating. He glared at Jisung before speaking, "you're fired." Jisung shrugs his shoulders and walks towards the door. "Have fun dealing with them," Jisung says before leaving the place.


Felix lifted his head up and glares at the man. "Who are you giving my heart to?" He asks Norman. "Straight-"

"Give me the damn reason!"

Norman raises his hands in surrender before speaking. "It's for my wife. Her heart is slowing down and she-"

"Why the hell didn't you take her to the damn hospital! You kidnapped me while I was out with my own lover! He's upset, probably. Devasted that he couldn't protect me from your selfish ass."

Norman stepped back at the boy's outburst.

"You kidnapped me. Knocked me out and took me from my friends, my job, and my boyfriend! You and your selfish ass will take your wife to get a proper heart transplant," Felix says as he pokes his chest. "The more time I'm here, the more time you're giving me ways to murder both you and your-"

"I'll let you go."

Felix stopped and stood up straighter. "What?" Felix says. "I'll let you go. Doc Oct and I are leaving this evening for something." Felix stepped back. "Why...why are you letting me go?" Felix asks in a low voice.

"Because...because I shouldn't have taken you from your own lover. It was wrong of me."

Felix's eyes narrow at him. "Is there a tracking device in me?" Felix asks. Norman pauses. "One second." Felix scoffs as Norman leaves. He came back in and checked over Felix, shaking his head. "No, you don't have one."

Felix nodded his head and Norman took out an object, Felix smiling brightly. He grabbed his phone and Norman left.

He sat on his bed and unlocked his phone, quickly calling Changbin.

After a couple of rings and failed answers, someone finally picked up.

"I thought-"


"Felix! Oh my fucking god! Are you okay! Where are you!"

Felix could tell Changbin had been crying and it broke his heart.

"Binnie. Binnie, I'm okay. Don't cry," Felix says but that didn't stop the older who broke down. "I-I miss you s-so much! W-Where are you! Y-Your bracelet broke off a-a-and I couldn't find you," Changbin sobbed. Felix's eyebrows furrow. "What?" Felix asks. "I-I asked C-Chan to put a tracking device in the gemstone of your bracelet. P-Please don't be angry, I-I did it t-to make sure-"

"Binnie. I have to go," Felix whispers quickly. "B-But! But baby!" Changbin says. "Horizon park at 9 pm," Felix whispers, the footsteps growing closer. "W-Why?" Changbin asks. "Do it, Binnie. I have to go."

Changbin sniffles and nods his head. "I love you, Binnie," Felix says with a smile. "I-I love you, too." Felix ends the call and slips his phone under the pillow.


Night arrived and Felix looked at his phone time, seeing it was 7 pm. He heard the front door open and close. He got out of bed and walked over to the door, twisting the handle. He pulled it open and poked his head out, seeing it was dark.

He exhales and turns on his phone flashlight. He closed the door and walked down the hallway. He arrived at a door and opened it, fresh air coming inside. He exhales and stepped out, shivering at the cold that hit his leg.

He closed the door and started running towards the park.

He arrived and he sat at a park bench, seeing he still had 5 minutes till Changbin's arrival. He closed his eyes only to hear feet land a few feet away. His eyes shot open and he looked over, exhaling only to see spider-man.

The hero looked over and ran over, squatting down and placing his hand son Felix's knees. "Hey," Felix says a small giggle. "I-I thought I lost you." Felix's eyebrows furrow. "What-"

The hero stood up and held his hand out. "I'll tell you, but not here." Felix grabbed his hand and let him be pulled up. "Hold on," He says. Felix wrapped his arms around the male's neck before he swung over to a building.

They landed and Felix stepped back. "Who-"

The hero took off his mask and looked at him, Felix's eyes building up with tears. "I-I'm-"

Felix cut off his sentence by smashing their lips together. Changbin smiles as he held Felix close, tears rolling down his cheeks. Felix pulled away and rested his forehead on Changbin's. "You're...you're not angry?" Changbin asks. Felix shakes his head and kisses Changbin's nose. "Just don't break a bone and we'll be good. I still want to marry you," Felix says.

Changbin smiles and nods his head. "Let's get home. I need my blanket," Felix says as Changbin slipped his mask back on. Felix lifted the bottom half and pecked Changbin's lips, the older smiling. Felix pulled his mask back down.


They got home and Felix ran to the bathroom, taking a shower. Changbin smiles and goes to his room, hanging his suit in the back of his closet once again. "Binnie! Can you get me clothes!" Felix's voice came from the bathroom. "Yeah!"

Changbin grabbed a random shirt from his own closet before going to grab a pair of underwear for Felix. He walked into the bathroom and placed the clothes down. Felix poked his head out from the shower with a smile. "Binnie."

Changbin looked at him and a smile came to his face before Felix brought his head back into the shower. Changbin undressed and stepped into the shower, wrapping his arms around Felix's waist and leaving small kisses on his shoulder.

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