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Felix and Jisung got out of the car when they arrived at the boat port. Someone walked up to them and Felix inhaled sharply. "Are you Jisung?" The male asks. Jisung nodded his head. "Yep! I uh guess you're David?" Jisung asks which earned a nod from the male.

The male, David, nods his head. "Come," He says as he wrapped an arm around Jisung's shoulder and he leads them to the boat, Felix glaring at the man's arm around his best friend's shoulder.

They soon got on the boat and David left. "I hope he doesn't come back," Felix says as he pulls out his own camera out from his bag. Jisung rolls his eyes at him as he looked out the window. "You told Changbin, right? We might be home a little late." the question earned a nod from Felix and he took a quick picture of the water.

Jisung frowns at him. "are those for the paper?" Jisung asks. Felix shook his head as he looked at him. "For me," Felix says with a smile. Jisung smiles back and nods his head.

Soon enough, the boat started moving. Felix always got seasick but he had medication he could take, but he took it before they left the office.

Felix took pictures of the water, Jisung looking out of the water, or the disappearing city behind them.


Changbin sat on top of a building as he watched the whale watching boat drive off.

Yes, he did follow the youngers to the port.

Yes, he was skeptical of them going on the boat.

But he didn't know if it was a good idea to hitch a ride on the boat.

He sighs and took off his mask, rubbing his face with his hands. He looked forward and watched the boat go further. It was oddly quiet around the city, only petty theft that Changbin let the police handle.

He pulls out his phone and unlocked it, smiling at the background. It was the picture Felix had sent yesterday, except it wasn't the one with the face in the window. Changbin jumped slightly when his watch started beeping.

He looked away from his phone and down at his watch. His eyebrows furrow at the news Jeongin had frankly sent him. He looked up and nearly choked on his air. The same boat Felix and Jisung were on was split in half.

He pulled on his mask and he heard sirens. He looked back to see the police but Chan beating them and Minho riding on his motorcycle. Changbin shot a web and Chan grabbed it and continued to fly towards the breaking boat.

Changbin looked down to see Minho's motorcycle wheels transformed to be able to ride on the water. Even though Minho didn't have powers, he had pretty cool equipment and could fight really well.

"Changbin. Can you combine the two pieces of ships?" Chan asks. "Yeah," Changbin says. "Great. Hope you can do it quickly." Changbin looked up at Chan confused before he flung him towards the boat.

Felix grabbed onto Jisung's hand. "I should've listened to you," Jisung says as he tries to pull Felix up. "It wasn't your fault, but we got a free boat ride." Jisung laughs and nods his head. "True."

Felix pulled himself up and grabbed onto the set next to Jisung. His eyes widen as he saw a familiar person swing past. "Is that-" Felix nodded his head with a smile. "Spider-man." Jisung slowly looks at him. "You have a crush on him?" Felix's ears turned red and he nodded his head. "No! I admire him. Two totally different things!"

Jisung snorts and shakes his head. He was about to speak but his eyes caught someone in the corner of his eyes. He looked over and his mouth dropped at the person. "Holy shit." Felix looks at Jisung and snorted. "You have a boyfriend." Jisung slowly looks at him. "Boyfriend wh-"

Screams cut Jisung's sentence off. Felix looked over and his eyes widen as he saw a little kid sliding down. Felix reached out and grabbed the kid's hand.

Changbin held onto two of the webs he shot and glanced over, his eyes softening at Felix holding onto a kid. He shook the thought off and focused on what he was doing. He grunted and his hands slipped from the webs as something made contact with his back. He turned around and shot a web, it connects to the boat. He swung around and landed on the other side.

Chan came over and hovered in the center. "Two of my other suits are on the way. Who caused it?" Changbin shrugged his shoulder when the boat started to shake.

The little kid, whose name Felix found out was Daniel, held onto Felix as the young adult held onto the chair. The boat started to shake and Felix's hands started slipping. Jisung tried to grab onto Felix but he was too slow and Felix fell through the open archway into the water.


Changbin snapped his head around and he heard a splash. He shoots a web on the opposite side and swung onto the top of the boat, catching sight of the two suits of Chan's flying over. He went to where he heard the splash and his eyes widen as he saw Felix trying to keep afloat with a kid in his arms.

Changbin jumped over to the other side and slide down. "Oh, nice to see you," Felix says and Changbin chuckles. He shot a web and it connected to the little pole on it. He climbed down and reached a handout, Felix grabbing it and Changbin started to pull him, the kid amazed at how strong the hero was.

He pulled Felix onto the boat and held his waist securely. One suit came onto their side and pushed it, Felix squeaking. "I would hold on to you, but I have a baby," Felix says causing Changbin to chuckle. He glanced over to the shore to see multiple news stations and people.

The boat was pushed together and Chan shot light beams to seal it together. "You know. I'm attempting to give you something since you are always in trouble," Changbin says as he let go of Felix. Felix chuckles and nods his head. "Probably should."

"Excuse me, mister," Daniel says as he pokes Changbin who looks at him. "What's your name?" He asks. "It's spider-man." Chan landed next to them. "Alright, kid, take them to the dock," Chan said to Changbin which earned a nod.

He looked at Felix who nodded his head and he wrapped one arm around him and shot a web at Chan who glared at him. "I can't swim with two people," Changbin says as Chan lifted off into the air. "Whatever."

They made it to shore and Chan set the three gently on the ground. Changbin slipped his arm off of Felix's waist and people came over to him, asking millions of questions while pushing Felix away, him almost falling into the water again.

A paramedic walked over and quickly moved Felix to sit at the ambulance. Daniel didn't want to move from Felix since he was his main warmth so the paramedic draped the blanket over Felix's shoulders. "I feel like I've seen you before."

Felix smiles at him. "I was at the hospital a month ago and I'm around town a lot. Especially at Astronaut cafe, I know mosr of the workers," Felix says. "Oh...really? I just found it out, I'm new to the city." A small red tint came to his cheeks causing Felix to chuckle. "You got a good-paying job for being new here."

The paramedic nods his head. "Yeah, I guess you're right," He says. "What's your name?" Felix asks. "I'm Hoongjoong," He says with a smile. "I'm Felix." Jinho smiles and looks at the hero who was trying to getaway. "You know him?" He asks which earned a shrug from Felix. "I mean...he saves me a lot, so...maybe?" The two laugh at each other. "Do you uh...mind if I can have your phone number?"

Felix smiles and nods his head. "My phone's probably broken, do you have a piece of paper?" Felix asks with a smile. Hoongjoong nods his head and takes out a piece of paper and writes his number down.

He hands it to Felix who smiles at him. "...My boyfriend's probably going to ask how I know you," Felix says. "Oh, you have a boyfriend?" Hoongjoong asks. "Yep. Gay as I'll ever be, you?"

A small blush came to Hoongjoong's cheeks. "Bisexual." A smile came to Felix's face. "I know a great place to find some people for you," Felix says with a smirk, "If I can get my phone fixed, I'll tell you and take you there." Hoongjoong looks at him. "Is it a bar?"

"Pfft is it a bar?" Felix laughs but stops, "No, it's not. It's a cafe." Jinho looks at him. "I promise. I see a lot of cute boys there before I started dating my current boyfriend," Felix explains. Hoongjoong nodded his head with a small smile. "Alright."

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