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Felix walked out of his room fully dressed. Though, it was cold out so Felix was wearing jeans that had rips on the knees and a baby pink sweatshirt. He knocked on Changbin's door before opening it, frowning as he didn't see the male in bed.

He didn't hear the water running as well so he had probably already had left for work. Felix sighs and closes the door before walking in the quiet apartment to the kitchen, which wasn't far though it felt like it was.

He made himself a small bowl of cereal and looked outside, seeing how the trees were moving not quite harshly but not gently either. He ate his breakfast, still wondering why Changbin didn't wake him up telling him he was leaving. He shrugged it off, thinking it was because he was in a rush.

He finished eating and dumped the rest of the milk out he didn't drink. He placed it in the drying rack after cleaning it and went to brush his teeth.

He finished and went to the front door to put his shoes on. He stood back up and grabbed his bag and keys before leaving the apartment, locking the door behind him. He exhales and walks down the stairs to the bus stop, the wind being too crazy to walk all the way there.

He sat down and looked at his phone, frowning as he saw no texts from Changbin. He sighs and stuffs his phone into his front pocket as he waited for the bus to arrive. The bus arrived and Felix stands up and enters the bus. He pays and finds a seat on the non-crowded bus.

Felix took out his earbuds and plugs them into his phone and turned on Twice'snew album. He pulls his hood up and stared outside. As he looked outside, he caught sight of someone swinging from a building, two people flying as well.

Felix sat up straighter as his eyes followed the people, other people on the bus seeing it as well. Felix took out his phone and quickly got a few pictures to show Jisung when he gets to the station.

His stop came and he got up and left the bus. He walked the short distance to the station and opened the door, greeting the other people with a smile. It was darker than usual in the building but that could probably be because the lights were off and it was extremely cloudly outside.


Jisung jumped and looked at Felix. "You scared me, holy shit." Felix chuckles and sits down and places his bag on the floor. "Look what I caught pictures of when I was on the bus,"  Felix says as he opens his photo gallery and shows the pictures to Jisung whose eyes widen.

"Holy gay! That's ironman," Jisung says as he points to the man in the iron suit. "Yeah. No dip but who are the other people?" Felix asks. "Hell do I know," Jisung says. "You write the crime articles," Felix says. "Doesn't mean I know the superhero names," Jisung says with an eye roll.

Felix pouts and turns off his phone and places it on his desk. "Anyway, how is your and Minho's relationship?" Felix asks as he turns to Jisung who smiles. "Better, actually, I talked to him and he just explained that he got a different job," Jisung explains.

Felix's mouth formed an 'o' and he nodded his head. "Good," Felix says as he turns to his computer and turned it on. "What about you and Changbin?" Jisung asks. Felix shrugs his shoulders. "He comes home late with cuts and bruises and goes to his room. The next morning he's gone," Felix says with a sad sigh. "Have you tried talking to him?" Jisung asks which earned a nod from Felix. "Yeah...I'll try again tonight."

Footsteps were heard coming over and Felix and Jisung both looked up to face their boss. "I have an announcement for you both," He says with a smile. "Jisung...you're going to have a partner," He says causing Jisung to smile and spin happily in his chair. "Who is it?" Jisung asks as he stops spinning to face his boss.

"Felix, of course," He says causing Jisung to squeal and spin in his chair again. "W-Wait...what about the science article?" Felix asks as he looks at him. "Don't worry. You'll be their editor since you know so much about it," He says. Felix smiles and high-fives Jisung.

Mr. Kang chuckles and walks off.


Work ended and Felix waved bye to Jisung. Felix pulled his hood up and stuffed his hands into his sweatshirt pocket. As he walked, he had the familiar feeling that he'd been having for the past couple of weeks of someone following him.

He glanced back and saw nobody. He rubs his arm out of discomfort as he continued his walk home. His heart sped up as quick, heavy footsteps were heard behind him. Before he could even react, he was grabbed by the back of his sweatshirt and yanked into an alley.

His back made harsh contact with a brick wall which caused a wince to come from him. He gulped as he looked at the man in front of him who looked crazy.

"What's a pretty boy like you always walking home alone," He says as he placed his hands on either side of Felix's head. Felix didn't answer as he felt himself get smaller in the man's presence. "Quiet one are we?"

Felix gasped and tried to move the man's hand away. "S-Stop," Felix said as he tried to get the man's hand away from his waist.

It didn't feel right and he felt disgusting.

"Aw, why baby?"

Felix felt like crying as the man started to touch him more. Felix felt weak against the man's hold. Felix wanted to keep fighting but he knew he was going to lose.

Suddenly, he felt a harsh slap to his face. He held it as tears flowed down his cheeks, memories flooding back. Felix slides down the wall as the now angry man who trying to harm him.

He didn't want to be here. He wanted to be home. Home where he felt secure and comfortable and warm.

He felt cold, defenseless, and disgusting.

His head was harshly yanked forward causing a cry of pain come from Felix. "Be quiet you bitch," The man growled.


The man let go of Felix's hair which caused Felix to lay on the ground. Felix couldn't make a run for it since the man was standing in front of him so he slowly crawled somewhere else. He sat in the place and looked, his eyes widening as he saw a familiar person from this morning.

"What do you want, freak?" The man asks as he walks over towards the person. "Wow. So scared." Felix let out a quiet giggle at the person's tiny humor.

The person, let's call him spider-man as Felix had seen the person swing from what looked like webs this morning, punched the man. The man stumbled back but stood there confused as spider-man had suddenly disappeared.

The person quickly appeared from behind the man and he shot webs that connected the trash cans. The person yanked hard which sent the trash-cans flying towards the man who fell to the ground. Spider-man squatted down and flicked the man's forehead and shot webs to keep the man on the ground.

Felix quickly took a photo before putting his phone in his pocket. Spider-man walked over and offered a hand, Felix taking it and standing up. "You alright?" The person asked which earned a nod from Felix. "Yeah...I'm fine," Felix says. "Alright, be careful next time."

Felix nods his head but stopped the person before they could leave. "Do you have a name?" Felix asks. "Like a superhero name." The person chuckles but shakes his head and jumped onto the wall that was next to them. "You got one? I could use one?"

Felix nods his head. "Uh...spider-man?" Felix says. The person hummed and nods his head. "I like it." Felix smiles and a beeping sound came from the man's suit. "Welp gotta go. Be safe," He says before swinging off. A smile came to Felix's lips before walking the rest of the way home.

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