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Felix smiles as he entered the science industry with the girl next to him. "Don't be nervous. It'll be fine," Felix says as she pats her back. She exhales and nods her head before they start walking.

Felix looked around as he took pictures on his phone and sending them to Changbin who replied with small hints of jealousy. He giggles and slips his phone into his back pocket. He caught up with the girl who was staring at a group of people.

"What?" Felix asks. "T-They're fighting and the head scientist is in there," She explains and Felix rubs her back. "Just wait for a little," Felix reassures. They waited and the two other scientists walked off. "Okay," Felix says and the two walkover, the scientists looking at him.

"Felix! Long-time no see," The scientist says as he shakes Felix's hand. Felix chuckles and nods his head. "Yes. This is one of my science journalism," Felix says as she smiles at the man who smiles back.

Felix looked around and his eyes caught something. He patted her back before walking off towards the exhibit. As he was looking through it, he felt a presence next to him. He looked over to see a man around his 30s just looking at the exhibit information.

Felix shook the feeling away and continued to observe.

"Interesting, mhm?"

Felix jumped at the man's voice. It sounded raspy and cold.

"Interesting how the body works like this." The man reached out and touched the model. "I-I don't think you're allowed to touch the model, sir," Felix spoke up but the man ignored him. Felix wished at times like this he had a panic button on his phone to have Changbin come and get him.

"One little fall"--the man pulled off an arm from the model--"and you'll break." The man turned to Felix who fell to the floor. His face wasn't normal. It was...liquidy and watery almost as if he was made out of water.


Felix was lifted off the ground by the girl. "Are you okay?" She asks. Felix slowly nodded his head and gulped. "Did...did you get everything Rose?" Felix asks. Rose nodded her head with a small blush. "Okay...let's go then."

Rose was taken off guard by her boss's change in behavior as they walked out. "Felix. Are you sure you're okay?" She asks which earned a nod from Felix. "Yeah...I'm fine. What makes you think that?" Felix asks as he looks at her with a smile. Rose shrugged her shoulder and rubbed her arms.

They arrived back at the building and Jisung stopped him. "Changbin's waiting for you in your office," Jisung says with a wink. Felix nodded his head and just walked to his office which confused Jisung with his actions.

Felix opened the door and saw Changbin sitting in his office chair with flowers in his lap. Changbin looked up from his phone and his smile dropped to a worried frown. "What's wrong?" Changbin asks as he stands up. He walks around the desk and places the bouquet of flowers on the desk.

Felix walks over and wraps his arms around the older's torso and buried his face into Changbin's chest. Changbin wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist and kissed his temple. "Did something happen?" Changbin asks which earned a nod from Felix. Changbin pulled back a little and lifts Felix's chin.

"Do you want to talk about it right now?"

Felix nods his head and pulls Changbin to sit on the couch. Changbin wrapped an arm around Felix's waist and gently rubbed it. "What happened?" Changbin asks. Felix exhales and rests his head on Changbin's shoulder. "It's...it's just while Rose and I were at the science industry, I walked off to go look at one of the exhibits. While I was standing there, a man stood next to me and started to speak to himself or me. He reached out and touched one of the models in the exhibit and broke one of the arms off," Felix explains, "I fell to the floor and when he looked at me...it almost looked as if his face was liquid or melting off. Rose came not a second after and we left."

"You sure you weren't seeing things?" Changbin asks. Felix rubbed his head and shrugs his shoulders. "I probably am. I probably haven't been eating or drinking a lot," Felix mumbles as he looks up at him. "Extra dinner for you tonight," Changbin says as he kisses his cheek. Felix giggles and nods his head. "You brought me flowers? You didn't have to," Felix says as he got up from the couch.

Changbin chuckles and rubbed the back of his neck as Felix picked up the flowers. Felix turns to him with a smile as Changbin walked over. "Shouldn't you get back to work?" Felix asks. "I will. I came to take you to lunch," Changbin says. Felix places the flowers down and kisses Changbin who smiles. "Let's go then. I'm hungry."

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