삼십 오

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Felix washed his mouth and looked at his watch. It was 12 in the morning and he had to get up and throw up. He didn't feel sick but he thought it was from the food him and Changbin ate last night.

He rubbed his face and exited the bathroom. He walked over to Changbin's room and slowly opened the door, Changbin's bareback facing him as his blanket rested at his lower waist.

He walked inside, closing the door. He glanced over to see Changbin asleep. He walked over and laid behind the older. He pulled the blankets over them and wrapped his arms around Changbin's waist. He closed his eyes and fell back asleep.


Felix woke up to Changbin out of bed. He frowns and sat up. He looked over to see Changbin's watch off so he was still home or maybe on a run but Changbin's phone was there.

Felix got out of bed and left the room, walking down the hall. He reached the main room and smiles seeing Changbin cooking breakfast.

Felix walked over and hugged Changbin from behind. "Hey, baby," Changbin says as Felix kisses his cheek. "Hi," Felix says. "You feeling okay? You came into my room pretty late," Changbin asks as Felix sits on the counter next to the stove. "Yeah. I just threw up," Felix reassures.

Changbin frowns at him. He placed the spatula down and brought Felix's head down. He moved his bangs and felt his forehead before kissing it. "You don't have a fever. Do you feel sick?" Changbin asks. Felix shakes his head. "No, but I'm hungry."

Changbin smiles at him as he moves to grab plates. "Than you are lucky that I finished breakfast," Changbin says as he puts the eggs on the plates. He hands one of them to Felix and goes to grab a fork.

He handed one to Felix and Changbin stood in front of him. "Isn't it uncomfortable to stand and eat?" Felix asks as he slowly started eating, not wanting to upset his stomach. "Nope." Felix giggles and picked up some of Changbin's eggs, feeding him.

"You wanna just go on a walk?" Changbin asks. "Yeah. It's a bit chilly though," Felix says. "Perfect time to walk around the park," Changbin says which made Felix smile. "You're right."

They finish eating and they cleaned their dishes, Changbin flinging water at Felix who glared at him. Changbin only kissed him afterward which made the younger smile.

They got changed, Felix taking one of Changbin's sweatshirts.

Lucky, they lived close to a park so they didn't have to go far. Changbin locked the door and took Felix's hand, smiling at him. Felix chuckles at him and kissed him before they started walking down the stairs.


"Hey, Binnie?"

Changbin looked over to Felix who was seated next to him on the bench as he observed the kids that were playing at the playground. Felix looked at him to see a concerned look. "Yes?" Changbin asks, holding his hand tighter.

"You ever think we would be good parents?" Felix asks. Changbin nods his head quickly. "You think we wouldn't?" Changbin asks. Felix shrugs his shoulders. "I mean...you fight crime and I don't even know what I'm doing now. I just stay home now and do a blog with Jisung. We might not have enough time to be actual parents to them."

Changbin held Felix's hand tighter. "I feel useless a little bit. I only helped you guys once but other than that...I do nothing," Felix says as his eyebrows furrow, almost as if he was just talking to himself.

"You could always help Jeongin. It's always him talking to us and helping. Sometimes he can't hack into any of the cameras to see," Changbin says. Felix looks at him. "I mean..yeah I guess," Felix says.

"Plus if we have kids. They'll give you company when I'm out," Changbin says as he kisses the side of Felix's head. Felix giggles at him and hugs his arms. "Yeah..you're right."

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