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Place: Mafumafu's House
Time: Late Evening

"I can't wait~" Mafumafu overjoyed. "Why?" Luz sipped the drink. Along with him, there were Amatsuki and Soraru. "Eee~ Luz-kun is meanie... Don't tell me you forget my birthday!" He poked the taller cheeks. "Stop disturbing him, Mafumafu,". Soraru scolded him while Amatsuki squealed, "Ah~ To get poke by Angel... So jealous! Poke my cheeks too, My Angel!!!".

"Hehehe.. Sorry, Luz-kun,". Mafumafu completely ignored Amatsuki. "Umm.. It's fine,". "Luz-kun, Amatsuki-kun and Soraru-san, you're invited to my birthday party! I wanna invite everyone too!" Declared Mafumafu. Amatsuki's eyes shining brightly like stars, "To be invited by Angel~ Is this heaven? God bless meeee!!". "You're loud!" Soraru annoyed. "Everyone?". Somehow Luz didn't felt at ease.

Mafumafu nodded.He counted with his fingers.He said some names until,  "Who's else? Ah! Sakata-san, Senra-san, Shima-san and Urata-san! How come I forgot those four?" *cough* Luz chocked. "Luz! Are you okay?" Soraru concerned of his younger utaite. He gently stroked Luz's back.  "I'm...fine.. Thank you," Luz's throat hurt and he felt hard to breath."Come to think it... I haven't meet or hear from USSS lately," Amatsuki uttered his thoughts.

"You're right, Amatsuki-kun," Agreed Mafumafu. "What I fear become true,". Luz sweated. "Umm... Actually....". Three of them busy chatted with each other. "Do you want to tell something, Luz?" Asked Soraru. Three pairs of eyes darted to Luz. "Nevermind.. I got to go. Thanks for invitation, Mafu," Luz excused himself. "Oh! Luz-kun, please tell USSS if you meet them, ok?!" Mafumafu raised his voice, hoping Luz will hear it. "Luz-kun... Perhaps, you're hiding something?"


"What should I do? At this rate, everyone will know that USSS members had became kids... It'll create chaos!". "Pa...." "" "Papa! You're overpouring the tea!!". Senra shouted, dragged Luz to reality. "?! Sen-kun?! Are you hurt or burn somewhere?". He wiped Senra's pant. Senra shooked his head.Luckily to him, the tea wasn't hot. The kids felt worried of their Papa.

"..... I'm sorry....". Luz felt guilty. Shima and Urata exchanged looks to each other, as if they communicated through telepathy. They hesitated to ask Luz but the younger didn't think so. "Papa? Are you trouble by something?" The innocent Sakata asked questions to him. "Yeah... You're worrying about something, right?" Added Senra. The brunette and purplehead quickly covered their mouths.

"It's fine, Ura-kun, Mashi-kun,". Urata and Shima uncovered the younger mouths. "I'm sorry if I make you worry.. But I'm fine," Luz lied to them because he didn't wanted to burden them. "No! You're not fine, Papa!" "Papa! You're lying!" Shima and Urata said at the same time. Luz shocked. "You're lying to us?" Sakata at the verge of tears. "Eventhough you said it's bad to lie?". Senra disappointed.

"It's not like that..". Luz stared deeply into the children' eyes. "These kids... can see through me? They're too pure,". The children patiently waited for his replies. Luz clenched his fists.He decided to let them know and the way to solve it. "Yes.. Something had bothering me... Will you help me?" "Anything for you,Papa!".


「COMPLETED」We Love You, Papa! (UraShimaSakataSen x Luz)Where stories live. Discover now