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"Are you ready, guys?". The kids nodded. Along with them were backpacks. Luz opened the door and took the first step, "Let's go!". "Um!". They're moving to Luz's place. "I hope this is the right decision. Sooner or later, Mafu and other will realize the disappearance of USSS. It'll be weird if I stayed at Urata-san's place with these kids,".(A: Gomene! Idk their locations... so I assumed that their places kinda far from each other)

Luz looked outside through the window. Right now, they're in Shinkansen (bullet train) to Luz's house."Papa, Papa! What's that?" Sakata pointed to the red tall tower which caught his attention. "Oh! It's Tokyo Tower. The landmark of Tokyo,". OoO "Then, what's that thing?". He pointed to another buildings. Luz explained to him. Senra was reading a picture book while Urata and Shima were sleeping. They're tired from took care of their younger while helping Luz packed the bags.


Place: Mafumafu's House

Mafumafu just finished his arrangement for his new birthday song when his phone ringed. "Hew..llo?". He's kinda tired and sleepy because he's doing the preparations for his birthday live concert too. "Uh! Hello, Mafumafu. Urata's speaking,". Mafumafu widen his eyes, "U-Urata-san?!".

"Urata-san, where you're disappearing?! Do you know how much everyone worried about you? Are USSS with you too?". Mafumafu attacked him with a ton of questions using his famous high pitch. Well, they're 'disappearing' for almost fortnight, right after Senra's birthday. He heard sobbing from the other side, "Ah! U-Urata-san! Don't cry! I-I didn't meant to yell at you,". *Silence*.

"Hello? Urata-san? Are you still there?". "Hello? Mafumafu!". Someone took the phone from Urata. "This voice... Sakatan?". "Yeah, it's me. I'm sorry for not informing you earlier, but we can't attend your party, Mafumafu,". A frown appeared on Mafumafu's face, "Hmm..Is that so?"

"Yeah... We're on vacation, along with Mashi and Senra. The weather pretty bad, here. We can't tell if we could make to your party. We're so sorry,". Mafumafu sighed, "It can't be help... By the way, why you sounded like a kid?". He got curious. "Flu,". Short reply."Oh? Get well soon. Please send my regards to Senra-san and Shima-san,ok?". "I will. Bye,". The conversation ended. "Is it just me or... everyone acting weird?"

Place: Luz's House

"Syuuh.. Don't cry, Ura-kun," Luz comforted the crying Urata. Mafumafu scared him with his high voice. "He's.... scaw..rry,". "He's not yelling at you.. He just worry about you,". "Really?". Urata looked up at Luz with his teary eyes. Luz gave him 'trust me' look. Urata stopped sobbing. Luz wiped his tears and his nose. "Good.. You're doing well, Ura-kun,".

"Papa! Here!" Sakata gave Urata's phone to him. "All according to the plan. At least it solved one problem,". Shima's strecthing his body, "It's so tiring,". "Yeah," Senra agreed with him. Senra and Shima helped Sakata by reading and changing the 'dialog scripts' which prepared by Luz. "Good job, minna! Now,.... hu..h?". He suddenly felt dizzy and started to lost balance. "Papa!!" That's the last thing he heard before his vision completely turned black.

「COMPLETED」We Love You, Papa! (UraShimaSakataSen x Luz)Where stories live. Discover now