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Jordan opens her eyes as the sun starts hitting her face

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Jordan opens her eyes as the sun starts hitting her face. Frowning she realizes her head is not on a pillow and it's on someone's chest instead. She tries to move but a hand is holding her waist tightly.

"Hey," She starts shaking Trent as her leg is also tangled up with his. "Let me go," She starts whining but he seems to have a heavy sleep because he doesn't even flinch. "I have to go!" She raises her voice as she tries with all her strength to push him off, and she achieves it but as he rolls off the couch his arm and legs are still holding her so they both fall off the couch with Jordan on top.

Trent scared, wakes up and frowns at her. "What the hell, Jordan?" His back hurts from the landing.

"You weren't let go of me, I had to do something," She defends herself as she grabs her head, she hit it when they fell.

"Couldn't you be nicer?" He complains.

"I tried,"

"Yeah, sure," He sighs. "Can you please..." He tries to be as nice as he can to tell her to get up from his body since she is still on top and it's the morning.

"Are you inquiring that I'm fat?" She raises a brow at him, she is playing but she loves to joke.

"No," He quickly responds. "It's just that..." He starts and is being cut off by her seating on him, that's it, he is going to die.

"What?" She crosses her arms on her chest.

"Oh, bloody hell," He spats as his hands go to his hair frustrated.

Jordan knows, she has lived with men the most of her life and her friends have always been guys aswell but she loves being a teaser. She starts laughing as she gets up from him. "You better take that to the bathroom, mate," She winks as Trent grabs a pillow to cover himself as he is red in embarrassment.

"I hate you sometimes," He gasps as he almost runs to his bathroom and slams the door making her chuckle.

At the same time, Jordan decides to go to the other bathroom to change into her clothes from the day before and tries to brush her teeth with her finger with a Colgate toothpaste she found inside one of the many drawers that are in his bathroom.

Once she is done, she finds Trent in his kitchen playing with his phone.

"That was fast," She speaks with a smirk making him roll his eyes. "I'm just kidding," She adds as she walks up to him and sits beside him.

"Just take a break from joking," He begs as he turns off his phone and she nods.

"You know that I'm really grateful for what you did for my birthday," She declares making him frown.

"What do you want as a gift?" He wonders.

"Nothing, yesterday was enough," She responds.

"I don't care if you don't tell me I will buy you something anyway," He shrugs.

"And why do you think that what I want is necessarily something that you would have to buy?" She questions him and he stares at her confused.

"What do you mean by that, Jordan?"

"Well, I want to be the person you're afraid to lose." She states hesitatingly looking into his eyes.

"Jordan," He speaks as his hand reaches her cheek, she looks vulnerable and this is the first time he has ever seen her like this. She is sensitive, she does not see the world as it is. She's a bit up in the clouds and she cannot fit in. "You have been that person for a while now," He declares before leaning in and connecting their lips.

• • •
i dont say this often but
im really grateful for y'all reading
and voting on this story,
i do appreciate it y'all a lot

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