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The early morning fog makes Trent's jog difficult

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The early morning fog makes Trent's jog difficult. He hides his hands in his hoodie and he starts playing with the clouds of his breath. Coming to the woods has lately been his escape from his mind even though every time he went in, the only thing he does is think about her. Into the forest, he goes, to lose his mind and find his soul.

Maybe this is his karma for leaving her waiting when he needed time, now she is paying him back with his own poison. After five endless days without her voice, he feels lost, maybe if he had said something before he wouldn't be in this position right now.

The brunette stops walking abruptly as she recognizes the boy in front of her, he is walking with his back turned to her but she knows exactly who that is.

Trent looks down at his feet and realizes his left feet shoelace is untied. He bents down to fix it and he notices a presence walk past him and stops right in front of him. He raises his eyebrows as thoughts of a fan recognizing who he is, floods his mind, ready to wonder if that person would like a photo he fixes himself but as soon as his eyes meet those familiar brown eyes he stands in shock.

"Jordan," He breathes out. 

"Trent," She imitates him.

"What, what are you doing here?" He stutters, her presence makes him feel nervous.

"I am taking a walk," She shrugs with confidence. "I assume you are doing the same," She adds.

"What a coincidence, same place and same time," He declares frowning.

"There are no coincidences, everything means something." She states as she crosses her arms across her chest.

"Do you think the universe fights for people to be together?" He wonders raising a brow with a small smirk on his face.

She just shrugs. "Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences." 

"Or maybe you just followed me here," Trent jokes and she chuckles, oh, how he missed the sound of her voice and of her laugh.

"Yes, that's probably more reasonable, right?" She winks making him nod as their conversation dies down.

"Do you want to walk with me?" He hesitates to ask but he has no clue she has been waiting for that question since she placed herself in his way. With a smile in her face, she nods and they start walking in silence.

She seems like a creature of the forest herself. She walks with a swift silent tread. 

"How is your family?" He breaks the silence and she quickly fixes her eyes on his.

"Good," She gives him a smile. "Dad has been asking about you," She comments.

"Peter still works there?" He asks and she denies.

"He moved to Leicester with his mother," She declares. "He will definitely don't be missed," She tries to joke and he just chuckles softly.

"That means I can apply to work at your father's workshop?" He raises a brow and she laughs.

"I don't think you have the facilities for that, big man," She spats and he gives her a soft bump with his shoulder while denying with his head and once again a comfortable silence falls between them.

"Do you believe in magic?" She asks him and he frowns. She's looking around the forest, as though if she can prove it isn't magic, then nothing else is, either. Which is stupid. All forests are magic.

"I have another question," He declares. "Do you know what magic is?" He wonders and she denies with her head. "It's having the power to make someone happy without having to do a single thing." He gives her a smile.  "In my life, you have been nothing but magic." He adds making her cheeks blush.

"I didn't mean to push you away," She rapidly confesses.

"Me either," He comments.

"I am a complicated person with a simple life," She states. "I am scared of yours, I am scared of being part of yours," She clarifies. "Plus, no one has ever loved me before, I don't know how to act,"

"Jordan, breathe," He grabs her hand as he tries to calm her down, not because she is about to cry but because when she gets nervous and frustrated she can't stop speaking. "I am scared too, but we are in this together," He admits. "I won't lie to you, of course, I'll hurt you. Of course, you'll hurt me. Of course, we will hurt each other. But this is the very condition of existence. To become spring means accepting the risk of winter. To become presence means accepting the risk of absence."

"Do you still love me?" She questions him and he can't help but chuckle.

"No, I have stopped loving you in a matter of five days," He states sarcastically. "Of course I do," He assures her. "Do you?"

But Jordan doesn't answer with words, she does it with actions as her lips are on his. If two people are meant to be together, eventually they find their way back to each other.

"Falling in love with you was the best thing that's ever happened to me," 

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