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"I'll never forget the first time I saw you," He speaks while seated on his bed watching her get ready for the team Christmas dinner.
"What?" She frowns staring at him through the mirror as she puts her mascara on.
"You were wearing a dirty overall and, you were pretty rude, to be fair," He adds chuckling and she rolls her eyes.
"A posh boy just called me little boy and underestimated my skills as a mechanic," She retorts.
"Yeah, well, I didn't see you so I theoretically didn't," He defends himself. "Anyway, back to what I was saying,"
Jordan turns around with a raised brow and crosses her arms across her chest. "Go on,"
"My life then was gloomy, disorderly, and solitary to the point of savagery. I did not associate with anyone, even avoided speaking, and shrank more and more into my corner until I met you." He admits. "I'm going to be straight honest with you,"
"About what?" She asks confused.
"I left my phone on your car on purpose because I needed to see you again," He confesses and Jordan's frown changes to a smirk.
"You are kidding me," She replies.
"I'm dead-ass serious," He remarks making her laugh.
"Oh my God," She suspires. "You are a fucking cliche and I love it!" She exclaims before sitting on his lap and hugging him.
"Well, since we are being honest here," She pulls back from his arms as she lowers her dress. "With you, I found out about absolutely new kind of possible crush," She comments and he raises his brows. "Thinking about you all the time but not wanting to see you because it actually really hurts. Knowing your voice is the most beautiful thing in the world but not wanting to hear it. Being jealous of your whole family and friends because they were with you 'for free'. Simply knowing you're my soulmate, I felt it. Wanting to know every your opinion, loving the fantasy about us two, looking to stars at night and begging them for your peace of mind. Trying to escape from my own mind just because I couldn't get you out of it." She suspires as her hand strokes his hair while she speaks. "Until I realize, it wasn't just some 'crush'. My soul was fucking starving and all it ever needed was you. I was dying alive because nothing and no one could give me what I wanted. So, the fact is that yes, I finally found someone who makes me happy and I think my heart will forever be with you." She finalizes as Trent is just staring at her with a huge smile on his face but remaining silent. "You can speak, you know?" She bumps their shoulder together.
"I'm sorry," He denies with his head. "I'm just thanking God for putting such a special girl in my life," He states and she denies with her head before getting up from his lap making him pout.
"C'mon, enough of this sweetness or I'm going to get diabetes," She says making him laugh.
"I was wondering when were you gonna say that," He admits getting up too. "You are never this sweet," He adds and she slaps him playfully on his arm.
"Sadly for you, your girl is from the hood," She winks as she wraps her arms around his neck and presses her lips to his.
"I would say, lucky for me," He corrects her also winking. "And I could also describe the ten thousand beautiful sensual ways we will make love tonight," He speaks close to her mouth.
"Yes, we'll see about that," She smirks as she fixes his tie. "Now, let's go because you know how much I hate to arrive late," She hurries him making him groan as she separates from him and goes downstairs slowly because this is the first time she has ever worn high heels.
Trent follows her downstairs and grabs the keys to leave the house. "You are not going to last long in those," He jokes pointing at her heels and she nods.
"I'll probably leave these at the street so you carry me," She truthfully speaks.
"I'll carry you through anything," He replies making her smile and he means it.
They both seat on the car as they enjoy the hip hop music coming through the speaker while they have a small conversation. As soon as they arrive at the place, he gets off the car first to open the door for her and holds her hand.
"Ready?" He asks her and she nods even though inside of her she is pretty nervous and he can tell as he kisses her forehead. "I love you," He whispers and she looks up to him.
"Not more than I do," She winks before they start walking.
Trent always knew that one of the most amazing things that can happen is finding someone who sees everything you are and won't let you be anything less. They see the potential of you. They see endless possibilities and through their eyes, you start to see yourself the same way as someone who matters. As someone who can make a difference in the world. He knows he was lucky enough to find this person, Jordan, and he knows he never has to let her go.
As different as they were they found themselves. He, glowing, burning; she, aloof, satirical; he, bound for adventure; she, moored to the shore; he, launched, incautious; she solitary, left out- and, ready to implore a share, if it were a disaster, it's their disaster.
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sooooo if you made it this far i love you with my whole soul thank you all for reading!! ❤️❤️❤️