Chapter 1

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A/N so I'm gonna start this with an authors note. So first of all English is my second language so there migth be some grammar mistakes. Second I'd like to say that this is the first story I have published, so feel free to tell me how much it sucks. I really have no plan so you can suggest what you want me to do. Please comment I like reading people's comments. And none of the characters are mine, unlees said otherwise. They're all Rick Riordan's at least in this chapter. In the others there are characters that belong to J.K Rowling. So... to the story.

Percy's POV

Annabeth and I were at my cabin talking. The war ended about a month ago. "After the war things have been diffrent betwean us." Annabet said " I couldn't really place it before. It was as if we weren't so close anymore." She continued. "I still love you thoug. Like a lot, but i'm not so sure it's in the same way as it used to be." Annabeth sighted.

"I know what you mean Wise girl. You're my best friend, but I don't think it's anything more than that. I said and gave her a sad smile. She nodded. We hugged and desided that it's best to break up. After that we headed to the dining pavilion.

Jason's POV

"I'm not going to let you cut my hair Piper!" Nico yelled at her. "But it's soo long. Just a little bit?" Piper asked Nico. He Just gave her a death glare. After that it was quiet. We were all (with the exeption of Percy and Annabet who had left to talk about something a little before dinner.)sitting at the same table at camp half blood.

Chiron agreed to chance the rules so now we're allowed to sit where we want. I decided to stay here along with a few other romans. Hazel, Frank and Reyna went back to Camp Jupiter since they needed their praetors to lead them. And Hazel wanted to be with her boyfriend.

Otherwise we we're all here. And I'm refering to Annabeth, Percy, Leo, Piper, Nico and myself. My thougths were interrupted by Annabet and Percy walking in.

"Hey guys" Percy greeted us. "Hey, What's up? I asked. They both looked serious, but they also looked happy. "Um... we sorta just broke up." Percy said. We were all a little shocked. After all none of us were expecting this to happen.

I looked over to Nico. He has, or how he claims had a crush on Percy. I only know because Eros forced him to reveal it when I had been there. Apperenty I'm the only one alive who knows about it. It's kind of sad. I mean coming from him it propably means that someone knows, but they're dead. Nico says that he's over it, but I know he's not. Now along with the rest of us, he looked shoked, but I could see the glimse of hope that flashed his eyes. It quickly went away thought.
Then he asked the queston we were all thinking about. "Why?"

"We relised that we're not in love anymore. We still love each other, just not in the same way." Annabeth said. We nodded in uderstandment and ate in silence.

Nico's POV

They broke up? Gods. I never tought that would happen. I mean they're Annabeth and Percy. I shouldn't be glad. Why am I glad? Stupid feelings. Why can't I just get rid of them? I told Jason I'm over him, but that was a lie. He propably knows though. As soon as Percy said he and Annabet broke up Jason looked over the table at me.

I looked at Percy, who was sitting just across the table. It wasn't a good idea. His beatiful sea-green eyes were already staring back at me. And those soft looking lips had a light smile on them. Gods I wanted to kiss him. Of course I couldn't. He just broke up with Annabeth. Besides, hes straigth.

We were like that for a while just staring into each others eyes, until we heard a *pop* sound from the direction of the big house. All of us looked over. It was Hecate. The godess of the mist and crossroads. But she wasn't alone. Hazel, Frank and Reyna were with her. I stood up and ran over to hug my sister. Then directing my queston to lady Hecate I asked "Why are you here?" "I'm here to send you all on a quest" she said.

A/N 810 words. It's not that much, but pretty good for my first chapter, huh? Thank you to everyone who read this I'll be updating as soon as I've written the second chapter. And please tell me what you tought about it. If you liked it please leave a vote and have a nice day!


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