Chapter 9

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A/N hehe. So umm, it took a while longer to write these chapters than I thought. Sorry it took so long. I'm making this up as I go so it might be a little weird. I'll edit it once I've written this coplietly.Thank you for reading this btw. The story all together has over 100 views, so thanks.

Harry's POV

So it's been a few weeks since school started. The exchange students are nice and all, but there's something off about them. I don't know what it is, but it just seems like they're hiding something.

Now, I'm with Ron and Hermione. We were just sitting inside an empty classroom. We were allowed to use them for studying. It's saturday, but we still had to do our homework, which sucks.

I was doing my potions homework. Snape gave us a LOT of homework. And of course Hermione refused to let me and Ron copy her's. Okay, I'm not actually doing homework. I'm staring at the parchment in front of me. I heard a loud thump sound and shot up.

Having no idea about what's going on and nothing better to do, I left to investigate. Ron and Hermione followed me.

So, that's something I kind of regret. I walked to another empty classroom, that I assumed the sound was coming from. I heard a familiar voice inside say,

"Shit, did someone hear us?" It was Nico.

"Nobody heard us, Nico." Answered Percy chuckling(?). What on Merlin's name were they doing? After that all I heard was silence. The noysy idiot that I am, I opened the door. What I saw was, Percy and Nico shirtless. Percy was on top of Nico, kissing his neck.

When they relised that someone saw them, the shot apart. Both of their faces red as tomatoes. Looking at them, they both had hickeys all over from their jaws to their waists.

"Sorry?" I said. I wasn't really sure what I'm supposed to do at these situations.

"It's fine, I guess. But, umm... Could you- like, not tell anyone? I mean umm, just we're not really ready for that." Percy said, wile schratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah sure." I said. I was unable to say anything else. We left while Apollogising (hehe) again to them.

We walked back to where we left our homework. "So, umm. Nico and Percy huh?" Ron said.

"I guess. I mean, Percy was kissing his neck and both of their torsos were full of hickeys. So I think it's safe to say that." I said.

"Did you not see the scars?" Hermione asked us.

"The scars?" Ron asked. "I mean there were a lot of "bruises" but I didn't see any scars. And I was too distracted by that scene, to even actually relise what's going on."

"They had scars all over their bodies. There were a few on Nico that looked like he got scrahed by a werewolf and others on his back looked like someone had whipped him. And they both had tattoos on their left arms." She said. Barely breathing.

"Tattoos? Like the dark mark? Hermione, do you think they might be death eaters?" I asked.

"I don't know, Harry. I don't think it's the dark mark. Reyna said something about it being a camp tattoo or something, but they are hiding something. Something that's bigger than a secret romance." She said. I nodded and we got our stuff and headed back to the Gryffindor common room.

Percy's POV

This was not part of the plan. The plan was to uhm, 'have a nice time' with my boyfriend. But of course with our luck, someone walked in. I mean we're only two weeks in and that's happened twice already. Maybe we should start making out behind locked doors.

"So, all that aside. What do you wanna do?" I asked him, handing him his shirt.
He put it on and said: "well, we could always find a better place to do this. You know. Like somewhere where someone wont walk in, while you're sucking on my neck." He said bluntly.

He looks hot. He somehow always manages to look hot. "Let's do that." I said to him. "We'll just go walking around the castle and se if we'll find something."

We were walking around for a while when we came across a painting of a fruit bowl. We walked closer to it. "There's something weird about this painting." Nico said. "There's like a tunnel thing behind it."

"Do you think there's like a passoword or something? Like the other paintings have." I asked.

"Maybe." He said.

"Just tickle the pear!" We heard someone behind us.

We turned around, and it was the Weasley twins. Ron had itroduced us to his family on the third day of school. Apparently he had a brother named Percy, which was weird to me. They're not talking to each other, so it's not really a problem. Okay, back to the story young padawan.

"Just tickle the pear?" Asked Nico. "Why am I not suprised?" He continued. The twins just continued on their way and let us do that by our selfves.

I tickled the pear and the painting opened like the one that lets us in our dormitories. I grabbed his hand and pulled him insisde.

Nico's POV

We went inside the tunnel, and it lead us to the kichen. It was full of house elves. I don't think this is the best place we can make out in. We're gonna have to keep looking. At least we now know where the food comes from.

"Hello sirs. Do you want anything?" I heard one of the elves say.

"Well could you tell if there's a place in Hogwarts, that's private and kind of hidden so people can't find it?" I asked.

"Oh, and could you also put a bit of blue food on the Hufflepuff table every meal?" Guess who said that. You're correct. It was Gaston. No, but really it was my weird boyfriend who's obsesseed with blue food.

"Of course sir. And if you're looking for a room, the room of requerment might be the best place. It's in the seventh floor left corridor. You have to walk in front of it three times and think about something you really need." The elf said.

"Thank you. We'll be going now." I said.

We walked up to the seventh floor and walked by the same spot for three times thinking 'we need a private space that people can't get into.' After we were done there was a door in front of us. We walked inside, and there was maybe the most comfrotable bed I've ever seen in front of us. The room was nicely lit. Like you would lit a room if you wanted it to be romantic. This room knew what we wanted it to be, and here it was.

"The room is really nice. Who are we to waste it." I said.

"You're right." He said, as we started kissing. He pushed me on to the bed and got on top of me all in an instant.

A/N So, next chapter will be just smut. I'm not writing it on this one because I have no idea what to write. I'll try. If you don't like it just skip the next chapter all together.


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