Chapter 19

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A/n So let's see how this goes. I'm winging it. Sorry if I at some point chanched from 1st person to 3rd person in the middle of everything. I've gotten used to 3rd person. I tried fixing those parts, but I might have missed something.

Harry's POV

Madame Pomfrey let me and Nico out of the hospital wing the next day. Well, evening.

People had come and gone. My friends, I still find it weird, visited me a couple of times. Hermione and Ron gave me some basic  information about the wizarding world.

Apparently I'm supposed to still attend my classes, even though I have no memory of the last five years of schoolwork. Apparently it's important to not fall behind, because I will most likely get my memory back.

Some of the American students told me that they don't really know much of the earlier schoolwork either, but the essentials can easily be found in books.

That was at least a little relieving.

I'd gotten to know Nico a bit while we stayed in the hospital wing. He was pretty cool. He seemed a bit distracted sometimes, but was nice company anyways.

Anyways, after we got out of the hospital wing, we got a little lost, because no one thought to tell us anything else than, "go to your dormitories dears. You still need to rest and take it easy."

After we had been wondering around for a while, discussing the basics of a card game Nico really seemed to like, we ran into Ginny. Well ran into isn't probably the right term. We had somehow managed to get ourselves to the astronomy tower.

The few times I talked to her since I lost my memory, she'd seemed pretty cool. Kinda like someone I could se as a sister of sorts.

Well this really isn't a postition you want to find someone you see as a sister in.

She was very, uhm, passionately, snogging a boy around our age.

Nico gave a cough. He looked stoic, but I could see a hint of red on his cheeks.

They shot apart. Sort of. They separated their faces and looked up, looking surprised.

Ginny went as red as her hair and the boy, presumably her boyfriend, looked embarrassed, but not as much.

They stood up.

"So I wouldn't have expected to see you here at this time." Ginny said, with an embarrassed smile.

"We got lost. No one told us where our dormitories are," I said. I was looking everywhere, but the faces of the discovered couple.

"Gin's a Gryffindor, so she can probably take you," Ginny's boyfriend told us.

"I'm Ravenclaw, but I've got a friend in Hufflepuff, so I know where the common room is. I don't know the current password though, so you'll probably have to wait for someone," he continued, talking to Nico now.

"Thanks... I, well, I don't know if you heard, but I have amnesia, and I don't actually know your name..." I told him.

"Yeah, I heard. It's alright. We've barely ever spoken to each other, anyways. I'm Michael Corner," the boy introduced himself.

I was going to introduce myself as well, but realized it pointless. Instead I gave an awkward smile.

"I assume you haven't met me. I'm not the kind to socialize more than I have to. Not anymore anyways. I'm Nico di Angelo," Nico said offering his hand, with a polite smile.

Michael shook it.

"I guess we'll get going, then," said Ginny.

We walked together until we got to a few sets of staircases. Michael gave Ginny a quick kiss on the cheek and started heading down with Nico. I gave Nico a small wave and headed after Ginny, who was halfway up the next staircase already.

Nico's POV

We walked down in silence. It was a comfortable one. I guess he remembered that I said I'm not very social. Some people just seem to ignore that.

"This is where you get in. I'll leave you here. Someone's got to come through here sooner or later," Michael said.

"Yeah. Thanks for showing me where I live. I guess I'll see you around," I said. I felt kinda awkward. Fortunately he just nodded and left.

I just stood there quietly for, gods knows how long. It's impossible to tell, really. With my thoughts going in every direction.

Eventually a girl, probably a first year, considering she looked to young to even be going to Hogwarts, let me in when she was going in herself.

I asked her where the fifth year boys slept. She looked curious, but didn't ask why I didn't know where I was supposed to go.

"Behind that door is a set of stairs leading down. You'll find your name on one of the doors on the wall," she told me with a smile.

"Thank you," I said, giving her a smile as well.

"No problem!" She told me happily.

With that I went to find my sleeping space. It was the last door in the hallway.

Behind the door, I found Percy and Frank. I didn't know Frank much yet, anymore, I corrected myself. I got the feeling that we'd gotten along well. He was comfortable around me, which many people weren't. That could also go on the fact that he was dating another child of my father.

Percy on the other hand...

I'd known him for years, harbouring a crush on him, and suddenly I'm being told that we're a couple. It feels surreal.

To my surprise, they both brighten, when I walk in. Frank gives a glad smile and Percy almost crushes me in his arms.

"You got out!" Percy exclaims happily, into my shoulder. He loosens his hold a little, realizing, that maybe he's holding on a bit too tight. I relax into him. Still not quite grasping on the fact that I can.

"You say that like I just got out of prison or something," I mumur back, jokingly.

"It felt like it. 'You can't see him right now Mr. Jackson. It's not visiting hours. And honestly, it's his own fault for doing something so stupid'" Percy imitates with a slightly higher voice.

I chuckle. "That does sound a bit like I was a convict," I admit.

"See? And I was really worried for my criminal boyfriend, who randomly keeps killing dogs on the street with a sword." Percy says with a little mirth in his voice.

I, involuntarily, laugh at that.

A smiling Frank tells us that; "Maybe Hazel would like to see her dog-killing brother as well? Our other friends will know in the morning, but the girl's dorm isn't far,"

Percy and I separate, but keep close to each other. "Then she shall see me," I say grinning. I don't remember having felt this happy for years. I feel content.

A/n This was quite short, but I feel this is a good place to cut off the chapter.  Happy Christmas guys! And if you don't celebrate it, have a happy day anyways.


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