Chapter 6

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A/N I hope you like it so far. I'm still up for suggsestions. Enjoy. Btw I'm sorry if I'm doing a bad job writing the characters' personalities, but I'm trying my best.

Reyna's POV

So I got Gryffindor. The common room is pretty nice. I was in the girls dormitories getting ready to leave for breakfast when I heard a voice ask: "Where did you get that tattoo? People don't usually have tattoos when they're fifteen." The voice was a girl with bushy brown hair. I'm guessing she's the same age as I am right now.

"Back home, we all have these. It's sort of a refugee camp for witches and wizards. We get them after we've proven ourselfs worthy of a permanent recidence there. My friends Jason, Nico Percy, Frank and Hazel have them. My other friends are from another camp so they don't have them." I explained lying as little as I could without revealing anything. I know Lady Hekate said something about Ilverony, but hey, at the moment, that had been completely erased from my memory. I blame Juno.

"So you force people to have it and if they don't you kick them out?" She asked. "No. We don't force anyone to take it. You can stay there even if you don't have it. You can stay there, but you're not really a residence." Dammit this is hard. I can't even make up a good lie.

She seemed to belive me. "I'm Hermione." She told me. "Reyna." I shook her hand.

After a while we left for breakfast. Jason and Leo were already in the common room. They were talking to a boy with galsses, dark hear and a scar on his forhead. That must be that Harry we are supposed protect. And a boy with red hear and freckles.

"Morning guys!" I said. I don't think they saw us coming, because they all jumped a little. I grinned. "Nice to meet you. I'm Reyna." I said to the two boys talking to Jason and Leo.

"I'm Harry." The boy with glasses said. "Yeah, I figured." I said to him. "And you?" I asked the redhead. "Ron Weasley." He said I shook his hand. "Okay. Let's get to brekfast shall we?" I said grinning as I motioned to the exit. "I'm always up for food." Leo said.

On our way do the dining hall we saw the rest of our friends. It was a little weird. We endroduced the trio to them. Nico and Percy were both smiling like crazy, even thougt they both looked like they hadn't slept. Frank looked too tired to awknowlige anything, Hazel was the same as Frank. They were both leaning on each other. Piper looked normal. Annabeth looked like she had stayed up all nigth reading, which she propably was.

"So... looking at you I can tell that there are three of you that haven't clearly slept at all. So what's up? I asked. "I was reading." Said Annabeth. "We were sp- umm..." Percy started. He propably remembered that we weren't alone, so he shut up. "Percy couldn't sleep so we went trough our books." Nico stepped in. I nodded showing them that I accepted their answer. I also gave them a look telling them to explain it to me laiter.

Jason's POV

We all sat at the Gryffindor table. Percy looked at the food. He didn't eat anything. I wonder wh- wait. Oh, none of it is blue. Percy smiled at Nico. Nico smiled back. That's it. Nothing else happened.

Hermione and Annabeth were in a deep convrestation about something I couldn't hear

Leo and Ron just stuffed their faces with food.

Reyna was talking to Frank and Hazel. Harry just loooked really akward.

I looked at my lovely Piper. She was looking at the staff's table. The toad-woman was smiling at us. It was clearly a fake smile.

Hermione's POV

I looked at the Exchange students. There was something off about them. You could see they had been trough a lot. The scene the sorting hat mame yesterday didn't really help them with denying it. What could have been that horrific.

"Gods Percy, just eat." Nico said. I made a mental note that he said gods and not God. "Yeah, yeah it's not blue, but you're going to get hungry. Lunch is in six hours and it's propably not going to be any bluer than this is." He continued. Percy sighted and ate some pancakes. Jason looked like someone hit him with a rock.

"So now you eat food that isn't blue, but when We go to the movies we have to bring you your own popcorn, so it's blue?" Leo said sounding both angry and amused. "I'm really hungry." Percy said.

Nico looked like he made a big achivement. Leo just crossed his arms and made a thump sound. Percy whispered something to Nico. He blushed as they both stood up. "We're gonna go and get our school stuff from the dormitories." With that they were almost out of the hall. Once they'd left Reyna sprinted after them. I wonder what's up with them.

Nico's POV

So, you may be wondering what that was about. I mean why did we leave i such a hurry or something. But I mean if your boyfriend whom you just started dating, asked you if you wanted to make out in a broom closet, would you say no? I didn't.

We ran out of the great hall and he lead me to a nearby broom closet. Once we were inside with the door closed, he pushed me agenst the back wall and startet kissing me roughfly. I kissed back almost instantly.

He had his hands on my waist, while mine were on his neck. But then suddenly we heard the door open. We quickly shot apart. It was Reyna.

Reyna's POV

I mean... I didn't exppect that. "Well, if that's what you were doing last night..." I said smugly smiling. "We weren't- well that too, but we were sparring in the woods and it sorta just happened." Percy tried saying.

"Are you two daiting?" I said now looking at Nico. "Yeah." He said looking very akward. "But could you not tell anyone? At least not yet." This time it was Percy. "Sure." I said. I turne to walk away. I took a few steps before turning and saying: "And Jackson." He turned his attention to me. "If you hurt him you're a dead man." I said and turned away and walked into the great hall back to my other friends.

"So where did you go?" Asked Annabeth. "I went looking for those guys." I said while pointing at Percy and Nico who just walked in. "To do what?" Asked Jason. "Find out their secrets, give a few death threaths. You know. The usual." I said to him.

"What classes do you guys have today?" Asked Harry. "We have potions, divinination, muggle studies, history and defence agenst the dark arts." Percy said referring to the Hufflepuffs here. "We have Potions and divination together." Said Harry looking at his timetable.

"Speaking of." Nico said while pointing at the clock. "It starts in half a hour. We should get our stuff!" Frank said while hurrying up. Looks like he really doesn't want to be late. Frank, Hazel, Percy, Nico, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Me, Jason and Leo hurried out of the dining hall. (They got the same timetables as Harry, so they could keep an eye on him.)

A/N sorry it took me a while. I had a small writers block. I had no Idea what I was going to do. I'll update every time I get a chapter done. It's just gonna take a while sometimes. I really hope you liked it. Have a nice day!


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