Chapter 18

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A/n Hey, I finally updated! Good to se people are still reading this. Okay now go on with the story.

Harry's POV

I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. I opened my eyes and saw a was somewhere that looked a little like a hospital. I saw a clock on the wall. It was half past ten.

I saw a black-haired boy around fifteen sitting up with a book in his hand in the bed next to mine. Otherwise the hospital-like place looked empty.

"Excuse me, but where am I?" I asked the boy. He looked at me blinking. Then he put his book down.

"My frie— well boyfriend, told me it's the hospital wing. You're Harry right?" He said. I think he was about to say friend. I guess they probably just started dating. But just how did this guy know my name?

I nodded to his question. "Yeah so I've apparently lost about two years of my memory, so I'm not the best person to ask, but he told me we're friends with you, so nice to meet you I guess," he told me.

"I don't remember ever meeting you. And the hospital wing of what?" I asked.

"I take it that you've lost some of your memory too? This is a school. I came as an exchange student only this year, but I think Percy said that this was your fifth year here. Look, maybe wait for your friends to get here, okay? That's pretty much as much as I can remember of what my boyfriend—wow that sounds so weird to say.— but of what he said that's all I remember about you. Oh, and I'm Nico by the way," he said.

Five years!? Wait, I have friends? "Oh, sure. Do you know when they'll get here?" I asked him trying to keep calm. I guess I can worry about being actually like fifteen or something later.

"Well Percy told me they'd all get here after classes, but I don't know when that is," said Nico.

I nodded and decided to try and get up. As soon as I put my weight on my feet, I fell to the floor. I felt really dizzy.

"Oh yeah. Don't do that. I passed out when I first tried," Nico explained.

We just sat there chatting about this and that for a couple of hours. In this time I had gathered that apparently this place I was in was is a school for wizards and witches. Apparently I'm a wizard. Take that Dursleys!

Every now and then a woman, that I guess was a nurse, came to check up on us. She kept muttering about how I'm once again gotten myself in the hospital wing.

What the hell do I keep doing to land myself in here?

At one point, I noticed some scars on my hand. They looked pretty fresh, and kind of like writing. I couldn't make out what it said though.

Around the time the nurse person gave us lunch, I blond boy walked in. He looked about fifteen. The same age that I, apparently, am.

Maybe he's one of those friends Nico mentioned. "Hi, Harry." He said.

"Hello." I just said. The buy sat down on a chair next to my bed.

"Look, I know I haven't been the best of people to you, or your friends, in the past, but I'd like to at least try to make up for that. Would there be any way you'd give me a chance to do that?" He said in a quiet voice, looking at the ground.

"I don't know." I said. He looked a little pained at that. "No I really don't know. I don't even remember who you or these friends I keep hearing about are." I told him quickly.

"Oh, umm, well I'm Draco Malfoy and I've been a complete prick to you and your friends and a lot of other people in Hogwarts. And I know it's no excuse, but my father had these beliefs drilled into my head and I'm just now realizing how wrong they are and now that The Dark Lord is back it's all going to change and-" "it's okay." I cut him off. He looked like he was about to cry. Sounded like it too.

I took his hand and smiled at him. I could worry about who this dark lord was later.

Now he did start crying. I hugged him and he was crying into my chest. This is when about a dozen people walked in.

"Hello mate! Wait, Why are you hugging Malfoy?!" A tall redhead asked. "And is he- What the bloody hell Hermione!?" He was cut off by a bushy haired girl, Hermione I assume, who elbowed him.

Draco seemed to know the people who walked in, because he tensed and stood up. "I'll be on my way then. See you around, Harry," he said and walked out.

The people who walked in watched him leave. There was a short silence. "Hello Harry. How are you?" Hermione asked smiling, breaking the silence.

"Good considering that I've apparently lost years from my memory." I said casually.

"You've what now?!" The redhead asked.

"Lost years of his memory." Nico said. "We both have. Harry just lost more than I did. He doesn't remember what this place is. Neither do I, but apparently I haven't been here very long." He continued.

"Bloody hell mate! So you don't remember who we are?" Said the same boy who talked before.

I shook my head. "It's nice meeting you though," I said.

"I'm Hermione and this is Ron. We met in our first year and have been friends since the first Halloween. You and Ron were friends pretty much since you met. The three of us are in the same house and I guess you guys can introduce yourselves."

The rest of the group introduced themselves. There was Ron's sister Ginny, two of his brothers who were twins named Fred and George, Nico's boyfriend Percy, a blond girl who introduced herself as Annabeth, a kind looking girl that was apparently Nico's sister whose name was Hazel, an elfish looking boy named Leo, a bulky looking dude named Frank, a girl with braided dark hair. Something about her told me that she's a warrior. Reyna, I think. Then there was boy with blond hair named Jason and a girl whose eyes kept changing colors and she was Piper. I'm surprisingly good with names.

"By the way, why was Malfoy here?" Ron asked after the introductions.

"Well, first he apologized. He said he was sorry about being a prick to me and my friends for all this time. Of course I didn't know what he was talking about, but he seemed pretty sincere with it. He also mentioned something about some dark lord and how everything is different now that he's back and something about his fathers beliefs and how he's just realizing that they're wrong," I said.

The Redheaded siblings and Hermione all looked surprised. "So who's this 'dark lord' then?" I asked.

They all looked grim at that. "He's a dark wizard who has killed a lot of people. Including your parents. He's tried to kill you a bunch of times too, but you always managed to escape." Ginny said.

"But my parents died in a car crash!" I told them.

"They didn't actually. That's just what the Dursleys told you. They didn't want you to know that you were a wizard, or that your parents were too, so they hid what actually happened." Hermione said.


"But why would he go after them?" I asked.

"We're not sure. We think it might be because they had the courage to go against him. And your mother was Muggleborn and You-Know-who often went after people like us." Hermione said.

"Muggleborn?" I asked.

"It means someone who's born from a non-magical family. Wizards that are born into wizard families sometimes think themselves better that the rest of us. I think That's what Malfoy was talking about," she answered.

"Oh, well that's just stupid. If everyone has magical abilities anyways then why would they be better just because their parents did too? And even if some people don't have these abilities doesn't make anyone any better than them just because they do!" I exclaimed. I was starting to get angry.

"That's what most of us think, but there are some people still stuck thinking that they're better," Hermione told me. "Take the Malfoys for example."

A/n Hi, so I've been stuck on this part for a while, so I'm just gonna end it here to get something for you guys. See ya when I get the next one done!


Heroes of Olympos at Hogwarts (Pernico/percico/Nicercy)Where stories live. Discover now