Chapter 2

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A/N so thank you for reading this for you people who read the first chapter. Right now there are six of you. Seriously, tell me what you think about this story. So now I have somewhat of a plan, but still tell me if you want me to put something in there. So here I we go.

Percy's POV

So.. apparently we're going on a quest. Again. The rest of us headed over to Hecate. She lead us over to the big house. She explained that all of us need to go. But how are we supposed to leave since there isn't a prophecy to tell us to? Before I could ask the question myself, Piper did.

"Well, my dears" Hecate started. "You don't really need a prphecy since I'm not going to tell chiron about you leaving." She said. "But won't he wonder where we are?" Asked Leo. "No. He won't even know you left." She stated simply. "But he has to, unnless you're going to erase his and all of their memories. Annabeth said a little angerly. Hecate let out a ligth chuckle. "Don't worry. I'm not doing that. I'm not Hera." She said sounding amused.

I think we're all still a little mad about what she did to me and Jason a while back. "He won't be wondering where you are because in about twenty minutes you're all going to be walking out of that door and telling him what happend during your quest." She said. "That's a pretty dam short quest." I said with anger and amusement in my voice.

"It'll be longer for them that it's going to be for us." Hazel said talking for the first time since they arrived. Hecate must have already explained it to them. "How will it be longer for us than to them" Annabeth started. "unless..." she traile off.

"Yes Annabeth. I'll be sending you back in time. Twenty years to be exact." (A/N hey so I'm not sure what year the war agenst Gaea ended, but they'll be going to 1995 which is during order of the phoenix) Hecate said. "TWENTY YEARS?! Why are we going back that far. It's not safe to go that far back!" Annabeth half yelled. "We're going there to stop a war that ended badly for them all those years ago." The dauther of Bellona (Reyna) said. "Exactly. I will send you back in time and after that you'll be heading to London for a few weeks, and after that you'll travel to scotland by train." Hecate said smiling at us.

"Wait- why are we going to scotland?" Nico said from the shadows. He looked confused. He looks so cute when he's confused. Wait- what? Did I just call him cute? I shrugged it off. It's propably just because I haven't been sleeping very much lately. Because of you know... Tartarus. I still can't belive he went trough all that all by himself. He could also be having nightmares. He hasn't said anything though. But neither have I so it's a possibility. But he does still look cute. I just decided not to think about that.

"Well... there's this school. It's filled with mortals I have blessed with the ability to use magic. It's called hogwarts. " "What kind of name is that supposed to be." Leo said looking like he was trying to hold in a laugh. I propably would have found it funny too, but I might have been staring at someone *cough*Nico*cough*

So moving on. Hecate looked a little mad, but quickly calmed down. "It's a good one. Now you are all going there as exchange students from Ilverony. You will be starting there at your fifth year, even thoug some of you are older, it's enportnant that you do. I will just make some of you a little younger. She explained things we needed to know about the "wizarding world" as she called it. So apparently we are supposed to befriend this dude named Harry and help him win the war agenst this guy called Voldemort. She also explained other basic knowlege about the wizarding world. She also explained that because we are demigods we are able to use wands, and don't need her to bless us.

After she thought we knew enough, she took out a weird looking necklace and handed it to Hazel. "You know what to do?" She asked Hazel. Hazel nodded to her hesitantly. "Just 20 will be enough. I made this one a little stronger. After that she looked over at us and did something. I looked at my friends. Some of them looked a little younger than before. I figured she made us all fifteen again. "Right after I'm gone leave, without goodbyes." Hecate orderd us and disappeared. We gathered around Hazel.

"So what now?" She took out the necklace Hecate had given her and placed the long lace around it over all our heads. "Now, we go back in time." She took the thing on the lace and started spinning it. She spinned it twenty times as Hecate told her to. Suddenly the world around us started shifting. After a while it stopped. We were still standing inside the big house, but it was diffrend. There used to be- or there will be a few paintings that Rachel had made on the wall. And the order of the furniture had changed a little too.

Hazel took the pendant from around our necks and put it in her pocket. "What was that? Jason asked. "We travelled in time man." Frank said. He looked happy. "Yeah, I got that bro, but I mean what is that necklace." "It's a time turner. This is what I used to get us here." Hazel said. We heard someone open the door. "Shit" I heard. I don't know who said it, but it's pretty accurate.

We looked around there was nowhere to go so we stayed still. We looked at the door and Mr. D walked in. He looked at us for a second and asked. "Who are you?" "Umm... you see we were just about to leave." Jason said. "No you're not going anywhere, before telling me who you are. He said with a treathening tone in his voice.

"We are here just for a while we really need to go." I said. "And why is that?" He asked. "We're Roman and I really think we should go back to our camp." Piper said. His eyes widended and he turned to his roman form, Bacchus. "Then what are you doing here?" He asked us.

"We're on a quest for lady Hekate." Nico said. "Don't tell me this is about that school of hers again." Bacchus said. Sounding grumpy. "She has send people there before us?" I asked. "Oh yes. Last year he send that Diggory boy. He was already going to the school, so it was easy." Bacchus said. "What happend to him?" Leo asked.

"He's dead" Nico said before the god in front of us had time to say anything. I guess he either just checked, or he's seen him in the Underworld. "How would you know that?" Bacchus asked. It looked like the son of Hades realised that he slipped up by saying that. We all know that he can sence death, but bacchus and everyone else at this time, still think that the big three kept their promises. Hades did, but it would still cause a mess since the old big prophecy still hadn't happend.

I looked at Nico and Hazel. They seemed to get the message. They grapped all of our hands and shadow travelled us away.

A/N Okay. Second chapter. 1244 words and is propably full of grammar mistakes. I'll fix all of that once I finish this book. Wich is going to take a while. So thank you to every reader. Have a good day.


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