Chapter 5

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Annabeth's POV

"Chase, Annabeth!" McGonagall yelled from the front. I took a deep breath and started walking towards the stool. "You got trough the depts of Tartarus. This can't be that bad compared to that. Right?" I whispered to myself as I was walking. I sat down and she put the hat on my head.

'Oh, a demigod. Could you show me your memories?' The hat asked in my head. I showed him everything, when I ran away, Luke, Thalia, both wars and Tartarus. "GET ME OFF HER!" The hat yelled out suddenly. "JUST PUT HER IN RAVENCLAW, AND GET ME OFF THAT POOR GIRLS HEAD!" It yelled out. McGonagall took the hat and I ran to the Ravenclaw table.

Nico's POV

"Di Angelo, Nico!" McGonagall yelled out. Everyone looked a little shokced about what just happened. The hat propably saw her memories and what she's been trough. Great. If that hat had a heart it would have several heart attacs after going trough our memories.

I sat down on the stool. 'Hey. So I'm going to warn you first. If you go trough my memories you're gonna have problems with your mental health. And none of our lives have been easy, so I suggsest that you just place us from what you saw on her head' I said to the hat trough my thoughts. 'Nonsense. Now show me your memories.' It said. "Don't say I didn't warn ya." I said to the hat out loud.

I opend my memories. "OH, GODS! WHY? HOW THE HELL ARE YOU MENTALLY STABLE AFTER THAT!?" The hat yelled shocking everyone. "Told ya. It's your fault." "Hufflepuff! Now get me off!" It yelled. I walked to the Hufflepuff table.

"No need to put the others here. From the memories of these two I know where to put them. Hazel Levesque! Frank Zhang! Percy Jackson! You're all Hufflepuff!" It yelled out. They started walking towards my table.

"Leo Valdez! Reyna Rámirez-Allerano! Jason Grace! You're all Gryffindor! And Piper McLean! You are a Slytherin!" It yelled now everyone cheered. After that theu sorted the first years.

The headmaster was giving a speech when a toad-looking woman cleared her throat. Dumbledore stopped and after a while she got to the front and started speaking. I have no Idea what she was saying, but I doudt it's anything good.


After the feast, we went on to our houses common rooms. Ours was quite nice. Hazel went on to the girl's dormitories whilst Frank, Percy and I went to the boy's. I took a bed in the corner, Percy got the one next to me, and Frank was on the other side of the room. We changed out of our robes and Soon we could hear Frank snoring.

I laughed a little. Percy looked suprised, but laughed with me. "So what do you wanna do Neeks?" He asked. "I don't know. And stop calling me Neeks!" He smiled and didn't say anything. It was kind of confusing, but what I got was that he was still going to call me Neeks. "Well, we should propably sleep." I said "But I can't." He said "And why is that?" I asked him. "Because I have nigthmares." "Tartarus?" I asked. He nodded.

I sighted. "Well let's go sparring in the woods." I said. "We aren't supposed to go to the woods." He said almost grinning. "Since when do you care what we're not supposed to do?" I asked. "You're the one who left on a quest to find your best fried, even thougt everyone told you not to." I said. "You didn't tell me not to go." He said. "And you and I both know why that is." I said  sighting.

"Yeah, Nico I really am sorry about that." He said. "I know you are. And I forgave you a long time ago." I said to him. "You did?" He asked. "Yes, Percy. Now let's go!" I told him. I grapped his hand and shadow travelled us there.

"I'm never getting used to that." He said to me with a smile. I smiled back and took a sip of nectar to get my strength back. He uncapped riptide and I pulled out my styxian iron sword. We started figthing.

We had propably been fighting for at least an hour when I fell on the groud. He put riptide on my throath. "I win." He said. He turned his sword back into a pen and offered me his hand for me to get up. I took it. Sort of. I pulled him down with me.

Now he was on top of me. "Call it a tie?" I asked. "Nah, I'm still on top of you, so I have the upper hand here. So not yet." He stated. I flipped us over so I was on top of him. "How about now kelp head?" I asked. He laughed. "You win I guess." He said sitting up. I hadn't moved so I was now on his lap.

Percy's POV

So one minute we were sparring and now he's sitting on my lap. Not that I mind him being there. "Sorry." I said as I noticed a cut on his forhead. He looked at me confused. "You have a cut rigth here." I said and put my hand on his face so I could show him where it is.

"Huh. I didn't even notice." He stated simply. Is it just me or was he leaning foward? Ok I know I was, but was he. I didn't have much time to think about that because my mind went blank when I kissed him. Before I could even think about pulling away, he kissed back. He actually kissed back. I cupped his face now with my both hands as he put his hands on my neck and pulled me closer.

I didn't want to pull away, but there's this stupid thing called oxygen that we need. We were both breathing heavilly. "Nico." I said. "Yeah?" "Do you wanna go out with me?" I asked. He kissed me again. "Is that a yes?" I asked when he pulled away. "Yes you idiot." He said. Laughing a little. "But could we keep it as a secret? At least for now. I'm not really ready to come out yet." He said now with a little more serious tone.

"Yeah, we can do that, but I think we should get some rest. We still have school tomorrow. He nodded. He took his sword and then my hand. He shadow travelled us next to our beds.

I laid down on my bed as he laid down on his. I was really tired. I didn't care if I would have nightmares. I was dating Nico di Angelo and that was all I could think about before falling asleep.

A/N so what did you think? If you want to know why I desided to put them in each house they were put in, you can just ask. So my writing is bad, but you can just ignore that and tell me what you think abou the plot. So have a nice day!


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