Chapter 15

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A/n over 600 reads!! Thank you everyone who read this!! Okay I'm just gonna celebrate that on my own now. Okay bye!

Harry's POV

Nico, I and cat Frank were on our way to to find Ron and Hermione. We didn't really talk much. I didn't mind. I was really still taking in all of the information.

I would have to die, for Voldemort to do so. That thought was scary. There was a piece of his soul inside of me. Maybe that's why I have those visions about things like that door in the ministry.

Maybe he wants me to see exactly that. Did that mean that he could also see what I was doing, because last year I knew what he was doing?

Because I was so deep in thought, I didn't see Malfoy coming our way.

It seemed like he wasn't paying attention either, because we crashed right on to each other and fell on the floor with me on top of him.

"Sorry!" We both said at the same time. Wow he actually apologized. I mean he has been nicer this year for whatever reason. He's just mostly been minding his own business.

"Umm, Harry?" I heard him say.

"Huh?" I asked concentrating on what was happening again. "Could you maybe stand up? I mean you're kinda on top of me and I can't do that." He said. It didn't sound rude as it usually would have. Maybe he's changed. He also looked kinda red in the face. Cute. Wait, what? Why was that my first thought?

"Oh, sorry," I said as I got up. I held out my hand, for him to take it. He took it and I pulled him up.

"Sorry about that. I wasn't really looking where I was going." He told me.
Don't worry about it. I wasn't really looking either," I said.

He looked at his left hand, which I was still holding, and I swear he blushed. "Oh, sorry," I apologised, and let go of his hand.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around, Harry." He said.

He waved at me as he stared walking again. "Yeah. See you, Draco" I waved back.

When he was a fair distance away I heard someone speak. "Seems like somebody's got a crush," Nico said.

I jumped. I totally forgot he was here. "What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well you're both obvious. You both keep blushing and you looked at each other longingly." He told me.

"I do not have a crush on him, and he does not have one for me. Your misreading things," I told him.

"Sure, sure," he said, raising up his hands in defeat.

We continued walking to the Gryffindor common room.


"Wait so you're telling me that you people are demigods from the future and that Harry has a piece of You-know-who's soul inside of him?" Ron asked in disbelief after we explained everything to him and Hermione.

"Well it kinda makes sence. I mean we knew they were hiding something. And we knew it was something big. Now they just told us what it was." Hermione said. She looked like she was thinking about something.

"When did you get a cat?" Ron asked, looking at cat-Frank, who was just standing between Nico and I.

"Oh, that's Frank," he said casually like it was no big deal.

"So he's an Animagus?" Hermione asked. This is when cat-Frank started growing and turned into human-Frank.

"Well not exactly. I can turn into pretty much anything. An animagus can only turn into one animal." He said.

"Is that like a demigod power? Is one of your parents like the god of shape shifting?" Ron asked exidetly.

"Well it is a demigod power, but it's not from my dad. My dad is Mars. He's the god of war. It's actually from my mom's side. She was a descended of Poseidon. He had granted our family the power to shape shift and it passed onto me." He explained.

"The god of war? Should we be worried?" Ron asked.

"Only if you're on the other side of the fight than he is. To his friends he's a cinamon roll. But if you're an enemy you have plenty of reasons to be worried." Nico said. "And if you wanna worry about someone it's should be me or Hazel. Our dad's Hades or Pluto. He's the god of the dead. He rules the Underworld."

"You and Hazel are siblings?" Hermione asked. "Now that I think of it it's not that surprising, but I still didn't know." She continued.

Nico nodded and gave a small smile. "Yes we're siblings. We didn't grow up together. I only found her a little over a year ago." Nico said.

"Found her? Where?" Hermione asked.

"The Underworld. She died in the 40's. I brought her back because I thought she deserved a second chance." He told them.

"You brought someone back from the dead?" Ron asked surprised.

"Well yeah. Luckily dad decided to ignore the fact that Hazel was alive and didn't tell Thanatos to bring her back to the Underworld."

"You said we should be worried is there another reason than who your dad is?" Hermione asked. She had a calculating expression on her face, like she was trying to figure out if this was all actually true.

"Well we're both pretty talented with a sword. And well we've both got powers we got from our father. Like I can control shadows and travel through them. I can also control the dead. I'm just lucky that the ghosts here haven't figured out who I am yet. Oh and hazel can shape the earth as she wishes and make riches appear. They're cursed though, so you shouldn't touch them. We've all got some kind of powers. Well except Annabeth, but she's still as important as the rest of us since she's kinda the brain of our group." Nico explained.

"That's bloody awesome!" Ron exclaims. Nico grins at this.

"I think we should talk to Dumbledore about this." Hermione blurts out.

"Yeah I thought about that. I think we should talk to him too, but let's wait a few weeks, since these things sometimes take a while to sink in. Oh and I'm also going to go kill one of the hocruxes now. There's one, well two if you count Harry, here. I already know where it is so it won't be that hard to find. Oh and Harry," he said.

I looked at him to show that I was listening. "I think you should come with me. I might be able to kill the piece of Voldemort's soul inside of you." He told me.

Both Ron and Hermione flinched when he said Voldemort.

"Yeah okay. I'll come."

We started leaving. "Frank I think you should leave too. We're not supposed to be here, remember?" Nico said.

"Huh? Oh right." Frank said.

Nico and I made our way go the seventh floor.

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