The Group Project

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Tessa wa lked into class late and the teacher said "Be where youre supposed to be" in a tone. Tessa clabbed back with "Then count me present". Tessa looked for a spot, but couldn't find one. The ONLY open seat was next to Victoria. "Are you kidding me?" Tessa thought. She rolled her eyes and sat down. "Well great, now this class will start to stink up." said Victoria. The teacher asked "Youre the new kid? Stand up and introduce yourself, and say one thing about yourself".

Tessa quickly stood up and said "I'm Tessa Davis and we just moved here. One fact about me is that i snatched Victoria". Tessa could hear gasps and whispers. Victoria stood up as well. "She also used to be shaped like a cow". There was even more gasps and even laughter. Tessa was NOT gonna take this. "That's rich coming from you, seeing as ive heard you gained a few pounds over the summer. I guess your little minions arent very loyal to you, huh?". Victoria's face was shocked. She grabbed Tessa's hair and threw her to the ground. "Not the only one who can pull hair strands." yelled Victoria. Just as she said that, she was gonna throw her first punch, but suddenly, strong manly hands grasped Tessa by her waist and pulled her away.It was hardin. Tessa looked but thats when the teacher cut in and took them both to the principles office.

Once they were both out of the office. they walked theyre next class. But before Tessa could walk away Victoria grabbed her and SLAMMED her into the lockers with one of her hands crossing Tessas chest. "Next time you wanna pull something else, i'll be sure to get my punches in quicker" and then Victoria walked away.

Tessa quickly walked to her next class which was Biology. And sat next to another girl. the teacher said theyd be working on a group project. "So you have 2 weeks to work on it, i will be assigning groups". Tessa was excited, she loved group projects. Then Mrs. Edison said "First we have Max, Lillian, and Mia. Group 2 is Tessa, Hardin... "

Tessa was speechless! and Over joyed! She couldn't believe it, nothing could go wrong. She was doing a group project with Hardin! The bad boy and hottest guy at school! But then, Mrs.Edison said the last name in the group... she said "And VICTORIA". Tessa was so surprised. This couldn't be happening, Victoria was going to try ANYTHING to get Hardin with her. And Tessa was not prepared for the things that would happen in the matter of DAYS.

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