Camping Field Trip pt3

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Tessa woke up with the worst headache she couldnt remember what happened to get her in this situation. All she could think about was is how much her head hurt. It was pounding, hard. She didn't understand. She was in a room. But not her camp room. It was too bright to be. There was a constant beeping. Tessa then saw a girl sitting on a chair in the corner. She didn't know who it was. Everything was a blur. 

The girl quickly saw Tessa had her eyes open. She hurried next to her. "tessa! thank god you're alive!". It was Sky. Tessa had seen her blue hair. Tessa smiled. She was glad it was Sky, to keep her company and explain what had happened to her.

Tessa asked "What happened?". Sky looked down and back at Tessa. You fell off the boat... and um.. you were underwater. For a long time... then finally we got you back to shore. Tessa was surprised. She didn't remember anything besides the boat ride, everything else was a fog. Tessa asked again, "But how?"

Before Sky could explain anything, Tessa's mom bursts in. She ran to the bed, "TESSA SWEET HEART! Are you okay?! What happened!"

Tessa: Mom everythings a little hazy but i am fine 

Tessas mom: Do you wanna go home? I will take you home right now.

Tessa: No mom! I'm fine. Like i said. I wanna stay. I want this to be a fun trip.

Sky cut in. "I'll keep her out of trouble. I promise.". Tessa's mom rolled her eyes. "Fine. But i don't want you on those boats anymore."

Tessa smiled and thanked her mom. After a few hours, and  multiple checkups from the doctors, Tessa was free to leave. Tessa's mom drove the girls back to camp.

Tessa's mom: Are you sure you want to stay? I can take you home Tessa.

Tessa: I'm sure. Trust me, i'm okay.

Tessa's mom: fine. but call me if you want to come home or if you need ANYTHING.

Tessa opened the car door and walked to her camp building, with Sky behind her. Tessa laid in her bed, her head still hurt, so she took some ibuprofen out of her bag. She swallowed and then laid in her bed again, staring at the ceiling.

Tessa: Sky?

Sky: Yes?

Tessa: Can you tell me what happened?

Sky: Another time. You should rest.

And with that being said, Tessa closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep. 

Meanwhile, at Hardin's and Victoria's  camp room...

Hardin was pacing around the room. He was worried, very worried. He sat down at the edge of his bed and said

Hardin: What if she's gone? What if we weren't fast enough? I need to try and go see her!

Victoria: Why are you so anxious? She'll be fine! You would have never freaked out like this if it were me!

Hardin stayed silent for a moment.

Hardin: How can you say that? SHE COULD DIE! And, don't act like you don't care, you ran to save her Victoria!

Victoria: HARDIN, LISTEN! Just because i don't like Tessa does not mean i'd want her DEAD, okay?! I didn't think you'd be like, why do you care so damn much?!


There was another long silence. Hardin had admitted his feelings. 

Victoria walked over to Hardin and slapped him across the face.

Hardin stayed quiet. 

Hardin: That's not gonna change how i feel about her. I love Tessa, not you. I've always loved Tess. So how about you find another room to stay in?

Victoria stared at him, but then looked at the floor. She wouldn't start a fight, not right now. She walked out of the room ,and slammed the door.

Hardin was left there on his bed. His cheek turning red.  He needed to make sure Tessa was okay, so he asked around for Sky's number, and quickly after, he called.

*On the phone*

Hardin: Sky? Hello? Where is Tessa? Is she okay?

Sky: Slow your roll, Scott. It's none of your business, but Tessa is fine. She's in our room, sleeping. Listen, she needs rest, and the last thing she needs is drama. So stay away, okay? This camp trip is supposed to be fun for her. Let her have fun. If you really liked Tess, you'd know to leave her alone.

Sky then hung up the phone.

She decided she needed sleep aswell, so she got into bed, and slept.

A few hours later, Tessa woke up. She felt better. But she didn't feel like going anywhere. So she put on pajamas and relaxed in bed. A few minuted later, Sky woke up. 

Sky: Hey are you okay? Does your head still hurt? Do you need water?

Tessa: I'm fine, Sky. No need to worry. I'm tired of people treating me like im fragile, i'm not.

Sky: You're right. I'm sorry. Hey, what if we just have a movie night in the room? We don't leave, we can both get in our pj's and just watch movies on my laptop?

Tessa smiled and said "It's perfect". A night in is just what Tess needed.

They spent the rest of the day in bed, watching movies, and laughing. But Victoria on the other case...

She wasn't doing so great. The thought of her seeing her dad when she got back home was scaring her, and with Hardins true feelings coming to show, she was under a lot of stress. She went to a friends cabin and asked to stay, so she spent the night there. She wondered how Hardin was doing...

Hardin was alone in the room. Thinking about Tessa. He couldn't keep his mind off of her.

He decided that he'd end things with Victoria, if they werent done already, and try to fight for Tessa, but not now. Once everything was back to normal, at school.

The rest of the trip was awkward for everybody. People stared at Tessa, and treated her differently because of what happened. And with Hardin and Victoria, they hadn't sopken, unless you count the time that Hardin told her he wanted to end things...over the phone. Victoria couldn't even look at him anymore.

Everybody was excited to go back to school, and be done with the field trip. However, Tessa would soon find out that it wouldn't get any better.

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