The Invite

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I woke with a daze and a headache. The world was spinning. I looked around, dizzly, not knowing where i was. The place wasn't familiar at all. I closed my eyes and opened the once again, feeling like it was all in slow motion. What had happened I had so many questions. I couldn't remember anything but seeing Victoria's sad face and a face of shock by Hardin. I tried so hard to try and remember, but the more i tried, the more my head ached. I push myself to stand up, i stumbled and almost fall to the hard wooden floor, but i catch myself. I shake my head, and take a deep breath, steadying myself. I walk around the room, there's a pair of boxers on the floor. I walk some more and walk toward a wooden dresser. On the dresser, there's a photo with a pretty young girl, around 16 years old, beside her stood two figures, one who i recognized, it was hardin, but a younger version. Except there was a missing piece to the photo on the left, it was obviously a person, because you could see an arm, but the face area of the photo was ripped off. Almost, planned and on purpose.

I heard a creaking of a door, i turned and in entered Hardin, with a cup of water and ibuprofen. 

Hardin: "Glad youre up, are you feeling okay?"

Tessa: "What happened? Why are you here? Where even am i?" I asked.

Hardin : Calm down, you don't want to pass out again, i'll answer all your question but you need to sit down.

I sat down on the edge of the bed. He handed me the cup of water and gave me the pill. I swallowed hard. It was refreshing. 

Hardin: Okay, so your here because Victoria knocked you out in the middle of class. I took you here to my house because your mom wasn't answering the school calls. You've been in and out of consciousness, so you need to take it easy.

Tessa: I don't understand. Why would she hit me like that?

Hardin: You were both having a heated discussion, then the next moment, you're on the floor. I tried to get her off of you, but she ran past me.

Tessa: I need to get home. My mom will worried. I'm walking home.

Hardin: No tessa. You can't walk by yourself, what if you fall? Or pass out? I'm walking you there.

Tessa: Okay, but now, she's getting off work soon.

Hardin grabbed my hand, and as i got up, he moved his hand down to my waist, walking me home. He led me all the way upstairs to my bed. I lay there in my bed, with boxes surrounding me. 

Tessa: Go home. Before my mom comes

Hardin: Will you be okay?

Tessa: I'll be fine. Thank you.  Now go.

Hardin left in a hurry, but before walking out he made eye contact with me. It was the first time i've seen him look soft. I hear the door close downstairs. Quickly after, her phone goes off.

*New Text Message*

It was an unknown number. Tessa was confused

Unknown Number: Hey, beautiful.

Tessa: Who is this?

Unknown number: Hardin of course .

Tessa: how did you get my number?

Hardin: i have my sources. 

Tessa: lol

Hardin: wyd

Tessa: Just texting you

Hardin: Must be nice ;)

Tessa: yeah, it is,lol

Hardin: I have something to ask you.

Tessa: What is it?

Hardin: I'm throwing a party this Friday, i want you to be my date

Tessa: Why? ;)

Hardin: I never show up stag. Are you coming or not?

Tessa: I'll think about it...;)

Hardin: K. Looking forward to it.

Tessa: I haven't said yes yet.

Hardin: You will, i know you will.

Tessa: And if i don't?

Hardin: You'll find out. ;) night'

Tessa: Goodnight, Hardin <3

Authors Note: Sorry we took so long to make another chapter, we haven't had the chance to write. But hope you're enjoying it :) Love, Hannah + Stephanie :)

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