broken without you.

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******A few days later******

Tessa had so many questions. She couldn't stop wondering, "Why?". She was hurt. A lot. She knew being with him would only cause heart break. But everything felt...good and real.. Until, he did what he did. The thing was, they were never even an item, but she still felt feelings for him and it hurt just as much, as if they were together. Tessa was baffled with thoughts, and she just needed to clear her mind and get away, anywhere else but home. 

Tessa decided it would be best for her to go out on a walk downtown. She got dressed, in a simple T-Shirt and jeans and left the house. She started to walk and stumbled across a cafe. She thought she could get some coffee and sit down. She walked in, and ordered a iced caramel coffee, she found a seat and waited for her drink. A short while pasted and somebody came with her order, then somebody just sat in the seat in front of her. She looked a little familiar.

Random Girl: Hey! You're Tessa right? My name's Sky, you go to Valley High School right?

Tessa: uh.. yeah? Do i know you?

Sky: Nah, but i know you. and you hang out with Hardin.

Tessa: Don't remind me. *rolls eyes*

Sky: How come? Whats yo tea sis?

Tessa: Well, i guess, he kissed this other girl

Sky: He CHEATED on you?

Tessa: Well... no, i guess... not. Tessa said sadly

Sky: But if you were "talking" he basically lead you on, to kiss another girl.

Tessa: Exactly. Thank you, you get me!

Sky: I was in the same boat, girl. I know it sucks, but it'll get better. i promise. You'll get stronger, you dont need him. He need you.

Tessa smiled, and thanked her.

Sky: Give me your numba, we're friends now, we gotta stick together, girls supporting girls.

They exchanged phone numbers and talked for hours on end. It was nice having somebody to talk to about my problems.

Sky: I should head out, it's getting late, i can give you a ride though!

Tessa: sounds good :)

They walked out of the cafe and Sky hopped on her MOTORCYCLE. Tessa had doubt. "i don't think i should" Tessa said. Sky replied, "i know it looks terrifying, but it feels go good after you get off, you feel free, plus you need to loosen up!

Tessa: fine.

Tessa got on the back and put on a cool helmet, they drove off into the sunset.

When Tessa got home she had forgotten about Hardin and what he had done. But when she was alone, those thoughts came back. But at least now she had somebody to talk to instead of wallowing in her own anguish. She began to think about school tomorrow and got anxious, she didn't want to see Hardin, or Victoria. She couldn't stop thinking about how happy they were before the party, she began to cry and fell asleep with a tear running down her cheek

****The Next Day (Monday)****

Tessa woke up to her alarm clock. She dreaded today, as she turned off her alarm clock on her phone, she saw a text message from a number.

Number: Hey girl! hope ur doing better, but i just wanted to tell u to DRESS TO IMPRESS, show that douche what he's missing out on. Have a good day, xoxo - Sky &=>

Tessa smiled and replied:

Tessa: Dealio. :)

Sky: <3 btw i'm picking to go to school, be ready.

Tessa got up and looked for a great outfit. She put on a short leather black skirt, with a red plaid flannel tied around her waist, she then put on a white crop top that said Los Angeles. She did her hair in dutch braids and did her makeup. She slipped on leather combat boots, grabbed her bag and left.

 Once she walked out her door, there stood Hardin, opening his car door, when he heard the door shut, he turned around.

Hardin: Tessa! Please, talk to me.

Tessa, smirked and said:

I'd talk to you, but it seems like your tongue is so far down Victoria's throat, i wouldn't understand what you were saying.

Tessa walked past him and just then Sky pulled in on her black matte motorcycle, wearing a body suit. Tessa hopped on and whispered to Sky "this will make him jealous" they rode off with a loud, VROOOOOOM!

Hardin saw all of it with a shock. He thought in his head "was she with a guy?" and muttered to himself "fuck.".

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