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Previously on Hardin Love

 Victoria sent Sky a surprising text message that put their potential relationship at a huge risk. Hardin admitted his true feelings towards Tessa and wishes to be together. However, looks like Hardin has some secret competition as Alec continues to stalk and follow Tessa wherever she goes. Will Tess and Hardin start to warm up and pursue a real relationship? Will Tessa ever find out about Alec's obsession with her? 

Keep reading to find out!

Monday morning. Tessa woke up in her pajamas with bags under her eyes. She had barely gotten any sleep since Hardin confessed his feelings for her. She didn't know what to say and couldn't stop thinking about it. Her mind was fogged 24/7 and Tessa just needed to have a good day at school. As she was getting dressed, the doorbell rang. She wondered who it could be. Tessa thought to herself, "is Sky this early to pick me up?". She ran down the stairs and opened the front door.  There was a guy standing on her front porch. But not Hardin. It was Alec.

Tessa: Oh! Hey, Alec!

Alec: heh, hey Tess. How are you?

Tessa: I'm doing alright. I'm about to get dressed. What's up?

Alec: Well, i just wanted to ask you if you were free tonight? I thought we could catch up over dinner.

Tessa: Ohh, yeah that sounds good. You can pick me up around 7:00. 

Alec smiled and waved. He then walked away. 

Tessa then closed the door, she was a bit confused. Alec and her were never close. Perhaps he wanted to be friends? Tessa shook it off and figured it was just a hangout with an old highschool peer. It would all be okay. Plus, maybe it could clear her mind a bit about Hardin. After all, there was a lot to think about and Tessa had no clue what to do about it.

Once Tessa arrived at school, Sky and her went their seperate ways with different classes. Sky had been a bit distant lately and she could tell that something was off. However, when Tessa would ask about it, Sky would stay quiet and say she needed time. Which was fine. But between making a choice with Hardin and her best friend being secretive, Tessa seemed to have a lot of difficulties. Just then, as Tessa was walking to class, Hardin stopped in front of her.

Hardin: Hey, Tessa.

Tessa rolled her eyes but couldn't help to smile. 

Harrdin then laughed and began walking next to her. 

Tessa: What are you doing?

Hardin: Walking you to class.

Tessa stopped. She looked up at Hardin, who seemed to hover over her at all times. His soft, warm, green eyes glowing down at her. He bit his light pink lips and smiled. The brightest white smile Tessa had ever seen. She looked down at her feet, trying not to blush. 

Tessa: I don't want you to walk me there.

Hardin: That's too bad, Tessa. Now let's go, before your late.

The truth was Tessa couldn't say no. At least not to Hardin.  They continued to walk to class and even hugged goodbye when Tessa had finally gotten to her classroom. Tessa could not stop day dreaming about that hug. His strong smelling cologne filled her nose. She would do anything to get another hug from him. To touch him, and feel his arms over her waist again. 

Meanwhile, Sky didn't have the same luck. She had tried to talk to Victoria but was always brushed off. The sitution felt helpless. Maybe she should have stopped trying. But she didn't. Victoria had brought her happiness. Like no other. Sky had feelings that were undoubtful. But it seemed like Victoria didn't want the same thing. Sky had called, and texted. But it only ended in being blocked. Victoria had cut her off entirely. 

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