Tessa's Encounter

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*Hardins POV* - that @hardinlovin asked for! :)

I walked inside this hell hole. I was pissed off that Tessa could move on so quickly, the truth is, i do care for her. I don't know why i kissed Victoria, but she's the one that grabbed ME. I guess i didn't pull back. I messed this up, it's all my fault. 

Who was that? I mean a motorcycle? Come on, you needs a motorcycle? *Hardin rolls his eyes and continues walking*

Hardin kept walking the halls, girls looking at him 24/7. He winks at some of them, because that's the type of person he is. But as Hardin is walking, he stops. He looks ahead and see's Tessa, wearing a leather skirt that made him want Tessa even more. But She's talking to that same person, he see's then hug and wave goodbye. Tessa runs off to class and Hardin is stood there, watching. 

Suddenly, a girl walks up to him "Hey, looking kinda cute today wanna go to the movies later?" Hardin looks at her, and says "i don't date girls who have been with every guy in the school, sorry." He smirks and starts to walk away but then the girl says "Yet, you kissed Victoria in front of the girl you liked... and god, who knows how many HIV or STDS that girl has." Then she walks off. Hardin wants to say something, but he doesn't have the place to say anything. He walks out of school.

As Hardin was walking outside to his car, he saw Tessa about to skip class and get on with the guy on the motorcycle AGAIN. This wasn't like Tessa, and Hardin thought the guy was changing her. He quickly walks over and says "Tess, can i talk to you?"

Tessa looks over at the" dude" and says "I'll shoot you a text if i need to be picked up." . The dude says back "okay.", he sounds a little feminine but Hardin doesn't pay attention. They both walk aside. 

Tessa: What do you want Hardin?

Hardin: To talk to you. 

Tessa: Go.

Hardin: i mean, how are you gonna move on THAT fast? You're already out with a guy, skipping school, and riding on his motorcycle? I mean this isn't like you Tessa! How could you do this?

Tessa began to look furious. 

Tessa: Are you fucking serious, Hardin? You know i cared for you, and was falling for you-

Hardin cut Tessa off with:

Hardin: Then why'd you move on so damn quickly!

Tessa: No. If you wanna TALK, you're gonna LISTEN. YOU'RE the one who kissed Victoria, of all people, in front of my fucking eyes! YOU'RE the one who moved on quickly, if you weren't feeling "this" why wouldn't you tell me? It was the LEAST you could do. But don't get upset at the fact that"apparently" I was the one who moved on quickly. Hardin YOU hurt ME. It was not the way around so do not get it twisted. And that's not even a guy, thats my friend. And you DARE tell me that" its not like me" to be skipping class and such, you don't know me! And honestly, you don't know the HALF of it. So mind your own damn business and we'll our separate ways. But please, stay the FUCK away from me, and my life. I'm done.

Tessa walked away and began to call Sky. Hardin tried to talk to Tessa again but Tessa would just walk away. After a few moments, Sky came and picked Tessa up, they rode off.

Hardin stayed, looked down at the ground and angrily went to his car and sped off.

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