Second Chances

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Hardin walked in Club Raven with a smirk on his face. He immediately scanned the room for Tessa and waved at her, as if everything was okay between them.

Tessa was furious, she just wanted one night to have time without any drama. But of course, Hardin had to get in the way of her having a good time. Sky saw Hardin and pulled Tessa into their VIP section.

Sky: Tessa, i'm so sorry. I promise that i did NOT invite him.

Tessa: no, i know. you wouldn't do that, i know. I just need to tell him something really quick, i'll be back.

Sky: Alone?

Tessa: Yes,Sky. I can do this.

Tessa got up, and chugged a drink for courage. She walked over to Hardin.

Tessa: Who to you think you are? Why the fuck are you here Hardin?

Hardin: Tessa, i was invited by other people. You may not want me here, but other people do. So here i am. And i actually need to talk to you so could you follow me?

Tessa: Hardin, NO. Why can't you get it through your thick head? I don't want anything to do with you! I just wanted to have fun tonight without any distractions, but of course you just had to show up and ruin it right? Do me a favor Hardin, STAY AWAY. I do not want to talk to you. This is your final warning, asshole.

Tessa walked away to the VIP section. She sat down, and downed another beverage. 

Sky: Let's go dance. Don't let Hardin keep you! Tonight is for you.

Tessa followed Sky to the dance floor. They began to dance and have couple drinks. 

Sky then saw Victoria. "You're kidding me." She thought to herself. She didn't want Tessa to see that Victoria was also at the club. 

Sky: I'm gonna go to the bathroom, i'll be back Tess.

Tessa: Don't you want me to go with you?

Sky: No it's fine. It'll be quick.

Tessa nodded and continued dancing with random strangers. She was enjoying herself.

Sky followed Victoria, she was near the bathroom. As she got closer she began to hear a conversation she was having with this random boy who Sky didn't recognize.

Random boy: Let's go into the bathroom. 

Victoria: But why?

Random boy: Its quieter there. less people

Victoria looked out of it, she wasn't her self. She clearly had too much to drink, or she was being drugged by that boy.

The boy grabbed Victorias arm, and pulled her into the womens bathroom.

Sky followed sneakily. She put her ear next to the bathroom door and listened in.

After a few moments she heard a bathroom stall close and lock.

She quietly opened the door, and hid so they couldn't see her. She listened again.

Random boy: Why don't you get undressed for me?

Victoria took a few seconds to respond, and when she did, her words were slurred.

Victoria: b-but i shhdon't wwwant to.

Random Boy: I can do it for you.

Victoria: n-no. 

She heard shuffling in the stall. 

victoria: st- stop.

That's when she cut in.

She banged on the stall door.

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