Camping Field Trip pt. 1

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* A month later *

Hardin was now with Victoria, but, Tessa was fine with it. She had moved on. She was strong, and she overcame. Tessa was happy, for the first time in a while, and she could honestly say she was happy for Hardin and his relationship. 

Tessa was excited for tomorrow, there was a school field trip that was taking place at this camp site, there was a lake and many activities to do. Hardin would be there, but that didn't matter to Tess. 

*The Next Day*

Tessa had her bags packed. She put on short with a tucked in butterfly shirt. She put on her converse and a little bit of makeup. Tessa continued downstairs and ate some cereal. Once she was finished she went to find her mom. 

Tessa: Hey, Sky is almost here to pick me up!

Amanda (mom): Okay sweetheart, You have food for the road, right?

Tessa: yes, mom. we went over this.

Amanda (mom): Alright, i love you. have fun, and be safe.

Tessa: Of course, i gotta go, she's here.

Tessa left the room and walked out the door, Sky was there and they said "hey bitch", and rode off to school. When they arrived to school, they bus was there to take them on the trip. They parked the motorcycle and got on the bus, but the only  seat left was next to Hardin and Victoria, who were already playing tonsil tongue.

They bus started the engine, and started driving. Tessa was reading when she heard hardin laughing, he had his hand down Victorias skirt... but Tessa could tell he wasn't enjoying it as much as he wanted to. Sky "accidentally" spilled her water bottle on Hardin. And he yelled "stupid bitch!". Sky looked smirked and responded with "At least i'm not dating one"!

Tessa laughed out loud. A while later, Tessa woke up to Sky yelling that they were there. They unloaded themselves off the bus and ran to a room so they could call first dibs on a bed, they had bunk beds and Tessa chose the top one. They started to unpack their bags. Sky said "Everybody is going to the lake, once your done, we're going". Tessa groaned, "I wanna read". Sky glared. And Tessa said "fiiiine."

Tessa went to change in the bathroom, but when she walked in, She saw Victoria standing in front of of the mirror, she was crying and was putting makeup on her arm. Tessa noticed a bruise. She walked over

Tessa: What is that?

Victoria: it's nothing. i'm leaving

Tessa went up and grabbed her arm to try and see, but Victoria pushed her hand back

Victoria: What the fuck! It's nothing! Just mind your own business! She stormed off.

Tessa had seen that she actually had a couple bruises on her arm, but some seemed to be older than others. Tessa changed and walked back to the room. 

Sky: Damnnn, Tess! Hot swim suit, you ready?

Tessa smiled and nodded her head. They walked to the lake and Sky quickly cannon balled into the water, it made a big splash.

Sky: Come on! Jump in! It's not that cold!

Tessa: No way! I'm dipping my feet in.

Sky: Live a little!

Tessa smiled and ran backward a little, for momentum, she ran, and jumped in the water.


Sky laughed and they splashed each other.

Hardin had gotten there. He had seen them both jump in, he looked down, ashamed. he wanted to make Tessa jealous, like he was happy without her. He wanted to have fun in front of her. he picked up Victoria and tossed her in the water.


She quickly walked out of the water and shoves Hardin

Hardin: What was that for?

Victoria: Don't be a dick! I had my makeup on and i just got my hair done, asshole!

Victoria ran off and Hardin stood there in shock. He rolled his eyes, but chased after her.

Sky and Tess saw everything. They were speechless, they looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh a little. Tessa then mocked: OMG! My HAIRRRRRRR

Sky laughed. But Hardin had heard, he turned around to face Tessa and said

Hardin: When did you become like this? 

Sky looked and said back:

When she ended things with you. and flipped him off.

Hardin shook his head, and continued running after Victoria.

Tessa looked at Sky again, there was a moment of silence, but them Tessa snickered, and they both burst out laughing.

After a while, they dried off and headed back to their room. Tessa showered but couldn't stop thinking about Victoria's bruise. She wondered if everything was okay with her. But she stayed silent, and went to bed.

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