Camping field trip pt 2

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Tessa had tried, tried so hard to fall asleep, but she couldn't. She decided she would go on a walk, she put on a hoodie and some shorts. She took her phone off the stand and walked outside. 

Tessa was by the lake when heard sniffling. She looked over but couldn't really see anything. She walked closer to the water. Then, she saw somebody, a girl, sitting on the edge of the dock. She was crying. Tessa walked over to the opposite side of the dock, turned away from the girl.

Tessa: hey.

Tessa heard her move and a small gasp, with more sniffling.

Girl: W-who are you?

Tessa: You can call me T, but that's not important, what's wrong?

Girl: Why should i tell you?

Tessa: Because your secret is safe with me.

Girl: Its not a secret! Its really none of your business.

Tessa: But you can talk to me. A one time thing.

The girl started to cry harder. Tessa heard small splashes, she was moving her feet in the water.

Girl: it's just that, well... at home, there's problems

Tessa: What type of problems?

Girl: Um, my d-dad, he- he scares me.

Tessa: Why is that? 

Girl: he... abuses me.....

Tessa: Did he force you to do anything?!

Girl: no! Of course not! he- just, gets really angry sometimes... and, well i'm, there... so he- lets he lets it out on me..

Tessa: You're gonna be okay you know? You'll get through it. I promise you. 

Girl: How do you know?

Tessa: Well because, my dad, when he was living with us, would, hurt my mom...

The girl stopped splashing. it was silent.

Tessa: So, i'm here if you ever need to talk.

Girl: Well, i don't even know what you look like.

Tessa: Let's turn around on 3

Tess: 3

Tess: 2


They both turned around, and Tessa was shocked.


Victoria: TESSA!?

Victoria walked backwards, but the edge was right behind her, she slipped but before she could fall, Tessa ran to her and caught her by her arm, where she saw more bruises

Victoria: ow!

Tess: i'm sorry!

Victoria stood there, she was shocked too.

Victoria: if you ever fucking tell any-

Tessa: Oh come on Victoria! i wouldn't do that. I'm not you.

There was a silence, again. Victoria began to cry. She sat down and sobbed.

Tess sat next to her and said, "I know, but you'll get out of this, and i'm here for you, even if i don't seem like it."

Victoria wiped her tears, got up, and walked off. But before she said "thank you, Tessa. Maybe you're not as bad as i thought. I get why Hardin fell for you so hard"

Tessa smiled and got up. She went back to the room. And exhausted, she fell asleep. 

*The Next Day*

Tess woke up and went to the bathroom to shower. Victoria was walking out and they made eye contact, Victoria smiled, the smallest smile in the world, but none the less, a smile. Tess walked in, and showered. 

30 minutes later, Tessa walked out and changed in her room. Sky walked in a few minutes later and said "We're going kayaking". Tessa rolled her eyes and said "okay." Sky took forever to get dressed. But an hour later, they walked out to the lake and rented a boat. They got inside on opposite sides and began to row.

It was harder then Tessa had expected, it took a lot of energy, and to be honest, Tessa was still thinking about Victoria's problem. After a few more minutes, Sky said to Tessa:

Sky: You're so slow! Pick up speed!

Tessa: I'm tired of sitting

Sky: Then get up and stretch

Tessa rolled her eyes and put the paddles on the sides so they wouldn't fall into the water. Tessa got up and just then, Sky starts paddling. Tessa wasn't prepared and she was unbalanced, so she fell and landed into the water. 

Tessa went deep down into the water, and her mouth was open, she had swallowed water. She saw sunlight from down under, but everything else was a dark blue. She tried to swim up but she got to the point where she couldn't anymore. She slowed down, and after a few moments, everything went black.

Sky had just seen, she screamed and yelled "Tessa NO!". But by then, Victoria had saw. She was already in the water, and by the time Sky was about to jump into the lake, Victoria was already pulling Tessa from the depths of the water. Victoria and Sky both pulled Tessa onto the shore.

Sky was shocked, and she froze. She stood there and watched. Victoria knew there was no time to waste, she quickly started CPR as she yelled for somebody to call the camp medical center. But nobody did anything but watched, they surrounded Victoria and Tessa, both on the ground. Hardin finally did something and began to call and tell them what was happening, but the clock was ticking and Victoria couldn't let Tessa go. She did mouth to mouth, and CPR, trying to get a good rhythm. 

It had been a few seconds, but it felt like hours to Victoria. She kept repeating the process over again, with the beat to the song "Staying Alive", she was whispering the lyrics under her breath and mumbling. That's when 4 paramedics came with a stretcher and immediately took Tessa away. They began CPR and gave her a oxygen mask. Victoria spoke to one of the paramedics and they had said that only one person could accompany Tess to the hospital, Sky quickly barged inside the ambulance, and Victoria stayed behind. She hoped everything would turn out okay. And Tessa would come out of this alive.

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