Chapter 15

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"This has to go well" bimbo thought to herself as she stood in awe of her full figure through the mirror. The dress her blind date bought for her was her exact size. It was beautiful nonetheless, leaving her somewhat desperate wanting to know who this secret admirer was. She secretly hoped it wasn't bankole, but even if it was, he wasn't such a bad idea anymore in her head. "Well whoever it is, I'll try my best to enjoy this date" she said out loud as she traced her hands down her body, feeling the silkiness of the dress. She absolutely loved it.

"And where are you going to dressed this beautiful?" Mrs jumoke asked, rattling bimbo out of her thoughts.

"Mom you scared me" bimbo said after catching her breath.

"I don't know why you're scared when its just the two of us in this house"

"But you know its not a crime if you knock sha"

"That one is your business. Where are you going to?" Jumoke asked again as she sat on the bed looking up at bimbo with expectation as she fixed in her ear rings.

"How do I look?" Bimbo asked as she turned away from the mirror to look at her mother.

"Absolutely beautiful my dear. There's just one thing missing"

"And what is that?" Bimbo asked.

"A man!"

"Mom please don't start this night, I beg you in the name of God. I'm not in the mood to hear you whine about marriage this evening"

"Don't beg me ooo. Beg God because he seems to have forgotten you. See all my friends daughters are married and you're here looking hot for nothing."

"Good men don't fall from the sky mom. And besides you'll not be in the marriage with me when I become a punching bag" bimbo was going to lose her mind if this argument persisted.

"All this one is English you're speaking. I'm beginning to think you need deliverance ooo bimbo. Look at you now. See how beautiful you look in that dress. Isn't it enough to attract a man? Me I want grandchildren oo" jumoke bemoaned

"Mom stop beating yourself up over nothing. It will happen when the time is right. Can we talk about this later? Because I have a date right about now."

"Is it a man?" Jumoke asked, her eyes shone like the rising sun over the plateau horizons.

"Okay if you must know mom. Yes its a man" bimbo replied with a smile.

"Is that what you're saying small small? Kneel down jor let me pray for you" she ordered.

"Mom really? Now?" Bimbo tried to protest but she knew she wasn't going to win on this one.

"Yes now. Except you want to be late for your date"

Bimbo rolled her eyes and knelt down reluctantly for her mother to pray for her, a prayer filled with the words 'die' , 'cast' 'bind' 'witches and wizards' among so many.

Bimbo had never been happier to hear the doorbell ring. "Mom my date's here" she said, interrupting her mom's prayer. "In Jesus' name, Amen" she finally ended.

"Oya quick. Go and get married" she said, much to bimbo's amusement.

"Okay mom" bimbo replied in between chuckles as she picked up a mini-sized purse and headed towards the entrance.

"Transportation for miss bimbo" a bald headed middle aged man wearing a black tuxedo said with a smile as bimbo opened the door.

"Are you my date?" Bimbo blurted out, almost as a reflex.

"No ma'am I'm not" he replied much to bimbo's relief as he walked to a matté black BMW parked just outside the front porch. "I'm your chauffeur" he said as he opened the back door for her to get in.

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