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Edit:Guys I've been re-reading this ALOT and decided I will soon rewrite this as soon as I get my computer...This is a horrible book so if you are reading this without me editing it—

My bad I was literally 12 while making this

A dragon a thing that no one thought really existed but yet they did. The dragon was King of dragons. A cry was heard, It startled the Dragon King another cry echoed in his ears it wasn't a cry for help It sounded more like a cry for confusion and Hurt. The King rushed to where he heard the Cries the ground rumbled as he rushed to the crying as he got closer he could hear talking "Where's Mommy?" a small voice  asked quietly  It was a small child a boy "I-I Don't know" Another Small voice replied with a stutter the voice cracked as it spoke That voice sounded more like a female than a male the dragon king was stunned into silence even if he was silent to the whole time it was a shocker Deciding it was time to come out of hiding he stepped forward. The children looked up at the mythical beast It got quite "Hi Dragon I'm Natsu!" The boy shouted as his eyes shined with color "this is my sister Akia!" Said boy shouted well pointing to his sister Now known as Akia "H-Hi" Akia stuttered out giving The dragon King a shy smile "D-Do you have any food?" Akia asked shyly "Yeah I'm Hungry!" Natsu shouted the dragon was shocked "I'm Igneel A fire dragon" Igneel Introduced himself "T-That's cool!" Akia stuttered but shouted at the same time Smile was going onto Akia's face "How long have you two been out here for?" Igneel asks "It's Day Three," Natsu says "M-Mommy should have been back right now" Akia mutters "Come...Come with me back to my cave your mommy won't be back I'll Feed you guys and Train you to be strong" Igneel explains to the kids in front of him Who leaves two children out in the woods/Forest alone with nothing no food no blankets Nothing!? The Twins nod their heads at Him and "She's not coming back is she" Akia muttered to herself Natsu didn't hear but Igneel did.

"Let's go, kids," Igneel said and they started to walk with him.

That day They learned about being Dragon Slayers


Yo So this is where I am going with my book aha Sorry But next chapter will have more and Explain what they look like so yeah aha

The person who is doing the other book about his crossover is @mikesdaed !!! you should read his!

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