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"Fire dragon/Lighting Dragon/Poison Dragon/White Dragon/Shadow Dragon; Roar!"The dragon slayers shout, they all shot off their attacks, The dragons shooting off roar attacks too, But Acnologa was unharmed by their attacks, "Nothings working!"Natsu shouts, looking at his sister who was glaring at Acnoloa, "We keep trying! Igneel! What if we get two dragons to hold Acnoloa down and then shoot off our attacks!?"Akia shouts over the loud roaring, "Weisslogia and Skiadrum You two try and Hold Acnoloa down! You boys get on!"Igneel roars, everyone quickly moved, "Now!"Igneel shouts, Skiadrum was the first to move, He shot forward, Weisslogia quickly following after.


"Thank you for helping, "Wendy tells, as she healed burns of a student, "Of course Dearie...But shouldn't you be fighting with them?"Recovery girl questions glancing at the girl, "I should...But they almost died fighting Acnoloa last time...I stayed behind because I'm the youngest dragon slayer...It was Akia's choice"Wendy tells before looking at Shinso. "Just get on Grandeenys back, She will fly you away to a safe area, "Wendy tells, point to The white dragon and Midnight who was helping students on.


Every attack they shot at Acnoloa did nothing, That's when Akia noticed how much they moved, "He's trying to get close to the Injured!"Akia shouts Igneel roared as he shot forward in hopes to push him away.

Grandeeny flew back with midnight on her back, When she saw Acnoloa getting close to The small camp her child helped set up, "I have to help them now dear"Grandeeny tells, Midnight nodded, "right" She tells, once Gradeeny got close enough to the floor midnight jumped off, and Grandeeny shot forward.

Letting out a loud Roar, Air came shooting out of her mouth, Making all the dragons move back, "I'm here for back up!"Grandeeny tells, "What about the Injured?"Akia tells, "There are only three groups, They should be fine for now, "She tells, Acnoloa flew forward, and tacked Her, they both fought, Grandeeny swiped her claws at him, Acnoloa moved his head, making her miss, He let out a roar as his magic came flying out.


Wendy stared in horror as Grandeeny slammed through the school walls, close to their camp she laid weakly, "M-Mom!"Wendy shouts, Catching the blonde-haired male off guard as he looked at the dragon, Wendy ran to the white dragon, "Mom!"Wendy shouts once more, Grandenny looked at her, "Wendy...I'm sorry," With that, the white dragon closed her eyes, Wendy felt her tears pouring, "Mom..."She whispers, "I wanted more time with you!"Wendy shouts hugging her head, "Please! Mom!"Wendy shouts, The big three watched in shock, Neito from class 1-B stared sadly, but his eyes widen as Wendy's hair turned pink, she let go of her moms head and jumped forward to the battle, "Wendy! Wait!"Tamaki all but shouts, surprising his friends, the boy never raised his voice.


"Sky Dragon; Leading sky arrow!"She shouts and slams her leg into Acnoloa, who didn't see her come, He flew back, Metalicana grabbed the girl with his tail and Gajeel pulled her up, "Wendy!"Natsu and Akia shout, "We told you to stay behind"Gajeel tells, "I'm a Dragonslayer! I can fight!"Wendy shouts, Gajeel looked at Grandeeny and sadness filled his body, "Wendy..."He sighs, "I can fight!"Wendy shouts, "Wendy this is dangerous!"Akia tells, but sighed, "But I know you can handle yourself"She mutters.

All the dragons charged forward, In an attempt to get a hold of Acnologia, Who blew them all away.

All the dragon's slayers were hit harshly by His attack, They all fell to the ground The teachers all ran forward to check on them, Wendy was blasted farther back, close to Grandeeny, Her head as bleeding and cuts littered her body, Tamaki gasped and placed presser on her head wound.

Akia weakly stood up, stumbling, She looked at the other dragon slayers and seen them all passed out, Her eyes widen once she looked at Wendy, She stumbled as she ran forward, "W-Wendy!"Akia shouts, Wendy didn't respond and Akia started shaking, Before she let out a shout...No...She roared, She roared, even louder than Igneel, Who looked at her in shock, She stood up, suddenly her body had scales over her body, She had a horn coming from her head, Her left arm and leg was covered in scales and they looked like a dragons body part, She turned around, Before shooting forward, "Acnologia!"Akia roars and holds out her hands, "Fire Dragon: King's Brilliant Flame"Akia shouts at the top of her lungs as Black flames took over her hand, She slammed the ball on Acnologia, who roared, Each Dragon flew back from the intense heat, Igneel was even shocked on how hot it was, Though he didn't back up, He never knew her heat would go that high.

Akia and Acnologia slammed into the ground, earning a loud rumble as it broke, That's when Acnologia started to turn into small specks, He poofed off, Akia weakly landed on her two feet.

That's when Akia noticed it...A long large wound on her right side of her stomach, Each teacher ran forward, Igneel looked at her, but before he could say the same thing happened to each of the dragons, They turned into small specks and poofed off.

Akia fell on her back, her dragon features disappeared, making her body look normal again, She gasped in sharp breaths, All might's eyes widen, That looked even worse than his own wound, Midnight started applying pressure to the wound, Akia choked out a sob, tears fell down her face, "N-Natsu" Akia tells, Aizawa looked over to her twin who was weakly trying to stand up.

Aizawa quickly walked Natsu over to Akia, Natsu dropped to his knees, tears falling down his face, He grabbed her hand, "A-Akia" He starts, "N-Natsu...I need...I need you to do something...For me"Akia tells, each breath she took brung her so much pain, "T-Tell Gray I'm sorry"Akia tells, more tears, "Tell Gildarts thank you...Tell gramps thank you...Erza...Mira...The rest of the dragon...slayers...Cana...Tell everyone thank you...Thank you, Natsu...Thank you for-"Akia couldn't finish, she coughed up blood, And her eyes started closing, "I can't heal it, "Recovery girl tells, as she gave another kiss to the girl's forehead, "A-Akia! Please! Akia don't go! Don't you and Ice prince have plans! Gramps wants to see you! Everyone at the guildhall misses you!"Natsu shouts, gripping her hand tighter, "Please...Please don't leave me"He whispers, Each teacher watched sadly, not being able to do anything until help came.

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