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"Mineta! Kaminari! You tricked us, didn't you!?"Momo snaps, Wendy blushes madly and Akia looks bored, Akia waves to the crowd "Remember when you dressed up in the Wending part!? You were so cute!" Akia recalls, and Wendy blushes. 

"Ojiro why?" Izuku asks and Wendy and Akia snap out of their conversation "I barely remember anything from the Calvary battle until almost the end. I think it was that guy's Quirk, I know its a great chance, And that it's foolish to waste it... But everyone here competed by giving their all! I can't...I can't be up there with everyone without knowing what really happened"Ojiro tells and Akia gives him a pat on the back. 

Gajeel watches the Classes with a bored look "I wonder what his Quirk is" He mutters "It's brainwashing" Viper tells and everyone looks at him "That's what he told me and Akia" Viper tells and Yawns.

'Wendy vs Aoyama' Akia looks at the Sky dragon and Gives a smile "You got this" the Pink haired Dragonslayer tells.

'Akia vs Shiozaki' Akia looks around but shrugs "I wonder who she is" Wendy and Akia say at the same time, "stop copping me" The dragon slayers say at the same time "Wow" Akia says and they start to laugh.

Time skip after the Mini games cuz I can sorry!

"Wow, He is making a battleground!"Akia gaps and Wendy smiles. "Good luck Izuku!!" Akia tells with a grin, "T-Thank you!" He stutters "Good luck Midoriya," Wendy tells and Izuku stands up straight "T-Thank you Marvell-Senpai!" He tells and Bows to her, Wendy Sighs a little "Can you Please call me Wendy, and I'll call You Izuku" Wendy tells and Izuku lightly blushes "O-Okay Wendy-Senpai!" He tells before leaving.

"I wish he would drop the Senpai," Wendy tells with a pout "I wish all of them would".

"Hitoshi has a strong Quirk," Akia tells as she watches Izuku run to the Purple-haired boy, "Huh? What do you mean?" Mina asks from behind, "Well It's Brainwashing" Akia tells as Izuku freezes in his tracks "HUH?!"Mina yells "FOR REAL?!"Mina yells again, "Yeah! It is super awesome! I wish I could brainwash people!!" Akia whines But gives a toothy grin "but I love what I could do" She tells while watching as Izuku Flips Hitoshi out of the bounds "Izuku won!" Akia cheers.

"I'm going to see if he's okay! Wanna come too? Wendy?" Akia asks and Wendy nods.

"You're acting disgracefully, Shoto. If you used the power on your left side, you would've had an overwhelming victory in the obstacle course and the cavalry battle." Akia hears a voice tell, She and Wendy stop "Stop this childish rebellion already. You have a duty to surpass All Might. Do you understand? you're different from your siblings. You are the greatest masterpiece! " He tells and Akia growls, and before Wendy could stop the Older, just rushed around the corner.

"Masterpiece!? Is that you call your kids!?"Akia all but yells bearing her teeth, "Dragneel?!"Shoto questions and His shit dad looks at the young girl "Excuse me?"The flame hero asks, "Shoto good luck" Akia tells and gives him a smile, "You have no right to talk to your son like that"Akia tells glaring at the man who gaps a little, she was a kid! why was she so scary!?.

"I can talk to him however I want brat," He tells and Akia growls, "Yeah?" Akia asks and Her fist lights on fire, "AKIA DON'T!"Wendy yells but it was too late, Akia's fist slammed into the Flame hero's face, "THAT'S YOUR FAMILY! YOU DON'T HURT THEM! YOU LOVE THEM!"Akia yells at the fallen hero, She grabs his suit "If I EVER Hear you talk to Shoto like that, I will use My real power on you"Akia tells and Lets him go, "Wendy lets go"Akia tells and They both walk away, Akia's breathing was heavy, her nails dug into her skin.

"AKIA!! WENDY!! You missed Todoroki and Sero's Mach!! Todoroki won!!" Mina tells and The two dragon slayers both sit next to Mina and Denki, "Really! Good!!" Akia tells and Grins happily. "Oh it's your turn then Akia, "Momo tells and Akia Gasps "WHAT?!"She yells and runs to the tunnels.

"The assassin from Class B!" Mic starts "Pretty things have thorns, you know! From the hero course, It's Ibara Shiozaki!" Mic Introduces the Green haired Girl.

"Versus, The Flaming girl! From the hero course, It's Akia Dragneel!" Mic introduces and Cheers ago around, Akia gives a toothy grin to everyone.

"Now, We'll have a super flashy battle this time too--"Mic starts "Um...Please excuse the interruption. what do you mean by 'Assassin'? I have only come to find victory, not take my opponent's life." The girl tells and Mic puts his hands up "I-I'm sorry!"He tells, and Akia bursts out laughing.

"Start!!"Mic yells and Akia gets into a stance, the girl lets her hair go out to the Pink haired girl, Akia grins, "WHOA THOSE ARE COOL!"Akia shouts happily and Grabs them with her hands "Sadly I wanna win"Akia tells and sets her hands on fire, "F-Fire!"She gaps.

"I'll make it quick!"Akia tells and Runs to her, Grabbing the girl she picks her up with ease and Tosses her out of the bounds.

"Your Light!! Do you even eat!?" Akia asks, "Dragneel Advances to the second round!"Midnight tells and Everyone cheers, Akia walks to the girl "Sorry, Did I throw you to hard?".

"No it's fine, "The girl tells disappointed, "You have an awesome Quirk!! I thought it was cool! You could so much with that!!" Akia tells and gives the girl a toothy grin.

"Thank you," The girl tells and Gives a small smile.

" Akia!! you did it!!" Wendy all but yells with a smile, As Akia walked threw her Tunnel, "Thanks!"Akia tells with a grin, "Yes Akia you did well" The two girls freeze, "Is that?"Wendy asks and they turn around "First Master!?"Akia yells and They see the blonde-haired Master standing there smiling at the two.

"Hello girls" She greets and Wendy starts bowing, Akia just grins, "Hows the Guild!?"Akia asks, "Other than the disappearance of you all, Good, Levy is working on a spell still freed is helping her," The first Master tells. 

"Freed? I didn't think he would help Levy" Akia tells, And Mavis giggles, "Freed may seem as he hates you, but he does love you like family".

"Hows Nastu! And Gray!?"Akia asks and Mavis sighs "Those two are slowly acting like themselves, But they do cry a lot, "Mavis tells and Akia gives a sad smile, "H-Hows R-Romeo?"Wendy asks and Blushes  "Romeo misses you, "Mavis tells with a giggle, "How close is Levy with the spell?"Akia asks "She is close, she is close with making a temporary spell, Just enough to get them to see you all again, But after a few hours they might just Fade into air"Mavis tells and Akia sighs "But she is close! I'll keep my eyes out for them!"Akia and Wendy tell and smiles, "I have to go, my Magic is already fading," Mavis tells and She starts fading "I'll update the Guild on you guys, "She tells before she was fully gone.

"Wendy Good luck!"Akia tells as Wendy walks out.


Chapter End! Whats this!? Team Nastu might come to The Hero world for a few hours!? hehe

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