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Akia grinned, She passed her tests, surprisingly, Wendy gave a small cheer, She poked Bakugo's arm and passed him her peppers, "I passed! 90% and up!"Wendy tells softly, 

"Why doesn't class 1-A go shopping together!"Toru tells, her uniform moving around, Akia smiled, "That would be fun!"She cheers, "Yeah!"Wendy tells with a small shy smile, spending time with her classmates would end up being amazing!


"Whoa!"Wendy and Akia stare in shock, "It's so big!"Wendy smiles at Bakugo, who was standing next to her, "No malls from were your from?"He questions, Wendy nodded, "We have normal shopping districts...But that's about it!"Wendy tells, "Wendy! Look! A boba shop!"Akia shouts, grabbing the blue-haired girl's arm, they ran to the shop.

"Ah! Wait! You shouldn't just run off like that!"Izuku all but shouts as he ran forward, Everyone running with him, "Boba!"Akia cheers as they walk up to the cashier,  "They are so fast!"Mina whined as they finally walk into the shop, Akia and Wendy sipped on their drinks happily.

"Let's go shopping!"Akia cheers, a bright smile on her face, "Yeah!"Mina and Touru cheer with her.

Akia walked with Momo, Jiro, Tsu,  Ojiro, and Iida, Wendy walked with Bakugo, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Mina.


"It's just a store for shoes?"Wendy questions as they walked into a store, Mina nodded, "Yep! It only has shoes in here!"Mina tells, "What do you need?"Bakugo questions looking at Wendy, Who blushed a little, she gave a nervous smile, "N-Not a lot, I already have things I need...I just wanted to come and have fun"She tells, "You already have the stuff for camp?"Kaminari gaps, Wendy's nervous smiled stayed, "Well, Sense I didn't know how school worked, I assumed it was like a quest and bought everything like normal...But not at a mall" She tells, she laughed a little, "It's nothing like a quest though"She smiled.

"Now that I think about it...Wendy, what are quests like?"Kirishima questions, looking at the small girl, who took a gulp out of her tea, "Well...It depends on what kind you take...Simple quests can be like construction, helping with a play, Helping people with their houses, anything like community service...But others can be fighting monsters, saving people, saving villages, fighting dark Guilds" Wendy explains, earning confused looks, "What kind of quests did you go on?"Kaminari questions, curious about what the younger did.

"I did both, Though since I'm apart of Team Natsu, I wasn't always alone on going on them, Or I went with Gajeel or Romeo on quests," Wendy tells a small smile on her face, a Nostalgic look in her eyes, Each older teen shared a look, "Wendy? Do you miss your family?"Mina asks, Bakugo harshly elbowed her side and glared at her, Wendy tensed a little and rubbed the back of her neck.

"I do...I miss them a lot, But It's okay, I've made another family here...Mira and Erza would be proud of me for being more open" Wendy tells, "I just really wish I can see them, At our graduations house it's so quiet, I'm not really used to it,  I'm used to it being loud, and tables being thrown around, and Master Makurav and Cana having a drinking contest and Cana winning it"Wendy recounts, her eyes watered.


"Momo look! It's a puppy!"Akia gasps, looking in the glass, "Whoa! Is that a turtle! They are so small!"Akia gaps at them, "Not a lot of pet shops at home?"Ojiro questions with a smile, Akia shook her head, "Not from what I've seen! This is awesome! I didn't see this place the first time I came here"Akia smiled, "Sorry! I got distracted!"Akia laughs sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck, "It's okay! It's good to see you enjoying yourself!"Momo tells a smile of her own.

They continued walking then Akia paused, "First Master?!"Akia squeaks, as she appeared so suddenly, Her classmates gave her confused looks, "Akia, One of your friends are in trouble, The freckled boy" Mavis tells, Akia's eyes went wide, "What!? Where is he at!?"Akia questions dropping her bags, "In the middle of this place"Mavis tells, Akia looked over the railing and jumped over, "Akia!?"Momo and Iida shout running to the rail, watching as she landed on her feet and ran fastly away, "Who was she talking to?"Jiro questions, "I have no idea"Ojiro sighed.


"Get your nasty hands of Izuku" Akia growled as she looked at the man who had an all to familiar scent, "Tomura" She growled,  "Akia!"Ochaco and Izuku gasp, "and what are you going to do about it?"Tomura questions cockily, Akia smiled and jumped at them, grabbing his arm Akia lit her hand on fire, causing him to quickly let go, Akia stood in front of Izuku, Akia growled, Igneel appeared next to her, scaring Tomura, who quickly grabbed her arm.

Akia gritted her teeth, Her arm was slowly loosing skin, Akia set her arm on fire and Tomrua quickly ran, Akia grunted in pain, and held her arm, tears filling her eyes, "S-Shit" She whines.


Ochaco ran to get help, and soon the mall was closed because of the small attack, Wendy healed Akia, but it still needed to be wrapped up, Akia was then questioned, she answered all questions honestly, All Might waited for both Izuku and Akia to come out the back. Wendy and Gajeel were with him, both somewhat worried, But knowing that Akia was strong and could handle anything.

"Akia" Wendy and Gajeel breath out in relief, "Izuku!"A woman cries running to Izuku, each of them in their own conversations, "Dragneel...Thank you for protecting my baby" Inko tells bowing her head, Akia smiled, "It's no problem!"Akia tells Inko eyed her wrapped arm, It went to her wrist to her elbow, "Y-You were hurt!? Is there any way I can pay you back!?"Inko questions, her eyes wide in horror.

Akia laughed a little, "I'm okay! I know that Izuku would do the same for anyone else! Izuku is a good boy! I couldn't let the future number one hero get hurt, now could I?"

Izuku and Inko stared wide-eyed at Akia, Izuku's head was racing with thoughts, She really thought that highly of him? She really thought that he could become the number one hero?

Inko bowed her head once more, "Thank you again! I really don't know what I would have down if Izuku would have gotten hurt!"Inko tells, Akia just grinned, "I wouldn't dream of letting him get hurt! He is apart of my family now!"Akia tells Inko was once again wide-eyed, "W...What if I cook you dinner!? please let me pay you back in some way"Inko pleads watching Akia's eyes light up at the sound of free food, "I mean if its food-"


Hello, So I was able to get my ass up and write a chapter! I know I haven't been updating and I'm sorry for that! A lot is on my plate right now!

Also thank you for all the get well wishes for my pops, He is well and getting better, Thankfully he didn't need surgery and is at home and happy!

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