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"X777" The year Igneel Disappeared We didn't know why we just know when we woke up he wasn't there, We searched for Him but we came up empty-handed every time. That's when Master Makarov found us. He told us about his Guild and how they would help us try and find Igneel. That's when we joined Fairy Tail.

Natsu and I are now Twenty, We almost look exactly alike We have our differences like That I have slightly longer hair and I have boobs because I am a girl. Our outfits were matching because He wanted to match We both have the sleeveless,Gold trimmed, Black waistcoat, But his was left opened untucked showing his bare chest I had a black strapless sports bra so it only exposed my stomach, then we have a gold-trimmed, Black cloth around our waste that goes to our knees held by a brown leather belt with a silver buckle, Then we have white knee-length trousers with black ribbon ties, We both had a white scarf with a black pattern on it that was given to us by Igneel. Both our guild marks are on our right shoulders he was red but mine was red mixed with a light blue.

"Akia wanna go on a quest with me?" Natsu snapped me out of my thoughts I stare at him for a second "Sure" I say with a smile on my face. "Luce let's go on a quest Akia's coming to!" Natsu shouts "Eh? Uh sure!" Lucy shouts back before walking over to us I look over to my left to see Viper talking to Panther Lily They lock eyes and then both look away "Ah Young love" I mutter before looking away from them Viper was My male exceed I didn't get the same gender as me unlike Wendy Viper was a black Exceed with light gray eyes He had a red bandanna around his neck that was hiding a small necklace The necklace was given to him by me when I first found him It was a silver half-moon small but when I found his egg it was a half-moon. The red Bandanna was a gift from Panther Lilly,  Panther Lilly said when he had seen it he thought of Viper so he Bought it Viper wears the necklace and Bandanna every day.

I walk up to the bored and Look around Lucy comes beside me and Gaps "Whoa 59 Million Jewel just to watch and Fight Dark Wizards". I look and Grab it "I'll take it over to Mira you and Natsu meet me at the...Train station...Go get clothes" I said and pouted at the fact of the Train. Lucy nods and goes to Natsu and Happy.

"Yo Mira!" I shout and Walk to the bar paper in my hand. She looks at my hand and Giggles "Another mission?" She asks and I nod "Yeah Me, Natsu,Lucy, Happy and Viper" I name off the people going with me, she nods and pulls out the Quest book "Master isn't here right now but I will let him know when he gets back" She says "Gray's not going with you guys?" She questions making me Blush "N-No he went on a quest with Erza" I stutter and start to walk away "Thanks Mira" I shout.

"Viper we got a quest" I say and Viper and Panther Lilly look at each other before Panther Lilly winks and Viper rushes away "God so cute" I mutter and Viper and me leave the guild.

Viper and I walk to our house and I get the basic Clothes, Pjs with red Dragons, Undergarments, Brush and Toothbrush, and Thats about it.

I see a pink head boy and a blue cat along with a blonde girl so I rush to them. And we talk for a few minutes untell the train comes.

Me and Natsu Whine as the train moves Motion Sickness.. When the Train stops me and Natsu rush out of the Devil Train, My mind wonders to Gray And I sigh "Thinking about Lover boy?" Viper asks lowly Making sure No one else would hear I blush "i-No-Who-?" I stutter out he laughs lightly "Wow You like him a lot" He says. "So you and Panther Lily?" I say and Look to the sky he Shakes his head "I'm not really sure, I mean he Flirts with me and all, But is he messing with me?" He questions himself and me I shake my head "He is not like that Vi and you know that" I say and he looks down "I say shoot your shot" I mutter and look at Natsu and Lucy "They did" I say and Look at him He smiles it was small but there I grin back "Alright guys Let's get this over with!" I shout and Natsu shouts a "YEAH" back.

~Mini Time skip~

"Fire dragon: Iron Fist!" I yell as My fist heats up in flames I pound down into another random person's face I guess I wasn't Paying attention to everything, Last minute I hear someone behind me swing around But It was too late,Closing my eyes as the knife enters my chest, I let it sit in for a few seconds before Pulling it from my chest, Giving the man a Erza smile.

"Was that supposed to hurt?" I say and Punch him right in the nose "Punk" I say and Rush to fight off more guys.

"Akia!" I hear Lucy shout I turn and see her get Kicked to the ground I hear A man Chant something, My eyes widen That's...one of Zerfs spells How..how the hell?!.

Before I could even think I rush to Lucy Viper on my shoulders And Pick her up Throwing her away just as the spell was cast, and I felt myself Falling.


And that's Chapter one!

I'm very scared to post this aha! 

Realized I put "Lily Panther" and not "Panther lily" so Ima fix that real quick ahahaha

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