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We got a dresser, A full body Mirror,school stuff, PJ's, 'Normal' clothes, Socks, Undergarments, Slippers, A Stuffed Dragon who was called Toothless, A thing called a phone and Headphones, 'Normal' Shoes, and that's about it.

"This is a lot of stuff Hizashi" I say and Hold two bags in each hand while Hizashi holds another four, The dresser was going to arrive in two hours, So Hizashi Decided that we should go out and Eat, When we arrived and sat down at Some Meats of different kinds, My mouth watered when they came out "yeah we are going to need more" Viper says and I start eating, Viper Grabs some meat and Hizashi sweat drops "Whoa  Little listener You must of been Hungry" He says and Laughs calling over a waiter and ordering more meats, I was still shoving my mouth full of meat and Viper ate some off a little plate slowly.

After a few more plates I sigh and Pat my stomach "Man that was amazing" I say and Close my eyes "You sure eat a lot" Hizashi says and eats a little bit like Viper on a small plate "Oh You should see my brother he can eat way more" I said and Laugh at the good memories.

Hizashi pays for the meal and We walk back to Toshinori's house, "Well little listener I hope you had a good day!" He says placing the bags on the floor "I have to leave but it was nice meeting you both!" he shouts and Walks out "Thanks Hizashi" I say and close the door Picking up all eight bags, I walk to the room and place everything on the floor I let Viper jump onto the bed "You should get more rest" I said and He nods and Lays down Curling into the blankets. I smile and Walk out "Young Akia I see your back" I look over and see a buff guy Carrying a Black Dresser I sniff "Toshironi?...Yeah I'm back, you shocked me for a minute" I said and moved out of the way so he can carry it away "Yes this is my strong form!"He says and I nod "Awesome" I said and Watch him put it into my room in against a wall "Thanks" I said and he proofed into his normal Size "No problem Kid" He says and pats my head I smile and walk into the kitchen to Grab a soda.

"Tomorrow you will have your first class, try not and Tell them your from another world" He says and I nod "Okay" I said and He pulls out a bag "This is your school Uniform" He says and hands it over I nod and look inside I frown "A skirt" I say and  Pout and walking to the room I  Start to fold clothes and place them into each drawer, I yawn and Change into a pair of Pjs, A pair of basketball shorts and I Gray baggy shirt, I fold my Scarf and place it on top of the dresser, Before Laying next to Viper I mutter a good night and fall asleep


Me and Natsu were younger Igneel was teaching us about breathing fire, "Igneel Would it hurt?!?" I ask Scarred that It would hurt me or Natsu, "No with the spell I have on you guys, It would mostly feel funny at first" He says and me and Natsu let out a "Woaa" and he starts telling us more.


It was morning and I just woken up I look around and only see Natsu "Igneel?" I ask and look around before shaking Nastu awake "Natsu, Natsu, Wake up Igneels gone!" I say and he opens his eyes before rubbing them and me and Natsu started looking for Igneel.

"IGNEEL?!?! PLEASE COME BACK IGNEEL?!" My little self shouted crying and falling to my knees "Why? Why did he leave us?" I cried harder.

~End of dream(s)~

"IA! KIA! AKIA!" I gasp and shoot up sweat falling from my chin I gasp for air as much air I can get into my lungs, I look and see Toshinori I look at him confused "Whats wrong?" I ask and Look to see Viper by my side "You were screaming someones Name" Toshinori says Holding my shoulder, I sigh before shaking my head "Oh I'll be fine, I just Had a dream about someone" I say and Smile "Igneel? Aika you never have dreams about Igneel, The last time you did...is when Lisanna died" Viper says and Looks down deep in thought "Is something bad going to happen?" Viper mutters and I shake my head "Not with me around" I say and Look at Toshinori "I'll be fine, Sorry for the trouble I've caused" I say and look down "Is fine Young Akia, But I would recommend getting ready for the day we leave soon, It's the first day for everyone so please make some friends" Toshi says and walks out.

"Well Ima take a shower!" I say and grab my Uniform and Undergarments.

Vipers Pov

I move away from the Warm blankets when I hear the shower turn on 'Time to look around', The door was cracked open so I pushed it open and walk out I sniffed and Smelt Bacon? I follow the smell and See a skinny man with blonde hair, wearing baggy clothes He turns around to Place what I assume is Bacon on a huge plate, he jumps when he sees me "Oh Young Viper you scared me" He says and places what is for sure  bacon onto the pan "I hope you are hungry I have made food" He says and Looks down at me. I nod "Yes Mr.." I stop and Wait for a name "Oh right we haven't talked yet I'm Toshinori Yagi" Toshinori says and smiles. 


And this is Chapter Four!


I'm sorry for Not uploading Internet Friends I just am Not feeling myself and That book, and school is not helping either, I'm behind, and I only have motivation to make this book and that makes me really sad :( . Ima Go though I have way too much hw to do, Wish me luck (:(    . I made this author note on the 28th of december 

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