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"Wow Fourth and Filth place!" Wendy says and gives a small jump in joy "We could have done better" Akia Whines and Mina runs to them "You guys did good!" Mina gushes.

"Bakugo, You did good!" Wendy tells the older, He looks down his glare eased up and his eyes soften "You did good too kid" He tells and Pats Wendy's head, Making Wendy smile "Its kinda creepy on how nice he's being"Denki Whispers, Making Akia laugh "Thank you Bakugo!" Wendy thanks with a smile, Bakugo flashed her a quick smile.

"Now then, Here is the second Game. I already know what it is, But what could it be? What could it be? I just said it, and nowhere it is..." Midnight speaks up and The screen behind her reads 'Cavalry battle'. 

"Let me Explain, The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish. It's basically the same as a regular Carly battle, But the one thing that's different is...Based on the results of the last game, Each person has been assigned a point of Value." Midnight tells and Akia looks at the ground The had good points yes, But would Just them two work?.

"The time limit is Fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members' points, The riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up, so the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or if your team falls, you're not out!" Midnight tells and Akia looks at Wendy who was closely watching Midnight.

"Now, you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!" Midnight announces and everyone Scatters.

"Akia ready to be on teams!" Wendy asks and Akia looks at Wendy and Bakugo who was staring at the younger, Akia gives a nod and Bakugo walks over to them "Kid be on my team"Bakugo tells and Wendy looks up at him in shock "But I'm going to be with Akia?" Wendy tells and Looks at Akia "don't worry about me, Wendy! Think about what's good for you!" Akia tells with a smile, "If you say so, Okay Bakugo I'll be on your team!"Wendy tells and they walk away, Akia gives a sad smile, This was best for Wendy, she needed to connect with different people.

"What's this?! Wendy Went with Bakugo and left Akia alone!" Present Mic tells and Gajeel looks at the two dragon Slayers "Akia wants Wendy to open up with other people" Gajeel tells and Aizawa Hums "Wendy Tends to Stay by the people she knows, Akia wants Wendy to connect with others" Gajeel speaks up again and Present Mic grins "AKIA IS SO NICE!".

"Dragneel" Akia hears behind twisting she looks And sees Shoto "Yeah?" She asks Turning her full attention on the Half and Half boy, "Be on my team" He tells and Akia grins "Sure!" Akia Agrees and Walks closer "But you need to call me Akia!". 

"Now then, It's about time to get started!" Midnight tells, and everyone cheers.

"Wendy are you sure you wanna hold Bakugo?"Sero asks the small girl "Yeah He is fine!" Wendy Reassures with a smile, Team Bakugo had Eijiro, Wendy, Sero, and Bakugo.

"I'M FIRED UP!!" Akia yells looking at all the teams, "Dragneel-San, calm down" Momo tells with a small laugh. Team Todoroki had Momo, Akia, Iida, and Todoroki.

"Light the Signal Fire!"Present Mic yells Wendy looks at Akia who gives a smile, Everyone was cheering, ready to see what would happen, within the fifteen minutes

"Start!" Midnight yells and everyone starts moving "Guys step back from everyone for a second!"Wendy tells and Team Bakugo listens, "Fast Wind that runs the heavens...VERNIER!" Wendy chants smile Their bodies light up with color and They felt lighter on their feet "What's going on?!"Eijiro asks "It was apart of my Quirk! Don't worry we all be faster and Lighter on our feet! Let's go!"Wendy Reassures and they all start running "Go to Deku!"Bakugo snaps, and they all run to the Green haired boy.

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