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"The MVP of this exercise is Young Iida!" Toshinori starts I nod and agree "Yeah I can see that" I say and Denki looks at me like I'm Crazy along with a few others "Shouldn't it be one of the heroes instead?" A girl with Green hair questions "No" I say and Toshinori nods at me "Young Akia! would you like to explain!" I nod "Iida took the role as a villain, He was the only one who Actually worked and focused on his role, Bakugo was only focused on hate he had for Izuku, Izuku's plan was not the best plan considering what had happend in the end, Infinity girl Let her guard down and Laughed in real battles that was a give away that a Hero was there, Iida was the only one who was prepared for his opponent's arrival, he had a strategy and Kept his role No matter what" I state and Toshinori Grunts.

"Yes...That was correct" Toshinori says and Gives me a thumbs up.

"Let's move onto the next battle" 

"Team B will be our Heroes! and Team I will be the Villains!" Toshinori says and They walked out.

The half red head just freezes his building Making everyone But me shiver, Viper Cuddles my scarf and I sigh  "The hero team Wins!" Toshinori shouts and Half boy Steams it off I smile as Viper goes back on my head.

And with that The Battles flew by.

and then it was mine and Vipers turn "I'm All Fired up!" I all but shout and Viper laughs.

"Okay Young Akia! You are a hero and The Opponents will be !" Toshinori starts "Team B! and Team J!" Toshinori says and I nod and we all start to walk out I grin before we all parted ways "Good luck guys!" I say and Grin Team J grins back but not team B.

"Begin!" Toshinori All but shouts and The buzzer blares.

I walk in and sniffed "One on the fifth floor  ,one on the fourth floor, one on the second one, and another on the third" I tell viper and he nods and he gets on my head before we run threw the first floor To the Second.

As soon As get their I see white tape all around I sniff and Grabbed the hand that was aiming for my head, sidestepping I Kick him in the stomach lighty but enough for him to lose his breath, I still hand his arm in my hand so I twist it behind his back and Viper helps me Tie him up. "You did good! Sorry it had to be like this" I say to the black haired boy who smiles and nods weakly.

"Fire dragon:ROAR!" I shout and cuff my hands into fists and a magic circle appears before fire is shot out my mouth. all the tape was gone and falling off the walls. "Sorry I can't take chances" I say and Rush to the next Floor.

As I come up to the next floor I sniffed It was the Red head. I rush into the room and See him in a fighting stance "This is unmanly to fight a girl, But I can't let you pass" He says and I Grin and rush to him His skin hardens And I right hook him and I felt my skin cut, Jumping back, 'I need to think fast'.

A few seconds go by and I rush to him again,About to right hook him, when dunk down and Swipe his legs with my left leg making him fall. I hold him down Well Viper ties him up. "If you can do you whole body like your arms, Do it, Next time you don't know what could Happen in a battle" I say as I crouched down to his level. 

I rushed into the next floor And I seen the boy with six arms and pale gray hair. We both stare at each other before he comes at me, he throws a left hook and I crouch down and kicked his knees. His knees buckle and he punches me in the chest. I grunt he was strong I fell back and He was about to tape me Up. "Fire dragon: Flaming elbow!" I all but shout and Felt the magic Circle appear on my elbow before I punch him in his chest. He flew back Crashing into a wall. Taping him up "Sorry, But you look fine so remember be ready for anything" I state and Rush to Viper who was Standing at the top of the stare chase.

"Ice boy" He says and I nod "Stay out here where it's safe" I say and he nods.

"This is the end" Half red says and I shake my head "Not for me but for you" I say and He comes running at him "Fire dragon: ROASTING BATH" I shout and felt my body burst into flames as the magic circle appears under my feet. The ice starts to melt and I rush to him I kick his right side with my left leg. He grunts and falls back. I Punch his stomach and He falls and I felt the flames leave my body and Viper comes in and Tapes him up.

"Hero Team Wins!" Toshinori shouts and I Grin "YEAH!" I shout and Viper does a small dance.

"Viper you untie the ones down stairs"I tell him and he starts to walk away "You did good! If I didn't have my flames I would have lost this battle, but always be careful with your ice, other ice types can still use your ice to their win" I state as I untie him, he looks away And I smile, Ruffling his hair. "Your strong! Keep up the good work!" I say and rush to help Viper untie the others.

"You're so strong! You destroyed them! They had no idea what was coming! They had to chance against you!" Mina  gushes and I smile "Thank you, You should see my brother, He is so much stronger" I say and she grins "Your awesome though!" she says and I smile and she walks to Izuku  and I  walk over to Denki.

"Akia! Your so strong!" Denki says and I smile "You were awesome in your battle!" I say to him he smiles and I smile back,  "Well what are you doing after school?" He asks and I shrug "Sleep, I don't know yet" I say and he grins "Wanna go get some food" He asks and I nod "Yeah!" I say and I grab my Bag, He grabs his bag and I smile and see Mina looking at the two of us "Hey Mina! were going to eat wanna come?" I ask and she smiles "I gotta call my dad, But Sure!" she says and I nod "Oh meet up in 10 in front of the school I gotta talk to Aizawa!" I say and rush out of the room and sniff Following the Scent of Toshinori.

I knock on the door that was a teachers lounge "Toshinori" I say and Open the door Seeing Aizawa and Toshinori. "I got asked to eat with Denki, Is it okay if I go?"I ask he Sits up and coughs up blood "Woa! You good" I ask and rush over to him he grabs my arms and Looks me dead in the eyes "Like a date?" He asks and I Tilt my head "Date? No, we are friends! Plus I have someone already" I say and Blush a little bit "I bet Gray just sneezed" Viper says and Laughs  I blush and Look away.

Toshinori Lets go and He nods Fishing in his pocket he pulls out two things A key, and A wallet. "I made you a key so you can go out whenever, and Take some money Just in case" He says and Places the two in my hand I smile "Thanks!" I thank and he nods "Be back by 7!" He says as I walk out "Okay!" I all but shout and walk out.

And Rush to the fount gate. where I seen Mina and Denki.

 "Hey!" I say and rush to them "Hey!" The both shout back happily "I was thinking about going to a cafe that was like 5 minutes away from here" Denki says and me and Mina nod.

The whole time we Laughed and joked around. Then Denki and Mina showed me what an arcade was We stood for a 3 hours Playing games, Denki won me a Purple Ram, A Pink Llama and a white bunny with long ears, he won Mina a Pink Ram and Won Viper something called a snorlax. We all had so much fun, First we walked Mina home then Denki walked me and Viper home.

When we get to the door I smile "Thank you for today! We should all do it more!" I say and we both grin I hug him thank you and I walk into the house.

"Its 8" I hear a voice behind me I jump and See Toshinori behind me "I was introduced to this thing called an Arcade, My bad" I say and rub the back of my neck sheepishly "Fine but next time text me" He says and He looks whats in my arms "did he win you those?" Toshinori asks and I nod "Yeah He won Viper the thing called Snorlax" I say and nods I fish in my pocket and pull out the money "He didn't let me spend any money, so you can have it back" I say and hand it over "Its fine keep it" He says and I smile and put it back into my pocket. "Did you eat yet" He asks and I shake my head no "Well how does Some stake and Rice sound" He says and My mouth waters and I nod "Yes please!" I say and we walk to the kitchen "I'm going to put my stuff up, I'll be right back!" I say and rush to my room, Placing my stuff on my neatly made bed I pick up Viper who was cuddling the Small stuffed animal I tuck him in and Go back down stairs.

That night it was full of laughter and smiles.


How was it? This might be my favorite Chapter so far The ending was definitely my favorite! I was going for an Ending Fluff after all the Battling! Viper is a BABIE!


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