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J.J. glanced at his wife sitting in the passenger seat of the rental car as they neared his brother's home. Things had been tense the past week and a half, to say the least. In the hours since they had left their home, J.J. could count one hand the number of times Levi opened her mouth to speak to him. He hated it, but he couldn't change the facts. Couldn't change what he wanted, or more didn't want.

"I was thinking that we shouldn't do or say anything to let on to what's going on with us right now."

"Right, we wouldn't want to ruin the picture of us being the perfect, happy, loving couple to your family," Levi practically spit the words out like a bad taste in her mouth.

"That's not what I meant and you know it," J.J. replied crossly.

"Are you sure? Because it seems I don't know what you mean anymore these days. I just assumed that when you said you wanted a family, you meant it," She bit back. "Liggende klootzak," she mumbled under her breath.

J.J. sighed. Was that German? Polish? He really didn't care at this moment. As he pulled into the driveway, he put the vehicle in park. "What I meant was, this weekend is about Logan and Derek and Gabi. I think we need to keep our crap out of it."

Nodding, Levi sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry."

Opening his door, J.J. didn't respond to her apology. "German?" He looked over at her briefly.


J.J. simply nodded in response. "I'll get our bags."

Taking a moment, Levi mentally prepared herself for the weekend. She absolutely adored J.J.'s family but pretending everything was ok, while her heart was breaking, felt impossible. All she wanted to do right now was pour out her heart to Connie, but J.J. was right. They needed to keep their crap out of this weekend.

As she stepped out of the car, Levi spotted her brother-in-law with four-month-old Logan in his arms. The woman smiled instantly as she spotted her nephew, approaching them.

"Oh my gosh, he's gotten so big," Levi grinned, taking Logan out of Derek's arms as she repeatedly kissed the infant's cheeks. "

Derek laughed. "It's good to see you too, Levi."

"Oh, you should be used to it by now," She laughed, giving him a hug. "Everybody sees the baby first. It's good to see you, Derek."

J.J. walked up, carrying both suitcases. "Hey, baby brother." He set down the bags wrapping his brother in a big bear hug.

"It's good to see you. Both of you," Derek said.

"You've gotten so big, mister Logan." J.J. smiled at his nephew brightly, briefly kissing his head.

Logan happily smiled back at his uncle only causing J.J. to smile more and Levi's heart to ache. It felt like what she wanted was being rubbed in her face. So close to her grasp, yet hopelessly out of reach.

"That's what Levi said," Derek said, picking up one of the suitcases while J.J. grabbed the other "How was your flight in?"

"Smooth sailing... or rather flying," J.J. chuckled as they walked into the house. "Same room as last time?"

"You know it," Derek nodded.

"There they are," Derek's wife, Gabriella smiled walking towards Levi with open arms. "I hope you're not making plans to steal my baby again." She laughed.

Levi laughed, returning her sister-in-law's embrace. "I make one joke."

"I don't know, you seemed pretty serious when you two came in February," Gabi teased.

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