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J.J. and Levi laid in their bed silently, his arms wrapped tightly around her, not wanting to let go. they knew what today was. What was going to happen in a few short hours and they both dreaded it. So they laid there, soaking in the last morning that their home would be filled by four pairs of feet running around,  four mouths to feed, and four hearts to love.

Lunch was a quiet affair. Levi had taken most of the morning to gather the kid's things. Four different colored suitcases lined the wall, haunting them. Even Sadie was abnormally fussy. She seemed hell bound and determined to be held the entire day. Both adults were more than happy to oblige. The other three picked at their PB&J sandwiches slowly and uninterested.

"I don't even remember Aunt Janet," Liza spoke up.

"I'm sure you'll remember her when you see her, honey." Levi did her best to assure Liza.

"She was at Dad's funeral, Liza," Landon said.

The girl got quiet, searching her brain. Levi wondered if Liza even remembered much about that day. It hadn't been that long ago, but for a three-year-old, it might as well have never happened. She imagined it must be one big blur of black and tears.

"I only remember that daddy looked like he was sleeping and mommy crying a lot."

It got really quiet. There hadn't been many conversations about their parents. It had surprised Levi, but she knew if the kids wanted to talk about it, they would. No need to force the issue. J.J. gently rubbed Liza's back as she processed her memories. Henry slid off his chair to nuzzle into Levi's side. J.J. and Levi exchanged looks. She nodded at him.

Landon stayed quiet, playing with the scrapes on his plate. Levi reached out, laying her hand next to his. He laid his smaller hand in hers, accepting the small gesture of comfort. The six of them stayed there for several minutes until one by one the kids began to lift their heads and continue on with their quiet lunch. Afterward, they disbursed to the living room, the sound of the tv the only noise in the house.

Levi was cleaning up when her phone buzzed on the table. A text from Sherryl.

Be there in 10

She let out a shaky sigh. J.J. walked over, looking over her shoulder. He kissed her cheek. She leaned into him. Sadie slept peacefully on his shoulder.

"I'll let them know." J.J. carefully handed the infant to his wife.

Bouncing her softly, Levi pulled the carrier out. She didn't want to let Sadie go, but she knew if she didn't do it now, she wouldn't be able to when Sherryl got there. Gently situating her in the car seat, Levi proceeded to double-check the diaper bag to be sure she hadn't missed anything.

In the foyer, the kids shuffled around, putting on their coats and shoes. J.J. helped Liza and Henry tie their shoes

"Mr. J.J." Liza whispered.

"Yeah, L.J.?"

"Bunny wants to stay here."

"Oh?" He looked at the stuffed animal she clutched tightly.

"Would you take care of him for me so he can stay with you?"

J.J. swallowed, his chest tightening at the gesture. "Don't you think bunny should stay with you?" He knew the comfort she drew from the animal.

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