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J.J. looked around his home, his oddly quiet home. It felt as if the kids were already gone. Henry and Landon were contently and quietly playing with legos in the living room. Liza colored beside them, and Levi was putting Sadie down for her morning nap. As much as the noise bothered him at first, he'd grown used to it. Now, it comforted him, but all the joy that had filled the house was gone today. It was hanging over all of their heads. This time tomorrow, J.J. and Levi would be coming back to an empty house. The man wasn't sure he liked the idea of that anymore.

Levi was just sneaking out of the nursery when J.J. came up the steps. She smiled at him. "What's up, babe?" Her tone was low and soft as to not disturb the sleeping infant on the other side of the door.

"Let's go do something this afternoon." He wrapped his arms around her waist, his hands resting low on her back.

"Such as?" She smiled.

"What if we take the kids bowling? One last outing before we take them to their Aunt's tomorrow."

"That could be fun I guess..."

"What's wrong? You don't look convinced."

"It's nothing-"


The woman bit her lip, looking down.

"What's going through your head?"

"Why don't you go ask the kids?"

"You're still avoiding my question."

"Sadie won't sleep for more than 45 minutes, so by the time we're all ready, she should be up."


"Justin." She stared back at him.

He sighed. "We're talking about this later." He gave in, heading back downstairs to ask the kids.

Levi sat at their bowling lane, Sadie contently on her lap enthralled by the bright colors surrounding her. Across the room, J.J. helped the kids find their bowling bowls. He bent down, the ball in his hand so that the kids could make sure it wasn't too big for their hands. One by one, they came back with a brightly colored bowling ball in their grasp. First Henry, then Landon. Liza was five minutes behind Landon, skipping over contently. J.J. carried a sparkly, purple ball, wearing a grin.

"Can I put on the special shoes now?" Liza asked.

"Yup, they're sitting right there." Levi pointed to the other bench.

J.J. chuckled, setting the ball in the receptacle before taking a seat next to his wife. Sadie squealed at him. He laughed, leaning down to kiss her cheek before kissing Levi's forehead as well. She smiled softly at him.

"You ok?"

"Just a little tired," Levi assured him, but she could tell he wasn't buying it. She wouldn't have either.

Liza let out a grunt, pulling Levi and J.J.'s attention as she stomped her foot and crossed her arms in frustration.

"What's wrong Liza Jane?" J.J. asked, walking towards her. He squatted down on her level.

"I can't get my foot in the shoe."

J.J. looked down, noticing her heel sticking out of the brightly colored bowling shoe. "Would you like some help?"

"uhhuh," Liza nodded, tears welling in her eyes.

J.J. smiled. Using his uninjured arm, he picked the little girl up as if she weighed nothing. With Liza on his lap, he sat on the bench. Unvelcroing the shoe, he pulled at the tongue of the shoe. "Alright, on the count of three." Liza nodded, her upset demeanor quickly changing with the attention she received. "One... Two... Three..."

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