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Levi sighed as she took in the spare room in front of her. In the four years since she and J.J. had gotten married, It had become a wasteland of boxes, dust bunnies, and unwanted gifts. It was the only room in the house not set up.

For her husband's sake, she needed to get Sadie out of their bedroom and this was the room closest to theirs. Levi hated how irritable having the kids around made her husband. No child should be in a home where they felt unwanted.

Furthermore, it looked like the kids were going to be around for a while yet. With it being so close to the holidays, Levi was having trouble finding a home for four children without separating them, which was the last thing in the world she wanted to do. She'd gotten permission from her supervisor to keep the kids in her home until she found a place for all of them to go. J.J. had begrudgingly agreed.

He was still feeling manipulated by this whole situation. Marriage counseling had been eventful last night. At least they were fighting. It was better than nothing.

"You know, whenever I complain about having to clean my room, Dad comes back with a snippy comment about you having to keep a whole house clean. Next time, I'm going to tell him about this room," Leah teased.

Levi laughed at her younger sister. "You could, but after today this room is gonna look like the rest of my house."

"True," Leah sighed. "So where do we start?"

"I guess we should make piles. Most of this stuff can probably go to the thrift store. The rest can get stored in the garage. I already brought up trash bags, extra boxes, and cleaning supplies, so I guess we just start."

The two sisters set to work, making idle chat as they did. Levi often felt like she was unable to have her siblings over as often as she wanted. Her 10-year-old brother, Travis, was playing with Landon and Henry outside while Liza and Sadie both napped.

"So what's this room supposed to be once Sadie doesn't need it anymore?" Leah asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm assuming they're not gonna be here forever. I heard you talking to Dad."

"Talking to dad about what?" Levi got nervous. Of course, her younger siblings weren't aware of her and J.J.'s issues. At least they weren't supposed to be.

"That J doesn't want the kids here. Why is that? It doesn't seem like him."

"Just stuff," Levi gave her sister an assuring smile.

"Grownup stuff?" Leah smirked.

Levi had always made a point not to give the excuse of "grownup stuff" to her siblings. It always felt demeaning when adults had done it to her, especially once she had gotten to Leah's age.

"Stuff that I can't talk about with you right now."

"Sex stuff?"

"Leah!" Levi threw an ugly throw pillow at her sister, surprised at the sudden heat on her cheeks.

"What? I've had the talk. I know stuff," Leah grinned.

"Get back to work. I'm not paying you by the hour to talk," Levi shook her head trying to hide her amusement and divert the conversation.

Leah laughed, rolling her eyes playfully as she focused back on her task.

"Miss Levi?" Liza walked into the room.

"Hey, Liza. How was your nap?" Levi said, picking the child up.

"Good." Liza yawned, rubbing her eyes. "What are you doing?"

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