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The smell of turkey and mashed potatoes and sweet potato casserole wafted through the air. J.J. smiled as he pulled on a clean shirt, feeling relaxed. He loved Thanksgiving. The food, the family, the football, whether he was playing or not, it was just a happy day.

Quickly bouncing down the stairs, the man-made a b-line for the kitchen, wrapping his arms firmly around Levi's waist as she filled a pie crust with filling.

"J," The woman squealed. "I almost spilled the filling all over the floor."

"But you look so beautiful," J.J. grinned, nuzzling into her neck. "And you smell like turkey."

Levi threw her head back in laughter as she set the bowl down. "I look like crap because I've been up since 4 a.m. cooking."

"Well I think you look beautiful," He kissed her cheek. "Is that strawberry pie?"


"We've never had that before."

"I know. Landon asked for it. He said that his mom used to make it every Thanksgiving."

"And you still made-"

"The pumpkin, chocolate, pecan, and apple pies? Yes," the woman laughed.

"You truly are a superhero," J.J. grinned, giving his wife another kiss. "but isn't it just us, the kids, and your dad's family?"

"Yup, be ready to eat plenty of leftover pie," Levi said as she placed the pie in the refrigerator so it could set.

"You're really trying to fatten me up, aren't you?"

"Not in the least," Levi winked. "Now, I need to go get ready. The kids are playing in the living room. Sadie is sleeping upstairs so I'll take the monitor with me and keep an ear out for her. I should be back before the timer goes off, but if I'm not, it's for the casserole."

"Go get ready," J.J. said. "I've got everything covered."

"Mhmm, famous last words." She teased, wiping her hand hands on a dishtowel. "And please please please, make sure the boys don't get into anything messy. They're already in their nice clothes."

"Of course, Go!" J.J. shoed his wife out of the kitchen with a grin.

Once she was out of sight, J.J ran his finger along the inside of the empty bowl, collecting remnants of the strawberry filling on his finger. Tasting it, he grinned. That was some good pie filling. He was going to have to jog an extra mile each day this week to make up for all the eating he was about to do, but it was going to be worth it.

"Can I taste it?"

J.J. turned around to find Henry looking up at him with questioning eyes.

"Of course bud," He held the bowl down to his level. "Just don't tell Miss Levi, or I'll get in trouble."

Henry eagerly nodded before carefully repeating the process J.J. had just finished. "Mmmmm, yum-ee." He licked his finger. "Is there more?"

"More? You won't have room for turkey if I let you have more."

"Please, Mr. J.J... pleaseeeeeeee?"

J.J. laughed. "Sure, I'm just teasing you."

He lowered the bowl once more, but before Henry had a chance to swipe more of the strawberry filling, J.J. dipped his finger in a large clump and plopped in on the little boy's nose. Henry instantly made a face, causing J.J. to laugh again.

"You've got a little something on your nose, bud."

"Because you put it there."

"No, I didn't. I think you're mistaken."

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