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Two Months Later

Connie watched J.J and Levi. Something had changed. She didn't know what, and she didn't know how, but it had. All three of her son's played a game at the table. Her daughters-in-law chatted in the living room. There it was. The little flicker of his eyes between turns, tracking even Levi's slightest movement. That quiet intimacy of a couple so in tune with each other that they were extensions of one another.

Levi looked up. Their eyes met. He smiled at her. She stuck her tongue out and winked at him. J.J. chuckled. T.J. followed J.J.'s gaze.

"Oh come on, man. Don't you two start that again."

"You're just jealous that Dani isn't here." 

"No way, I've been putting up with you two making doe eyes at each other for years. You'd think it would wear off by now."

"Teej, I'm offended you would ever think that." Levi walked over. "I will be making doe eyes at this man for the rest of my life." Levi placed a big, sloppy kiss on her husband's cheek for effect. J.J. arm wrapped around her, pulling her closer to him. His hand rested on her bottom. It felt good to be in sync with one another again.  

T.J.made gagging noises.

"Oh grow up, or I'll give you something to gag about." J.J.  said.

"Hey, my child is in the room," Derek said.

"I haven't said or done anything." J.J. said.

"You threatened to."

"He's 1. He'd not going to remember anything."

"How do you know?"

"Do you remember anything you saw when you were one?"

"No, but that doesn't prove anything. My baby could have a photographic memory."

"No child of yours is going to have a photographic memory."

Levi rolled her eyes, kissing J.J.'s cheek once before before going to refill her wine glass. Even in the midst of brotherly bickering, J.J. tracked his wife as she moved toward the kitchen. Connie could barely contain her smile.

"Those three are going to give me a headache," Levi said.

Connie laughed, hip resting against the counter. "I never thought I would miss it when they were growing up."

"Yeah..." The grief flashed in her eyes. "I understand that." She forced a smile.

Connie placed a hand over her daughter-in-law's. She had no words of comfort. She'd never met the kids, but she knew J.J. and Levi had fallen in love with them, maybe before they even knew.

"Have you heard anything since...?"

"No, we told the social worker she could give our information to their aunt, but it's completely up to her to pursue that."

Connie nodded. "You two appear to be doing a lot better."

"Yeah, we are. Things are actually really great."

"Does that mean?"

Levi laughed. "Now you're just prying, mom."

"It's my job to pry." She winked. "and I want to make sure you two are good."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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