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J.J. and Levi sat in the driveway of their Houston home, looking out the windshield of their SUV. No words were shared between them. They weren't ready to pop their bye week bubble.

Things had shifted since that night two months ago. It was a turning point neither saw coming and had opened up a lot of conversations between them. In many ways, they were raw now. Italy had provided a little break. A chance to feel like their old selves.

"We could run upstairs really fast and pretend like we're still in Italy," J.J. proposed, a lazy grin gracing his face.

Levi laughed. "We could. Fair warning though, I'm on call tonight. So if the office gets a call, it comes to my phone."

"Then, I guess I'll make dinner while you unpack," J.J. sighed, kissing her cheek.

"Look at us. Predictable old people," Levi laughed, kissing her husband's cheek before getting out of the car.

"I prefer to call it teamwork," J.J. said, pulling their suitcases out of the trunk. "But we could wait a little while to pop the bubble, right? Maybe have dinner by candlelight?"

"One at a time," Levi scolded, referring to their suitcases. J.J. was only 2 weeks post-op from his pectoral tear.

"Yes, mom," he stuck out his tongue playfully at her.

"I like that idea though. Providing I get to wear comfy clothes."

"I can get on board with that," J.J. smiled, giving his wife a swift kiss before they both set to their separate tasks.

Levi felt herself relax as she sorted through their bags, throwing most of the clothes into a laundry basket. There was something about being in one's home after a trip that made you feel like you were waking up from a good night's sleep.

Humming to herself as she started a load of laundry, Levi realized she was happy to be home. She loved Italy and their trip, but this was her happy place at home with her husband.

J.J. was hard at work in the kitchen. He and Levi had taken a cooking class while in Italy, and J.J. was eager to put those skills to use. Levi, on the other hand, preferred to stay out of the kitchen if possible.

The man had just added pasta when Levi came down the stairs looking apologetic. He'd seen that look more than a couple of times.

"Bye week bubble popped?"

Levi sighed. "Bye week bubble popped. I'm sorry. Dinner smells so good."

"Any idea how long you'll be?"

"Late," Levi said.

"Call me if you need me to come get you. You already look tired."

"Will do," Levi said. "Don't wait up for me."

It was after 11 pm when headlights cast shadows over the dark room. J.J. let out a sigh of relief. Late nights weren't unusual for Levi. When she got the call, she went, but the man still worried from time to time.

Five minutes past and Levi still hadn't come in yet. J.J. prayed the night hadn't brought new horrors for his wife. There had been too many nights in their marriage that his wife had been haunted by nightmares due to some of the cases she handled.

J.J. was just heading for the door when it swung wide open, but Levi was not the first to step through the door, nor second, nor third.

"Please, don't say anything," Levi finally stepped inside, a baby carrier in one arm and target bags in the other.

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