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I stared at my feet accepting everything he was saying. I knew everything he was saying was true. Alpha Black reminded me of my worth every single day but I tried my best to not believe it. Until now. Now, my own mate is confirming my worst fears. Tears rolled down my face as I processed what was going on. He hated me because of what Alpha Black did. He didn't want a used and broken mate. He didn't want a pathetic slut like me. 

I solemnly listened to his angry footsteps fading away. Who was going to save me now? He was supposed to love me and be my knight in shining armour. But he's not. He deserves someone else. Someone better than me which, honestly, wouldn't be hard to find. 

Alpha Black chuckled while tightening his grip on me. A whimper left my mouth but I didn't dare to speak up. How could he enjoy this? He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and whispered, "Why are you crying, Bitch?" I wanted to run from his grip. I wanted to scream and cry but all I could do was stay quiet. If I spoke, I'd be punished. I'd probably be punished for crying but I couldn't hold in the tears. 

"I can make you feel better," he said, his breath brushed my ear. Death was all I wanted. Freedom from this pain I felt. My body was limp in his grip as he carried me to his room. There was no point in struggling anymore. There was no point to anything anymore. My mate was my last hope and he's gone. 

Alpha Black smirked, "I don't think I need to tie you up this time." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This will be the last time he's ever going to do this. I wasn't going to be alive for much longer. I stared numbly at the ceiling while he took advantage of me. He slapped me multiple times trying to get a reaction out of me but I gave him no satisfaction. He kissed me roughly after finishing. I didn't kiss him back. I didn't care if was going to hurt me. The pain wouldn't last long. "I like it better when you scream, Love," he informed me. "But it doesn't matter. Tomorrow you'll be eighteen and I'll officially mark you as mine." No, he won't. I won't be here tomorrow.

"Have dinner ready in an hour or I'll make sure you scream," he ordered before leaving. I slowly made my way to his bathroom, ignoring all the pain in my body. My wolf seemed absent but I didn't mind. She was always here for me and made sure that I didn't think I deserved everything Alpha Black did to me. If she was here, she'd tried to stop me. I don't want to be stoped.

I dug through the cabinets, grabbing all the pills I could find. I can't believe this is actually it. This is the end of my pathetic life. Hot tears rolled down my face. My life was full of pain and nothing else. I would never find my parents. I would never see my mate again. I would never know what it's like to be loved. 

I stared numbly at the pills in my hand. This was my way out. My only way out now. "Wait", Artemis, my wolf said. I sighed. Why couldn't she just let me do this? "You can't do this, Alexa," She told me. I could hear the pain in her voice but I had to do this.

"Why, Artemis? I have nothing left to live for. Everything's going to get worse and no one's going to save me," I stressed.

She said desperately, "Listen. Listen to the heartbeat." I shook my head frustratedly but did as I was told. The room was silent besides my heartbeat and my slow breathing. What did she expect me to hear? "Focus," she whined. I groaned but continued to listen. I jumped slightly when I heard a faint second heartbeat. Frantically, I looked around the room but no one was there.

Then it hit me. I shakily felt my stomach. A wave of nausea hit me like a train when I realised what's happening. I'm not even eighteen yet. This can't be happening. Shit. What am I going to do? I can't do this by myself. There's no way. I needed to escape. 

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