Chapter 2

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"A-" Hueningkai saw strangers hovering above him, so naturally one would scream, but his scream was short lived by a hand over his mouth. "SHHHHH ITS ALRIGHT WERE GOOD GUYS!!" Soobin quickly turned to the three others. "Listen. Well explain everything human, just don't scream." Yeonjun gave the ham boy a serious look. Hueningkai nodded and Soobin removed his hands. "Am I dead?" Hueningkai looked at the wings, halos, and horns and thought the worst. "no not yet don't worry." Taehyun smiled. "YET??!!!" soobin quickly stopped Hueningkai from running. "WERE NOT BAD! WHAT HE MEANT IS THAT YOURE ALIVE WERE JUST YOUR BALANCERS!!!" soobin tried to give a smile.
      They were never taught how to explain what they are and what they do to a human since letting a human see you was illegal. Along know...trying to break chains...more than two balancers...angels touching devils All the things they HAD DONE in the past 15 minutes they'd been there.
      "Wait wait so you' guardian angels?" Hueningkai looked confused. "hey hey hey kid do I look like an angel it's DEVIL DEH-VILLLLL got it?" Yeonjun suddenly became snarky. Taehyun laughed. "We help you with your good and bad decisions, we don't kill you."
    "Wait then why are there FOUR of you?" Hueningkai glared and pointed between them. Yeonjun lowered his head when everyone laid angry eyes on him. "Because we'll, he failed us before we even started.." Taehyun sighed. "We need to balance you out if we want to live and you want us to quickly balance you out if you want to live." Taehyun then walked over to hueningkai. "See these four marks?" Taehyun turned Kai to his mirror to look at his back. "They're your 'owner' marks, they tie you to your balancers." Taehyun pointed to each of the four marks.
    "What do you mean by  the 'if i want to live' part?" Hueningkai said while examining his marks. Soobin looked sadly to him. "No human has ever survived having more than two balancers."
     "WHAT THEN WHY DO I HAVE FOUR??!!" Hueningkai stood up fast. "It's because yeonjun tagged along but as long as you don't have us for too long you shouldn't die! It'll be alright if we all work together! If we fail, we would probably die too!" Beomgyu was overwhelmed, how did things go so wrong so fast?...
     "So, I'm going to tell you some things before you freak out alright?" Taehyun stepped forward. "One. You physically cannot tell anyone about us, you can try, but you won't be able to. Two. You're stuck with us until we balance whatever your unbalanced by so don't even try to lose us. Three, don't ask us about taking you to our realms because forget it, we'd be killed on sight. And Four, do NOT abuse your marks."
    "Abuse my marks?" Hueningkai asked. "The four possession marks you have of us. If you try to cut them off, they'll appear elsewhere in your body." Everyone looked at Taehyun. "Well....from what you've told me I guess we're all stuck together, so might as well get cozy..." Hueningkai sighed and finally looked away from his marks.
    Soobin was surprised. "Youre alright with this?"
                 "Having some cool magical friends sounds interesting, and you already said we'll all die if I don't so.." Hueningkai shrugged after saying it.
     "Right. So let's balance you out and we can all pretend this never happened and move on with our lives. Since you can see us in just gonna ask if you have a big decision you're contemplating? That's probably what's unbalanced." Beomgyu sat down, usuing the fact that their human could speak with them to his advantage.
     "I can't think of any." Hueningkai tried to think. All the balancers collectively raised an eyebrow. "Are you lying?" Taehyun said. There's no way the human didn't know if he was contemplating a big choice in his life. He thought.
      "Maybe, but isn't your job to figure it out anyway? Why should I just TELL you. Besides. It's private." Hueningkai smiled mischeviously.
      "Alright. Suit yourself guess we'll find it out eventually." Beomgyu smirked back at Kai equally as mischeviously. They shook hands as if they were starting a game.
     "Listen, i love that I have magical beings trying to balance me or whatever, but my mom will kill me if I don't get to school so, you guys can wait here and have fun!." Hueningkai checked the time, seeing he wasn't late yet and started getting ready.
     "YAAAAH! WAIT WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO-" soobin tried to stop the boy from leaving but failed. "Well, guys we can look around his room for clues as to what he's unbalanced about." Yeonjun slapped his hands together like he was warming them up as he opened hueningkais desk drawer.
     "Well? Get moving guys were were on the job!" Yeonjuns words made everyone start digging around Kai's room.
      "Oooo look what I found~"

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