Chapter 11

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"ma'am, it's only been a day since the deal, why are you keeping such a close eye on them?" A devil asked the court woman from earlier.
    "I was young once too you know. Im intrigued, something like this is forbidden was never meant to happen and they will fail, this story ends like any involving humans, tragically." The woman leaned on her hand while watching a projection of the boys at a store.
      "'am, what if they succeed? You will keep your promise won't you?" Haden, her advisor looked to the woman concerned.
    It took a minute, but the woman responded. "Yes, i suppose but I know they will fail, from experience Haden, you see I can tell you that one of them will be selfish in a time of need. One will be stubborn. ....and because of these weaknesses in the system, they will cause a death and the whole situation fixes itself, as if they never caused a problem..." The woman looked solemn but angry at the same time.
     "Ma'am...were you ever in their situa-" Haden stopped when the woman made eye contact with him. "The point being, even though I can't tell the future, I can guess from experience now leave me." Haden was disheartened at the woman's words but obeyed, leaving her.
     "YAHHH!!! HUENINGKAI WERE SUPPOSED TO BE SOLVING YOUR PROBLEM WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE??!!" Soobin stood in the front yard, looking up at Hueningkai struggling with what looked like Christmas lights.
     "What? Isn't Christmas far away what is he doing?" Yeonjun blocked the sun with his hand to see Hueningkai on the roof.
    "DONT WORRY GUYS IM MAKING SOMETHING ITLL BE FUN I GOT THIS TOTALLY UNDER CO-" he stumbled on a box and fell, rolling over lights and getting wrapped up.
      "YAH YAH YAH YAH!!-"Soobin rushed and flew to catch him while yeonjun flew up to grab the end of the lights like a rope.
    Hueningkai just laughed while upside down, facing soobin. "He's laughing when he almost died?" Taehyun brought out another box on the lawn.
     "What's funny???! Are you ok?" Soobin was a bit peeved that Kai was laughing while dangling upside down in Christmas lights. "We're like the Spiderman scene soobin!!!" Kai kept laughing. "All were missing is-" kai stopped.
     The kiss part. Kai thought. He stared at Soobin, who was untying him. Can angels even kiss anybody? Are they allowed? Kai suddenly frowned. If not...then..
    "Hey you alright? You're frowning?" Soobin helped Kai down. "Yeah, thanks guys!" Hueningkai kissed soobin on the cheek as if a quick thank you and blew one up to yeonjun, who had caught the string of lights.
      "Won't your mom get mad?" Beomgyu approached, sharing a blanket with Taehyun. "Shes happy that I have friends I told her that this was for tonight with them." Kai dusted himself off and went back to work.
    " it?won't tonight be cold?" Taehyun said, trying to figure it out. "You'll see.  it'll be fun so we can withstand the cold" Hueningkai climbed the ladder back to set up.

     Meanwhile Yeonjun was glaring from on the roof. Why was beomgyu sharing a blanket with Taehyun it wasn't THAT chilly out yet. Not that he cared, he was just curious of course. He tried to focus on helping Kai staple the lights down but they just kept distracting him.
     Taehyun just scoffed and left the blanket, flying up to help them. Beomgyu hesitated but flew up to help too.
      "Alright the lights is all I needed help with, I'll finish the rest as a surprise." Hueningkai examined the lights, satisfied and went to the edge of the roof. "Taehyun can you take me down please?" Hueningkai made a 'pleaassee' face and made grab hands.
     Taehyun made a face. Couldn't he just use the ladder? Nonetheless, he went and grabbed the humans waist, stretching out his wings and flying down.
    "You too huh..." yeonjun kneeled by soobin, who was biting his thumb rather spitefully. Yeonjun sighed and flew down, followed by soobin.
     "What do you mean 'too' hyung? Hyung...don't ignore me ...yah!" Soobin tried to get a smirking yeonjun to answer him but to no avail.
      "Would you two quit yelling? Hueningkais calling for us." Taehyun held the door open impatiently.
    "This is dancing?" Beomgyu smiled, dancing moves to Just Dance with Hueningkai. Hueningkai was panting. "Yeah. Are you sure this I your first time??!!" Hueningkai expected to beat the angel at it.
     "What is that??!! Dibs on next!!" Yeonjun grabbed a controller from the couch, seeing they were holding them. Soobin snorted back a laugh at hueningkais improv dancing.
    Taehyun joined during a group dance and Beomgyu recorded with kais phone. Hueningkai got tired and went to sit on the couch, laying across soobins lap. "Ahhh jeez even balancers beat me at this game..." Soobin smiled and brushed kais hair out of his face. "It's ok, i don't like moving so you'd beat me." Kai felt a bit better at that.
    "no we should do this one."
                      "No way! This one sounds cooler. And look at the moves."
    Taehyun stared blatently at yeonjun and Beomgyu, fighting over which song to challenge eachother to, seeing as they were the last ones standing. Taehyun grabbed the third controller and chose a completely different song then what they were fighting over.
    "TAEHYUN!" beomgyu and yeonjun looked back and yelled at him at the same time. "Whoops. My hand slipped it's starting. Dance guys." Taehyun felt savage and sat back while the two quickly began their match.
     "Hm. Kai do you have a scratch?" Soobin tried to pull Kai's shirt collar down a bit more to see but Kai stopped his hand with a firm grip. "Yes. Let it alone it hurts. " It was unsettling to soobin how serious Kai sounded.
     "Sorry...I hope it heals soon." Soobin took his hand away and let Kai rest on his lap. Kai saw how he made soobin feel bad and rubbed his stomach, causing soobin to squirm. " doesn't hurt that bad stop pouting.." Kai laughed and continued to assault soobins stomach.
     Taehyun was at the other end of the couch, sipping a tea bottle and nearly getting kicked by soobin and hueningkais rough housing. He stayed completely u bothered nonetheless, focusing on how beomgyu and yeonjun were dancing together.
      Taehyun put on a tango song..with a tango dance.
      Beomgyu regretted grabbing controller 2 when he saw what the next dance move was. He was the girl and a leg raised dip was the next move...
    "YAH YAH NO YOULL DROP ME JUST FAIL THE MOVE!" beomgyu tried to quit the song but yeonjun lifted his leg and dipped him. Beomgyu stared up in shock as he heard yeonjun's controller ping, signalling he made a perfect score.
    Beomgyu started laughing. Yeonjun's suave face suddenly became confused and he dropped beomgyu. "HOW DID YOU WIN??! I GOT THE FINISHING MOVE!" yeonjun examined the screen for a mistake.
    Beomgyu recovered from the thud and shook his controller in the air. "Yeonjun..when you dipped me my character got a point for the move too, which means... I got more points since i had one more before the dip." Beomgyu looked more like a devil with his competitive bragging.
    "Im glad to see you find our dancing entertaining .." yeonjun scowled at Hueningkai on his phone and Soobin, beaiding a piece of his hair.
     " guys were just dancing so was scary to watch." Soobin apologized.
     "WHEN DID YOU MAKE A SANDWICH??!" beomgyu pointed to Taehyun eating and watching the replay on the screen. "Whike you were dancing, and hes right. You guys were scary." He laughed and took a bite.
    "Alright, so...I have a project to distract you guys with while i finish my roof thing. Night is coming so we gotta hurry." Hueningkai sat up.

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